mark my words: Belal will never get a title shot

I guess it's like how Russian fighters haven't gotten any chances since the Ukraine thing's been going on
Can definitely see how this could be politically based.

Wonder if we'll hear from Belal about whether he was offered the chance to fight Edwards at 300 or not.

Since Edwards isn't fighting at 300, there's still a chance his next fight could be Muhammad. Maybe.
Doesn't matter if he wins 10 more in a row. TKO PR account reasoning aside, it has nothing to do with how many decisions he has (in case you think that's true... last title shot was Colby lol).

The chance of Belal getting a shot at a belt in 2024 is the same as an Iraqi person fighting for a belt in the UFC in 2005. Same as a Jewish person competing in Germany in 1943 where they'd have a chance to grab the mic and give a national speech if they won. 0% chance. There is absolutely no way a situation would ever be allowed where he might win and give a post-fight speech while wearing a UFC belt representing the company. Can you imagine the organization dealing with youtube videos with titles like "newly crowned UFC champ pleads with world to pay attention to ethnic cleansing in Middle East"? Me neither.

Attack the messenger if you want. Attack the premise if you want. But what you absolutely, positively, cannot do is ever prove me wrong by bumping this thread once he's in the cage fighting for a title while the war is still going on.

Mark it / the sooner we grow up and understand how the world works the less time we'll waste fooling ourselves into thinking he could have fought at 300 or "if only he wins X more fights then surely he'll get a title shot" etc etc. Not happening.
I agree he should have kept his mouth shut. The war in Gaza is insanely confusing but when one side massacres civilians in broad daylight it's not a good PR move for your cause.
Attack me personally if you want, sure.

Please try and bump this based on whatever happens though. If he never gets a title shot, will you reply? I would happily account bet if it meant anything (not that it does but you get my point)... since him getting a title shot has a 0% chance of happening as long as the war is active.

Had to block Mohawk Bandito too. That guy is a tireless troll of the worst kind. Wonder why he's been allowed to troll so much.
I dont think it has much to do with Belal background. They offer shots to guys who have way more extrem views than Belal and who are friends with high ranking pos.
That being said, at this point, its strange that they did not give him the title shot he deserves.
Belal siding with Palestine is pretty extreme, man. The massacre of Jews is still looked down upon in some crowds.
Can definitely see how this could be politically based.

Wonder if we'll hear from Belal about whether he was offered the chance to fight Edwards at 300 or not.

Since Edwards isn't fighting at 300, there's still a chance his next fight could be Muhammad. Maybe.
Even then, there is a difference between being "offered" a title shot and actually getting a title shot. Remember Khabib was "offered" a title shot vs Alvarez prior to 205...

I wouldn't put it past the UFC to "offer" a title shot to Belal for solely PR purposes then pull the rug out from under him so that he doesn't actually get it. There is a reason why I say repeatedly in this thread "once he is inside the cage" as I know that won't happen with a title on the line.
Belal siding with Palestine is pretty extreme, man. The massacre of Jews is still looked down upon in some crowds.
To break the cycle of violence you'd have to stop those that actually finance Hamas IMO. What do you think should be done to them?
When was the UFC's bar mitzvah and why wasn't I invited?
Ok, I get it, you're trolling. Now that my thread has inexplicably been moved to "lightweights" for discussing why the #1 contender has been kept in limbo for several months (gee that isn't MMA related at all now is it) I can respond to your shit-stirring with a political response:

For non-Americans that actually may not know anything about American society: Israel and America have been tight allies in politics for many decades. Ukraine has not mattered to any American with power more than one decade ago / has zero cultural connection to America. UFC is an American company, with its owner being this guy ( whose father was in a paramilitary group called the Irgun, repeatedly described as a terrorist organization by both the Jewish and British governments at the time. So yeah, just a teeny tiny bit of intersection there.
Too bad this thread was moved. Geez. You’ve got Strickland saying all kinds of stuff. And you can’t even start a honest discussion on this site sometimes.
To break the cycle of violence you'd have to stop those that actually finance Hamas IMO. What do you think should be done to them?
I think the reason there is so much war over there is because people take religion so damn serious, still.
At this stage, I think Belal's best strategy for actually getting the title shot may be to absolutely sit out and take no other offer.

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