International What's going on in the UK --- Rwanda Bill

What if they openly don't consider themselves Irish? I mean that happens a lot. I work with two women born here, of Somali heritage, who consider themselves Somali first and foremost.

That's their prerogative. They can identifiy however they like imo
You've missed(or chosen to ignore, for the purpose of strawman-ing) the part of my post which says:

"The EU needs to support countries like Italy and Greece to allow them process asylum seekers in days rather than months, to prevent places like Lampedusa becoming holding camps. The legit cases get moved on to host countries, and the spurious cases get shipped back"

Sure, why not 11x. Id like to see countries take in a number of asylum seekers that physical space and they economy allows them to support, not a limit based on xenophobic pearl clutching, and slippery slope arguments.

Why would they A) All seek asylum, and B) All travel to Ireland?

How does properly processing cases and offering asylum to those is genuine need create a humanitarian disaster?

Are they being shipped back though?? It has been reported that many of these people destroy their passports, so they don’t even know where to send them back.

I think that these “refugees” are not legitimate refugees as they are traveling through many peaceful countries before landing in the UK or Ireland.

They are not refugees that want a temporary place to stay, they are mostly trying to permanently migrate to the UK and Ireland. You don’t see this, though.

You also ignored one of my questions. Do you believe that Irish people should have more of a right to live and work in Ireland than non-Irish people?

In the future, 10s of millions of Africans and poor people from around the world will want to migrate to Ireland for a better quality of life. They already do.

They will change Ireland as we know it.
Are they being shipped back though?? It has been reported that many of these people destroy their passports, so they don’t even know where to send them back.

I think that these “refugees” are not legitimate refugees as they are traveling through many peaceful countries before landing in the UK or Ireland.

They are not refugees that want a temporary place to stay, they are mostly trying to permanently migrate to the UK and Ireland. You don’t see this, though.

You also ignored one of my questions. Do you believe that Irish people should have more of a right to live and work in Ireland than non-Irish people?

In the future, 10s of millions of Africans and poor people from around the world will want to migrate to Ireland for a better quality of life. They already do.

They will change Ireland as we know it.

These people are demoralised. Once you understand that, you can begin to see their POV. They are so browbeaten that they believe society and everything around them is shit and needs to burn to the ground, so they welcome this type of stuff as a way to fast-forward the destruction. Almost like subconscious euthanasia.
Most people say all the politicians are the same, but they are complicit in politicians offering real change being ostracized. They were the types repeating the lies about Corbyn for example.

The real institution of this country is the upper class choke hold over the political discourse.

All of that though was incidental.

When one observes effects of Brexit the thought emerges "did no one consider this particular effect and plan for it's eventuality?".

The simplest explanation is that these things were not considered because they were not important.

What was considered was how to make a great deal of money off of the British public. It was like a fire sell. The pound lost about 1/4 of its value in the last 5 years relative to other currencies and that money went to the friends and family of the conservatives.

Nigel Farage, one of the architects of Brexit, certainly of the initial public campaign for it is an ex investment banker. He was their man.

The British, as the Americans say, really were turkeys voting for Christmas. You get the politicians you deserve too. It is a deeply rotten society.
example about Brexit in U.K.
My friend is naturalized U.K citizen...
He is software developer working for equipment manufacturing company. Firmware development.
Brexit had changed in his job almost nothing regards to ppl hired to work in U.K office. All these hired anyway are eligible for visa because they are considered as essential workers, does have experience and education + references and their salary is considerably higher than min limit for visa....

+ some % of tasks more and more are outsourced and there immigration prevention can do absolutely nothing.
Cos they doesn't need to deliver this workforce in U.K....
Fruit pickers were allowed to travel when we in U.K and EU had to sit in lockdowns....
While they now more aren't spending money in U.K or EU.
They are declared as essential short term workers and usually are delivered and removed in batches scheduled by job agencies.
Therefore they are attempting to spend lesser and accumulate money they will take home after gig....

It is even worse than if these were immigrants who does want to settle on permanent basis because such kind of immigrants needs permanent address, credit history and history that they had smoothly paid bills etc ....

The same about for example " poor welders ".
Some average Joe from EU still needed to have papers, the same credit history and bills payment history and also to pay tax ( easy to check ) and to have long term permanent address... Etc stuff.
So the same U.K economy had get money from these and tax man too.

