Despite UFC Success, Sean Strickland Reveals He’s Still 'Mentally Unwell'

No shit sherlock. It's almost like rich people with no money problems are never depressed.

Depression isn't real.

Sean is simply coming to realize that the world and the problems in the world are much larger than him.

He's the kind of guy who sees the world failing in real time for regular people and it bothers him. He didn't think it would because he's wealthy now, but it kills him because at his core he is a regular man.
He really needs to try and get some anti depressant meds to see if it helps him or dosent cause this is starting to look scary from the outside.

This is the worst advice possible. Anti-depressants don't help the majority of people they are prescribed to. That's why most people who are put on them wind up having to go through several types of medications, several combinations of them at several dosages and can't wait to get off of them.

The doctors that prescribe them don't know how they work and experiment on their customers to find marginal results that can almost always be achieved or surpassed through diet, exercise, relationship building, habit building and behavioral therapy.
I don't know about that.

For the vast majority of people who claim to be depressed it is absolutely fake bullshit and a cop out. The majority of people do not have serious mental impairment that is due to major chemical imbalances or irregularities with the structure of their brains.

The majority of people would clear up their "symptoms" if they detached from the bullshit that is society and actually put their efforts into being better. Working out, making relationships, creating something.

But what people want is to feel better quickly so they cry to therapists which is in itself a selfish act, and run through psych meds that we barely understand.

What most people need is meaningful relationships, purpose, good diet and physical work. Psych meds, diet pills and therapists that lie to you doesn't help any of that. Most people arent depressed they are simply lacking purpose and direction. Theres a reason why people in tribes in the Amazon aren't "suffering from depression", because it's bullshit.
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Dude should get professional help with all his cash, manage his money so he doesn’t need to fight until he’s 45, and avoid taking more TBIs than he has to, especially when sparring.

Strickland seems like a good guy that says/does some dumb shit. But dude is 33 and needs to mature asap.
Let me place my ass in the Sherdog Psychology Armchair for a minute.

This seems like a clear cut case of Strickland not loving himself, and/or having low self-worth. Looks like he's got a void in him (probably stemming from his rough childhood) that he is seeking to fill with external sources. That will never work. Hence the ego in the gym and the urge to destroy/bring things down that don't align with his worldview.

Getting a therapist will help him but he will have to humble himself and accept that he is in need of professional help.
For the vast majority of people who claim to be depressed it is absolutely fake bullshit and a cop out. The majority of people do not have serious mental impairment that is due to major chemical imbalances or irregularities with the structure of their brains.

The majority of people would clear up their "symptoms" if they detached from the bullshit that is society and actually put their efforts into being better. Working out, making relationships, creating something.

But what people want is to feel better quickly so they cry to therapists which is in itself a selfish act, and run through psych meds that we barely understand.

What most people need is meaningful relationships, purpose, good diet and physical work. Psych meds, diet pills and therapists that lie to you doesn't help any of that. Most people arent depressed they are simply lacking purpose and direction. Theres a reason why people in tribes in the Amazon aren't "suffering from depression", because it's bullshit.
You are number one bullshit.
For the vast majority of people who claim to be depressed it is absolutely fake bullshit and a cop out. The majority of people do not have serious mental impairment that is due to major chemical imbalances or irregularities with the structure of their brains.

The majority of people would clear up their "symptoms" if they detached from the bullshit that is society and actually put their efforts into being better. Working out, making relationships, creating something.

But what people want is to feel better quickly so they cry to therapists which is in itself a selfish act, and run through psych meds that we barely understand.

What most people need is meaningful relationships, purpose, good diet and physical work. Psych meds, diet pills and therapists that lie to you doesn't help any of that. Most people arent depressed they are simply lacking purpose and direction. Theres a reason why people in tribes in the Amazon aren't "suffering from depression", because it's bullshit.
While I mostly agree with what you're saying, the things you're mentioning aren't mutually exclusive. You can definitely develop a legitimate clinically diagnosed depression from "simply" lacking purpose and direction if the suffering you're going through is severe enough.
You are number one bullshit.

I'm sorry you're a soft bitch that can't specifically refute anything I said. My wife is a therapist. I was there for all the schooling. I've done therapy in several different ways. I know people who were prescribed psych meds over and over and over in different dosages and combinations.

We barely understand mental health. Psych meds often do more harm than good and are prescribed with more guesswork than any other class of prescription drugs.

Most people can drastically improve their lives and mental health by taking care of their bodies and surrounding themselves with purpose and decent people who have goals. Pills and crying in a room for an hour a week to a stranger isn't the way.

