International What's going on in the UK --- Rwanda Bill

The problem in the UK is the same as the problem in Canada. The 'conservatives' are just slighly less insane liberals.

There's no actual conservative party.

We have UKIP who are pretty right wing but nobody votes for them because they're shit.
Tories don't sound too right wing if they're like that tbh. More like establishment democrats by US standards. Their behavior with speech (Online Saftey Bill) sounds exactly how Labor would behave too plus their reaction to milquetoast tweets.

They are ALL life feeding from the same trough. Occasionally we get a change of ruling party to show that's not a one-party state, but nothing whatsoever changes because guess what? The rich look after the rich. And the rich are the rich no matter what colour badge they wear
Because slowing migration down at a time when you are below replacement rate is a bad idea for a country, especially one with a safety net like the UK that needs people to pay into.
“Jarvis, pull up crime and welfare recipient rates among immigrants.”
We have UKIP who are pretty right wing but nobody votes for them because they're shit.

Exactly because being Conservative doesn't necessarily mean you're a racist lunatic bigot hence they get fuck all traction from actual Conservatives.

Wanting to "conserve" certain aspects of society you deem good and worthy of keeping is far more fucking admiral than these "burn it all down" coddled wannabe Anarchist lefties who have zero life or world experience.
Exactly because being Conservative doesn't necessarily mean you're a racist lunatic bigot hence they get fuck all traction from actual Conservatives.

Wanting to "conserve" certain aspects of society you deem good and worthy of keeping is far more fucking admiral than these "burn it all down" coddled wannabe Anarchist lefties who have zero life or world experience.

Tbf in retrospect Corbyn was my boy. That guy was willing to rip some shit up
It's even worse than that. The perceived incompetence is actually malice. Take this migrant crisis for instance. Companies like Serco (of which Labour & Tory both have hefty shares in) are making a killing in housing and processing them. Behind every failure, somebody is making obscene amounts of money.

I don't think they're pretending to be incompetent. This is the 5th team that's been picked from their sorry bunch. They've always been shifty bastards embezzling whatever they can, but at their core they "used" to be the party that was somewhat better at balancing the books. They "used" to have some sort of respect for institutions and traditional values. These are the things that have competely gone over the course of the last 4 prime ministers.
Tbf in retrospect Corbyn was my boy. That guy was willing to rip some shit up

I voted for him. In hindsight very glad he didn't win. We'd have had a mini Mao on our hands. Most people don't want radical revolution just fairness. Better stuff. Not burn it all down and listen to your overlords type stuff and he'd have been like that IMO
Be thankful you don't live in Wales, like me - our fucking 'leader' locked us down for even longer than England. The relish he had for finally being given decision making powers was sickening.

Anglesey and Cowry were beautiful when I visited them a month back.
I have a fan, how flattering.

The post you've quoted says that I think Ireland and other EU members could and should, take more refugees to ease the strain on places Italy and Greece.

What point are you trying to make?

More refugees? How many more is enough for you? There are almost 50 million babies born in Africa every year, multiple times that of the entire population of Ireland (about 5 million) … every single YEAR.

It is certainly plausible that in the coming years or decades, you could have a situation like that Italian island, whereby there are more “refugees” than indeed the people of that country.

I asked you whether or not you would want this for Ireland (your country) and you said “no-one in their right mind would want that”, suggesting that you believe that there should be a limit on the number of “refugees” entering Ireland … right?

… suggesting that there would come a point, where you would refuse entry to “refugees” presumably for the reason that it would have a detrimental effect on your own country, be it economically or socioculturally … right?
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There are almost 50 million babies born in Africa every year, multiple times that of the entire population of Ireland (about 5 million) … every single YEAR.

can you provide stats for this please?
Nothing is going on in the UK. I mentioned in another recent thread about them. I don’t even follow their politics anymore…you often hear the refrain that “all the parties are terrible”…well, in the UK. All the parties are terrible. Nobody to root for.

Their cultural rot and surrender to political correctness hopeless. They need a hard right wing over there desperately but they aren’t even close despite my observation that a lot of right wing folks reside there. All of these censorship laws you’re hearing about from the Russell Band “row” to make Trudeau blush are all from their supposed “centre right” party.

pour a lager out for our mates across the pond. I have more hope for Canada than UK. It’s a shame after Brexit.
Tbf in retrospect Corbyn was my boy. That guy was willing to rip some shit up

The fact he was seen as promising to much showed how cynical and weary the electorate is when it comes to what any government can actually acheive , relatively modest goals like renationalising certain key industries and subsidized internet access were seen as something akin to promising every family a hovercar .
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Nothing is going on in the UK. I mentioned in another recent thread about them. I don’t even follow their politics anymore…you often hear the refrain that “all the parties are terrible”…well, in the UK. All the parties are terrible. Nobody to root for.

Their cultural rot and surrender to political correctness hopeless. They need a hard right wing over there desperately but they aren’t even close despite my observation that a lot of right wing folks reside there. All of these censorship laws you’re hearing about from the Russell Band “row” to make Trudeau blush are all from their supposed “centre right” party.

pour a lager out for our mates across the pond. I have more hope for Canada than UK. It’s a shame after Brexit.

Brexit is half the reason we're in this situation in the first place. Fuck Brexit
Tories are the basic sound board to bring in communist ideologies via the labour party.
They work together.
I'm visiting London for the first time and have some very mixed opinions. Some parts are great and the there's the area I'm staying that has strong 3rd world vibes, just filth and rubbish everywhere.
I'm visiting London for the first time and have some very mixed opinions. Some parts are great and the there's the area I'm staying that has strong 3rd world vibes, just filth and rubbish everywhere.
Which areas?
It's worse than that... their full name is the Conservative and Unionist party, yet since Nigel Farage rattled them in the 2015 election, they've been doing their best to fuck every union the country is a part of.

It's not necessarily a bad thing when two parties converge in the middle - it shows they're still trying to appeal to the centre ground of the electorate. It's a better like that than having two polar opposite groups of wackjobs to pick from.

The issue isn't that the tories have become too liberal, the problem is that they're useless on every measureable metric you can think of. The economy, social issues, healthcare, policing, migration, trade... they're shit at all of it.

They're shit at all of it because they're too liberal. Government's job in all of those areas you listed is to get out of the way.

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