Green Bay Packers 2024: The Power of Love


Uns Marco!!! <3
Oct 29, 2005
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So, IIRC they made the first offseason moves this day last year, from here on out every decision is focused on next season, we have the new DC and are ready to discuss free agency and draft. Perfect time to do the 2024 thread! @PUO3 @UVee old one can be locked then.

As everyone knows, Jeff Hafley is the new DC and this time there were some interesting changes when it comes to position coaches as well (as posted in the old thread). We should expect a change to 4-3, a little more aggressive approach, less super soft zone. Whether it works it remains to be seen. I'm excited for the substantial change, I also think the super soft zone Fancio system has run it's course slowly but surely. That's why I like LaFleur being on top of that development. Generally in end of game situations I'd rather be aggressive, maybe even give up a quicker TD, but be able to answer with some time left, rather than bleeding the clock to almost zero and still giving up the game deciding FG/TD.

Most of in house free agents aren't worth much, so I'd expect most to walk. Maybe they bring back Savage a couple of cheap others. I also expect Bakh to be straight up cut, sadly, Campbell will likely be cut, too (June 1st or before, who knows). Love can only sign a new deal in May, not talking about that, we can do it when the time comes. To be clear from the beginning, the Packers *could* free up like 50 million for FA this year, but that would fuck up the next few years, so expect maybe 15 million to 20 million cap space to work with on in house and external FAs. I'd use the same approach, because you don't want to ruin the great looking 2025 cap space too much.

Another reason, there aren't that many holes to fill and they have five draft picks in the Top 100, mayyyybe a 4th rounder comp pick, but that might turn into a 5th due to Lazard sucking so bad this season. Jumping to the needs:

- Safety
- O-Line depth in general
- CB due to Stokes and Jaires injury problems
- LB
- RB

There are a lot of RBs and Safety free agents to sign, also some possible LBs, while the draft isn't as strong at RB and Safety. I assume that they will attack the Safety position aggressively come March, with a surprise RB signing being possible. Otherwise it might be a lot of interest in players who got cut, before FA and post June 1 as well. That's what their free agency will likely mostly look, but this March they are at least able to sign like two sought after guys on day one to day three.

Happy offseason you guys @JackWhite @ralphc1 @volodya @Partlow @INeedARemedy @BAM and all the others who I forgot

First year in a long ass time that I'm wanting mostly picks on the defensive side of the ball. I'd love for Gute to go out and sign Saquon in FA, but if not, they gotta get a RB in this years draft. Dillon will hopefully be gone and Jones is getting a little long in the tooth.


Give the new DC some fresh new toys for his first year. I feel if Gute can nail 2 out of those 3 then the switch to a 4 - 3 scheme will be ahead of schedule.
Packers will be the new Dolphins. Playoff team track team but no real shot at Superbowl
Packers will be the new Dolphins. Playoff team track team but no real shot at Superbowl

I don't know about that. The team from this past season could have easily made the Super Bowl. If Love takes a significant step forward and if somehow Green Bay finally lands a top 5ish defense, they very well could be in the big game next year. Hell, even if they don't improve and stay exactly the same, they could still make a deep playoff run. Especially with how weak the NFC is.
I don't know about that. The team from this past season could have easily made the Super Bowl. If Love takes a significant step forward and if somehow Green Bay finally lands a top 5ish defense, they very well could be in the big game next year. Hell, even if they don't improve and stay exactly the same, they could still make a deep playoff run. Especially with how weak the NFC is.
It's too early to make these kind of statements (like Jon Stark made). Just too many question marks right now: How good can Love become? How will FA look in the next two years? How will this draft shake out? How good can the WRs and TEs become? How will the new defense look?

Maybe the first kind of "news" for this offseason:

Jeff Hafley PC, lotta people hyped after it hehe:

Salary cap was expected to be around 243m, now it's over 255m. which is good for the Packers for sure.

It's especially good for 2025, because now they don't have to push as much money into that year, makes it easier to get out of deals etc.

Lastly, the Packers should be on their way to have this great situation in 2025 and beyond hopefully, no need to push out cap hits, not much dead money. This will be super important for the Love window:

I see Sherry Starr has died. She was such a classy lady.

I like it, if he gets the 10 sacks then great for him and the team. If not, he just agreed to lose out on some money to stay on the team for another year. Both restructures so far didn't have void years, which is good. Gotta get away from that shit.
Agent 69 has been officially released. Dude had at least 4 more years of all-pro play in him before he fucked his knee up on new years day back in 2021. It sucks, but this was definitely the best path for the team.
I knew it. Aaron Jones just got his walking papers.

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