Despite UFC Success, Sean Strickland Reveals He’s Still 'Mentally Unwell'

Thanks for sharing this- my 2 cents on the subject:

I have been around people with serious mental health issues in my life. I have noticed they have something in common (referring to the people I have been around- keep this in mind)

They have some level of awareness they have some kind of "handicap". On occasions where they have done something wrong where someone who was somewhat normal would not have made that kind of mistake, they will dance around the subject, or fly off the handle, or start blaming other people, deflecting, etc. Often it's a combination of things, but ultimately it is both hard for them to admit guilt to others and acknowledge to themselves they should have acted differently. This is actually very painful for them. Which brings me to this post.

I won't make excuses for his behavior, but this fits right in with what I just described. The guy walks around with his deflector shields on and he goes and picks on others that seem weird to him so people won't pay attention to how weird he actually is.

It is sad, and you wish the best for these kinds of people, but ultimately having them in your life can be extremely exhausting. I have had to cut people out of my life because after years of friendship and tolerating their erratic behavior, at one point they crossed a line and there was no going back after that.

That might also be scars from the past and now they manifest themselves in adult form.
Also depends on their diagnosis etc sir.
If the guy was molested as a kid by a parent of course hes going to have some mental problems but this guy is a prick to other people for no reason and maybe he should wind his neck in and go get some therapy.
A lot of casuals do because The Rock has been adamant about it. Also some pro's like Jay Cutler claim its achievable naturally. Impossible
That's wild. I have never in my life thought that he was anywhere near natty.
That might also be scars from the past and now they manifest themselves in adult form.
Also depends on their diagnosis etc sir.

I'm just saying that we all need to be careful and set strong boundaries when we have these people in our lives. I do encourage people to do their best to help people with these issues, but not to their own detriment

I'm just saying that we all need to be careful and set strong boundaries when we have these people in our lives. I do encourage people to do their best to help people with these issues, but not to their own detriment

thx and strong agree on two points here.

the first: social media is ruinous to people's psychologies, especially those caught in the loop of reward and disappointment in terms of craving followers, likes, and otherwise recognition. I think that wreaks havoc on the wiring of the brain, as it were, and I believe there are studies on the deleterious effects of social media on developing brains.

So there's that aspect of it, about which I hasten to say that while I am some rando on the Internet I do not do social media whatsoever, because when I did, it was was driving me freaking crazy. And I've said it before but this forum is basically my main kind of online interaction lol. I like things to be light and conversational and I enjoy the community here.

And as for the second point, getting hit in the head, well we all know where that's headed, no pun intended, but to an atrophied brain and the other telltale signs of CTE.

Well this is why I like Sherdog and I hope it survives.

Long form interactions and conversations, are the only way to really even try to understand each other.
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A lot of casuals do because The Rock has been adamant about it. Also some pro's like Jay Cutler claim its achievable naturally. Impossible

Jay Cutler lives on cigarettes and married women. He doesn't know what the Rock is shooting between his toes.
Forgive me for not feeling sorry for him.

I have less sympathy for people who takes it out on others.
Let me place my ass in the Sherdog Psychology Armchair for a minute.

This seems like a clear cut case of Strickland not loving himself, and/or having low self-worth. Looks like he's got a void in him (probably stemming from his rough childhood) that he is seeking to fill with external sources. That will never work. Hence the ego in the gym and the urge to destroy/bring things down that don't align with his worldview.

Getting a therapist will help him but he will have to humble himself and accept that he is in need of professional help.
Yeah, i know it by myself. While I didn't have nowhere nearly as bad childhood, I had my self-esteem fucked up by my mother. Not intentionally, but very effectively and I could connect the dots as I grew up how certain parentss behaviours affect me. DeSean had several instances where he showed he doubted himself etc. press conference after Izzy "who the fu** let this fuc**** retard get a belt", he said in Joe Rogan that having łów self-esteem sucks. As someone who competed in bjj I understand that at press conference he said that he was happy for a moment, but then he was a bit over it. The void is terrible, while competition gives some purpose at the end of the day it often changes nothing, doesn't give happiness for long. As many friends moved out od town, low self-esteem makes difficult to get any relationship, bad job. At press conference he once said "This shit doesn't mąkę me happy (belt), at times I don't know what makes me happy". Here's the thing you guys, I don't know what is the key, but better paid job, sport acomplishments, anything when you level up you find out there's no happiness in it. Sean has a girlfriend, probably small circle od friends that understands him and he relishes this circle and being arround his fans.

Therapy is tricky. If you can't trust therapist it's pointless. I tried two and hello nah. A other idzie is that it's financially hard to afford therapy for many people on my country. In Sean's case that's not na issue. I hope he finds peace in life
No shit sherlock. It's almost like rich people with no money problems are never depressed.

They say the people who think money buys happiness have never actually had money.
What's the obsession with being happy?

I thought Strickland was a man's man?

One too many bouts of hard sparring. Or maybe he was always that way. Sadly he will be in for a rude awakening. If you aren't content just being alive and doing whatever, you aren't going to see be regardless of what you attain. In fact it seems like the more intense the highs are, the more devastating it will be when it's over.

I know the abuse and trauma doesn't help but I have a strong feeling most of it is genetic and although environment plays a role, everybody naturally copes differently regardless of circumstance.
I remember commenting on a post of Sean making fun of Rountree for crying when talking about mental health.
That guys like Rountree get over their mental problems, people like Sean eventually kill themselves.
People gave me shit for it but reading this I was spot on.

I had multiple suicides in my family I know that shit when I see it, good that he admits he needs help. It is painfully obvious to anyone who knows this stuff.
The Person who is in the biggest danger because of Sean is Sean.
Hope he gets some professional help, he had some fucked up things happen in his life.

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