Despite UFC Success, Sean Strickland Reveals He’s Still 'Mentally Unwell'

Wait until he discovers that constantly disliking and judging people he doesn't know is not conductive to feeling happy
Yeah it's weird that he is constantly putting negativity and hatred out into the world and then he wonders why he isn't happy.
Except that you explicitly stated that depression isn't real.

Now you are directly contradicting yourself.

I knew that would illicit responses from some amount of soft ass posters. I immediately qualified it to allow for these exceptions. For the vast, overwhelming majority of people who claim it, it's not real.

I'm sad, I can't get up and take a shower, I feel bad, I've tried absolutely nothing and it hasn't worked, I need pills and to talk to a stranger for $300/hr once a week for an hour, and if they challenge me I'll quit them and go to a different stranger that will confirm my biases. No. That's not real. That's self indulgent bullshit.
Yeah it's weird that he is constantly putting negativity and hatred out into the world and then he wonders why he isn't happy.

It's amazing how you comment on my life yet don't know me at all.

Just because I'm not "happy" doesn't mean I am mad or sad. I prefer calm and competency over the fluffy bullshit that is happiness. Happiness isn't a state it is a moment. And as a man you should want to create happiness for the people around you. Trying to live in it is a falsehood. Seeking it for yourself is a waste.

And nothing I've posted is negative. In fact it's the opposite. Knowing you have the ability to improve your own life and mental state through your own efforts is positive and empowering and something that everyone should know, and be unafraid of.
It's not magic. The majority of people do not have physical deficiencies in their brain or serious chemical imbalances.

You don't get depressed from lacking purpose. You choose to not to find purpose or pursue anything so you wallow in how foul and unnatural and lacking substance our society currently is. You embody it and it bothers you, and because you have the "out" of calling yourself depressed you seek that out and take it. You aren't depressed, your body and mind are understanding that we live in shit times and if we don't have purpose and become "of the times" your overall health will reflect that.

Step outside of yourself and the prevailing culture of the US. Eat good food, work out, find something to focus on and to build towards and the odds of you being depressed are infinitesimally small.

wouldn't you say that Strickland has purpose? I mean, he's going to the gym every day, he's focused on certain goals like getting back the belt, and he's also doing your prescribed routines of strenuous exercise yet all this does absolutely nothing for his situation, from what we can see. I do understand components of what you are saying in so far as cognitive behavioral therapy includes some of the things you're recommending (and there's also a larger salutary point about the general sickness of modern life) but mental health is indeed a real thing, as is mental illness. Something's definitely going on with Sean, and in some ways he is a textbook case but opinions and results will vary.
It's not magic. The majority of people do not have physical deficiencies in their brain or serious chemical imbalances.

You don't get depressed from lacking purpose. You choose to not to find purpose or pursue anything so you wallow in how foul and unnatural and lacking substance our society currently is. You embody it and it bothers you, and because you have the "out" of calling yourself depressed you seek that out and take it. You aren't depressed, your body and mind are understanding that we live in shit times and if we don't have purpose and become "of the times" your overall health will reflect that.

Step outside of yourself and the prevailing culture of the US. Eat good food, work out, find something to focus on and to build towards and the odds of you being depressed are infinitesimally small.
again, I agree on everything except for your point "you don't get depressed from lacking purpose". If you lack purpose and direction and suffer from (its) overall misery for long enough, your state of being can definitely develop to what can be diagnosed as clinical depression, with a doctor being able to show you an MRI of a clinically depressed brain.
It's amazing how you comment on my life yet don't know me at all.

Just because I'm not "happy" doesn't mean I am mad or sad. I prefer calm and competency over the fluffy bullshit that is happiness. Happiness isn't a state it is a moment. And as a man you should want to create happiness for the people around you. Trying to live in it is a falsehood. Seeking it for yourself is a waste.

And nothing I've posted is negative. In fact it's the opposite. Knowing you have the ability to improve your own life and mental state through your own efforts is positive and empowering and something that everyone should know, and be unafraid of.
I was commenting on Strickland's life.
It's amazing how you comment on my life yet don't know me at all.

Just because I'm not "happy" doesn't mean I am mad or sad. I prefer calm and competency over the fluffy bullshit that is happiness. Happiness isn't a state it is a moment. And as a man you should want to create happiness for the people around you. Trying to live in it is a falsehood. Seeking it for yourself is a waste.

And nothing I've posted is negative. In fact it's the opposite. Knowing you have the ability to improve your own life and mental state through your own efforts is positive and empowering and something that everyone should know, and be unafraid of.
Wtf it's not even about you man.

Calm down pls
It's amazing how you comment on my life yet don't know me at all.

Just because I'm not "happy" doesn't mean I am mad or sad. I prefer calm and competency over the fluffy bullshit that is happiness. Happiness isn't a state it is a moment. And as a man you should want to create happiness for the people around you. Trying to live in it is a falsehood. Seeking it for yourself is a waste.

And nothing I've posted is negative. In fact it's the opposite. Knowing you have the ability to improve your own life and mental state through your own efforts is positive and empowering and something that everyone should know, and be unafraid of.
I don't disagree with most of what you say. Depression is very much related to modern society and many people could treat their depression holistically.

