News UPDATE: UFC Unveiling Completely New Gloves At UFC 300 Confirmed By Chase Hooper

Wish it was gloves, but they must have manufactured a million of the current design ones they don't want to take the loss on inventory probably.
It would be nice if they let the fighters have more input on the design of their shorts , a little more personality, then everyone wouldn’t look like interchangeable job guys
Leaked pic of new gloves..

Why should Jones have another advantage? Everybody deserves these implements, imo. Deke that Condor wingspan, and skewer Jones. With a 1, 2 Weidman would be proud of.
Dana got mad and threw out the Peletons and got different ones, old news.
Dana (probably): "Wagwan fam big ting comin' fam we put chip in dem glove and mouthpiece so mandem can peep how hard they buckin' fam prolly Q4 2027 fam no cap in da mean tayum we got #PowerSlap scrap packs buy online fam hope UFC 300 mandem ballin up dem fist like dem Raptors fam LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🙏🚫✌️👀"
My internal monologue is an extremely Jamaican man, so this was effortless to read.
New UFC line of sports equipment to replace tap out and Xtreme couture at MMA gyms.