Now it is mainly ....contract with some company, they will send team with specialists to do short term task, to work 2 weeks - 3 months in U.K and after this to be used in other country and OFC will spend in the same U.K lesser and take home more money....
Late to the party on this thread, so I am.

* I despise the tories.

* I'm neither labour, nor conservative. They are two different ass cheeks of the same ass. (Lib dems are the hole in the middle).

* Illegal immigrants require deportation. I'm not sure it should be Rwanda of all places, but I'm all for a deterrent for illegal approaches.
* I don't think legal immigrants are the cause of a fraction of social issues as is upheld in opinion by many right wingers.
* I DO think that illegal immigrants are a massive cause of social issues. I think that because I've lived with, helped, bent over backwards and seen first hand both legal and illegal immigration since living in Kent 20 years ago with:
Chechens. Lithuanians. Latvians. Russians. Polish. Iranians. Sierra Leoneans. And a few others. I've known the communities of Afghans and Kurdish. I've known their bad apples and they quickly cause rot in the barrel.
It needs to be dealth with quickly and severely.

I don't know the ins and outs of Rishi's flight plan but I absolutely agree that planes out to somewhere far away (if safe) is legitimate and has its purpose.

That said, if it's a shithole and somehow exploits the immigrants, I don't wish that on them whether illegal or not.

Refused asylum seekers also at risk of being sent to Rwanda, says Home Office​

UK and Rwanda agree deal to extend cohort of those eligible to be forcibly removed to east African country


Tens of thousands of people who have been refused asylum in the UK have been added to the group of people at risk of being forcibly removed to Rwanda, the Home Office has announced.

The UK and Rwandan governments have agreed a deal to extend the cohort of those eligible to be forcibly removed to the east African country to refused asylum seekers. Lawyers have condemned the development and said it would drive asylum seekers underground.

The Home Office has confirmed that some refused asylum seekers have already been rounded up by immigration enforcement officers and detained in preparation for removal to Rwanda in the next “seven to nine weeks” as part of Operation Vector. They will not have their asylum claims processed in Rwanda but will be granted residency and receive the same five-year support package as those whose asylum claims will be processed in Rwanda.

According to government data, in 2023 there were 24,310 refusals of asylum claims and 24,027 withdrawals. Both groups are now at risk of being forcibly relocated to Rwanda. It is unclear in the latest guidance what period of refused asylum claims the government is looking at for forcible removal to Rwanda.

Some claims go back to a period before small boat arrivals began. While some of this group have been returned to their home countries many others cannot be sent back for a variety of reasons including because their country is a dangerous conflict zone. Refused asylum seekers from countries such as Syria and Afghanistan are in scope for the latest forced removals.

Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, has said repeatedly that the aim of the Rwanda policy is to deter small boat arrivals. The belated inclusion of refused asylum seekers, some of whom have put down roots in the UK and many of whom did not arrive in small boats, is a significant departure from the previously published policy.

Earlier this month, the Home Office said the first cohort of asylum seekers destined for Rwanda would be those who arrived in the UK between January 2022 and June 2023 whose claims had not been processed and who would instead have their claims dealt with in Rwanda. Wednesday’s announcement extends the list of those at risk of deportation.

According to Home Office guidance issued this week along with letters from UK and Rwandan diplomats, asylum seekers who have had their asylum claims considered and rejected in the UK can now be sent to Rwanda alongside those whose asylum claims are not being considered in the UK at all.

Zoe Bantleman, the legal director of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association, said: “This newly penned agreement will mean that every individual in the UK whose protection claim has been refused may be considered for removal to Rwanda. This performative action to see flights off the ground will cause unnecessary panic and fear. It will drive people underground.”

Charlotte Khan, the head of advocacy and public affairs at the charity Care4Calais, said: “The idea that Rwanda was ever going to be a deterrent was always for the birds, but surely even this incompetent government can’t spin the notion that sending someone whose asylum claim has been rejected to Rwanda will deter a single person from crossing the Channel?”

The UK home secretary, James Cleverly, said: “Those who have no right to remain in the UK should not be allowed to stay. We continue to swiftly detain those in line for removal to ensure we have a steady drumbeat of flights to Rwanda. Failed asylum seekers who do not leave the UK voluntarily will be in line for detention and enforced removal to a safe third country under the new agreement.”

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