But saying that depression is not real is incorrect, full stop.
wouldn't you say that Strickland has purpose? I mean, he's going to the gym every day, he's focused on certain goals like getting back the belt, and he's also doing your prescribed routines of strenuous exercise yet all this does absolutely nothing for his situation, from what we can see. I do understand components of what you are saying in so far as cognitive behavioral therapy includes some of the things you're recommending (and there's also a larger salutary point about the general sickness of modern life) but mental health is indeed a real thing, as is mental illness. Something's definitely going on with Sean, and in some ways he is a textbook case but opinions and results will vary.

Good post, and thank you for offering a conversation point versus an attack.

Obviously from the outside looking in, he doesn't seem depressive. He seems like he has what he wants. But he is obviously stating that the material success isn't fulfilling to him. He grew up trash poor, so he doesn't need "things" and he seems his happiest when he is training with his brothers, building them up and building himself up through physical tests.

But we can see that as he's become more popular he is spending more time online, engaging in the bs culture of today, talking to influencers and doing other shit that doesn't really seem to fit him.

Some people are meant for more, and some aren't. He seems like the kind of guy who won't finish his story at UFC champ and online loudmouth and maybe his current dissatisfaction is reflecting a subconscious awareness of that. But it remains to be seen.

Also, and seriously, he gets punched in the head a lot and has voiced concern about the toll the beatings will take on him, which could be a factor.
I don't disagree with most of what you say. Depression is very much related to modern society and many people could treat their depression holistically.

But saying that depression is not real is incorrect, full stop.

For the vast majority of people, ESPECIALLY MEN, it's not real.

It's a cop out.
I don't disagree with most of what you say. Depression is very much related to modern society and many people could treat their depression holistically.

But saying that depression is not real is incorrect, full stop.

Dwayne Johnson is an actor who abused steroids his entire life and has consistently been rumored to be in the closet by people who worked closely with him.

He egregiously sold out his personal beliefs to continue his rise in front of the entire world. He is as material as they come, which is why it makes sense that he would try to "sell" depression.

And that's a shoot.
For the vast majority of people, ESPECIALLY MEN, it's not real.

It's a cop out.
If they are experiencing it, it is real to them. For people who are depressed, it is very, very real. Oh, it's all in their head? Yeah, no shit, that's what mental illness means.

What you are talking about is the cause, not the effect, and that rhetoric is dangerous.
For the vast majority of people, ESPECIALLY MEN, it's not real.

It's a cop out.
Andrew Tate is that you?

Most people deal with depression in positive ways, but you will find depression as a major precedent to people transitioning to drug addiction.

Being depressed when a close family member dies is a natural thing everyone experiences.
We need someone to Shoop Sean on Doc Holiday and DDP on Johnny Ringo :)


Dwayne Johnson is an actor who abused steroids his entire life and has consistently been rumored to be in the closet by people who worked closely with him.

He egregiously sold out his personal beliefs to continue his rise in front of the entire world. He is as material as they come, which is why it makes sense that he would try to "sell" depression.

And that's a shoot.

Can't believe people still think he's a natty. He's a heavy roid user for years but its still hard to look that good for that long roids or no roids
Can't believe people still think he's a natty. He's a heavy roid user for years but its still hard to look that good for that long roids or no roids
Does anyone actually think he's natty though?
If they are experiencing it, it is real to them. For people who are depressed, it is very, very real. Oh, it's all in their head? Yeah, no shit, that's what mental illness means.

What you are talking about is the cause, not the effect, and that rhetoric is dangerous.

It's not dangerous. People being made into test monkeys for psych meds is dangerous. People being told to forego actual self care is dangerous.

Andrew Tate is that you?

Most people deal with depression in positive ways, but you will find depression as a major precedent to people transitioning to drug addiction.

Being depressed when a close family member dies is a natural thing everyone experiences.

I don't know his thoughts on Sean Strickland, but the fact that you do tells me you are probably a woman.
Good post, and thank you for offering a conversation point versus an attack.

Obviously from the outside looking in, he doesn't seem depressive. He seems like he has what he wants. But he is obviously stating that the material success isn't fulfilling to him. He grew up trash poor, so he doesn't need "things" and he seems his happiest when he is training with his brothers, building them up and building himself up through physical tests.

But we can see that as he's become more popular he is spending more time online, engaging in the bs culture of today, talking to influencers and doing other shit that doesn't really seem to fit him.

Some people are meant for more, and some aren't. He seems like the kind of guy who won't finish his story at UFC champ and online loudmouth and maybe his current dissatisfaction is reflecting a subconscious awareness of that. But it remains to be seen.

Also, and seriously, he gets punched in the head a lot and has voiced concern about the toll the beatings will take on him, which could be a factor.

thx and strong agree on two points here.

the first: social media is ruinous to people's psychologies, especially those caught in the loop of reward and disappointment in terms of craving followers, likes, and otherwise recognition. I think that wreaks havoc on the wiring of the brain, as it were, and I believe there are studies on the deleterious effects of social media on developing brains.

So there's that aspect of it, about which I hasten to say that while I am some rando on the Internet I do not do social media whatsoever, because when I did, it was was driving me freaking crazy. And I've said it before but this forum is basically my main kind of online interaction lol. I like things to be light and conversational and I enjoy the community here.

And as for the second point, getting hit in the head, well we all know where that's headed, no pun intended, but to an atrophied brain and the other telltale signs of CTE.