Especially for men. Lift heavy shit repeatedly, eat quality food. Focus on family and goals. You'll feel better than 99% of the population. Happiness is a lie, purpose and creation is why we are here.

Enjoy having a vagina. Bitch.
I'm sorry you're a soft bitch that can't specifically refute anything I said. My wife is a therapist. I was there for all the schooling. I've done therapy in several different ways. I know people who were prescribed psych meds over and over and over in different dosages and combinations.

We barely understand mental health. Psych meds often do more harm than good and are prescribed with more guesswork than any other class of prescription drugs.

Most people can drastically improve their lives and mental health by taking care of their bodies and surrounding themselves with purpose and decent people who have goals. Pills and crying in a room for an hour a week to a stranger isn't the way.

Especially for men. Lift heavy shit repeatedly, eat quality food. Focus on family and goals. You'll feel better than 99% of the population. Happiness is a lie, purpose and creation is why we are here.

Enjoy having a vagina. Bitch.

I’m so glad I don’t know this person lmfao.
While I mostly agree with what you're saying, the things you're mentioning aren't mutually exclusive. You can definitely develop a legitimate clinically diagnosed depression from "simply" lacking purpose and direction if the suffering you're going through is severe enough.

It's not magic. The majority of people do not have physical deficiencies in their brain or serious chemical imbalances.

You don't get depressed from lacking purpose. You choose to not to find purpose or pursue anything so you wallow in how foul and unnatural and lacking substance our society currently is. You embody it and it bothers you, and because you have the "out" of calling yourself depressed you seek that out and take it. You aren't depressed, your body and mind are understanding that we live in shit times and if we don't have purpose and become "of the times" your overall health will reflect that.

Step outside of yourself and the prevailing culture of the US. Eat good food, work out, find something to focus on and to build towards and the odds of you being depressed are infinitesimally small.
I’m so glad I don’t know this person lmfao.

I'm sorry you're a sad depressed "man" who has no control over their life. You should probably put down tik tok and hit the weights.
For the vast majority of people who claim to be depressed it is absolutely fake bullshit and a cop out. The majority of people do not have serious mental impairment that is due to major chemical imbalances or irregularities with the structure of their brains.

The majority of people would clear up their "symptoms" if they detached from the bullshit that is society and actually put their efforts into being better. Working out, making relationships, creating something.

But what people want is to feel better quickly so they cry to therapists which is in itself a selfish act, and run through psych meds that we barely understand.

What most people need is meaningful relationships, purpose, good diet and physical work. Psych meds, diet pills and therapists that lie to you doesn't help any of that. Most people arent depressed they are simply lacking purpose and direction. Theres a reason why people in tribes in the Amazon aren't "suffering from depression", because it's bullshit.
I'm not talking about the majority of people, with that I agree with you but to say it isn't altogether real I think is false.
Wait until he discovers that constantly disliking and judging people he doesn't know is not conductive to feeling happy

Being happy isn't real either. And I don't dislike anyone I don't know, but we all judge everyone and everything we come across. Usually very quickly and subconsciously.
I'm not talking about the majority of people, with that I agree with you but to say it isn't altogether real I think is false.

I allow for people who have a physically damaged or malformed brain or serious chemical imbalances due to drug abuse, severe physical health issues, things like that. It's entirely possible that they would be depressed or depressive, need psych meds, etc.
I'm sorry you're a soft bitch that can't specifically refute anything I said. My wife is a therapist. I was there for all the schooling. I've done therapy in several different ways. I know people who were prescribed psych meds over and over and over in different dosages and combinations.

We barely understand mental health. Psych meds often do more harm than good and are prescribed with more guesswork than any other class of prescription drugs.

Most people can drastically improve their lives and mental health by taking care of their bodies and surrounding themselves with purpose and decent people who have goals. Pills and crying in a room for an hour a week to a stranger isn't the way.

Especially for men. Lift heavy shit repeatedly, eat quality food. Focus on family and goals. You'll feel better than 99% of the population. Happiness is a lie, purpose and creation is why we are here.

Enjoy having a vagina. Bitch.
Your wife may be a therapist but I am the Shertherapist and Shermonk. I agree with you that drugs are bad mmmkay and carpe diem baby.

Some people have regrets and experiences that haunt them. I have a few. Maybe your wife can give me some therapy? Can you pm me her number?
I allow for people who have a physically damaged or malformed brain or serious chemical imbalances due to drug abuse, severe physical health issues, things like that. It's entirely possible that they would be depressed or depressive, need psych meds, etc.
Except that you explicitly stated that depression isn't real.

Now you are directly contradicting yourself.