Despite UFC Success, Sean Strickland Reveals He’s Still 'Mentally Unwell'

Yeah, i know it by myself. While I didn't have nowhere nearly as bad childhood, I had my self-esteem fucked up by my mother. Not intentionally, but very effectively and I could connect the dots as I grew up how certain parentss behaviours affect me. DeSean had several instances where he showed he doubted himself etc. press conference after Izzy "who the fu** let this fuc**** retard get a belt", he said in Joe Rogan that having łów self-esteem sucks. As someone who competed in bjj I understand that at press conference he said that he was happy for a moment, but then he was a bit over it. The void is terrible, while competition gives some purpose at the end of the day it often changes nothing, doesn't give happiness for long. As many friends moved out od town, low self-esteem makes difficult to get any relationship, bad job. At press conference he once said "This shit doesn't mąkę me happy (belt), at times I don't know what makes me happy". Here's the thing you guys, I don't know what is the key, but better paid job, sport acomplishments, anything when you level up you find out there's no happiness in it. Sean has a girlfriend, probably small circle od friends that understands him and he relishes this circle and being arround his fans.

Therapy is tricky. If you can't trust therapist it's pointless. I tried two and hello nah. A other idzie is that it's financially hard to afford therapy for many people on my country. In Sean's case that's not na issue. I hope he finds peace in life
Good to hear you figured out what’s going on for yourself. And yes therapy can be tricky when you have a hard time trusting but in the end, you yourself have to do the work, a therapist should just be there to guide you through the process, imo. Definitely situational though
All these fighters reporting depression

Apparently getting punched in the head is not good for your brain

Poster boy for CTE says he's mentally unwell.

That being said, WAR SEAN!

And we need to talk about mental health as well as brain health.
Depression can hit anyone.

Rich, poor, healthy, sick, happy, sad, popular, lonely. Doesn't matter.
Poster boy for CTE says he's mentally unwell.

That being said, WAR SEAN!

And we need to talk about mental health as well as brain health.

How is the guy with some of the best defense in MMA the poster boy of CTE? Or are not talking about Strickland? What signs of CTE has he shown?
I guess the beatings his Dad gave him didn't make him a man afterall.
How is the guy with some of the best defense in MMA the poster boy of CTE? Or are not talking about Strickland? What signs of CTE has he shown?

"CTE may manifest in different ways in different people. People with CTE may have trouble remembering things and concentrating. They may have changes in their behavior and personality, including violent outbursts, increased frustration, mood swings, and lack of interest in people and things they previously cared about."

"People with CTE may become depressed or anxious and may act more aggressively and inappropriately in social situations."

"CTE may manifest in different ways in different people. People with CTE may have trouble remembering things and concentrating. They may have changes in their behavior and personality, including violent outbursts, increased frustration, mood swings, and lack of interest in people and things they previously cared about."

"People with CTE may become depressed or anxious and may act more aggressively and inappropriately in social situations."

Oh, yeah, I'm sure it's not the traumatic childhood causing that. That's never created violent behavior or mood swings...
Oh, yeah, I'm sure it's not the traumatic childhood causing that. That's never created violent behavior or mood swings...

Bud, think about this for 2 seconds. You think his abusive dad never contributed to chronic reoccurring brain trauma? Then there's his motorcycle accident, the massive amount of sparring he does... shit adds up.
Bud, think about this for 2 seconds. You think his abusive dad never contributed to chronic reoccurring brain trauma? Then there's his motorcycle accident, the massive amount of sparring he does... shit adds up.
Well think about CTE for a second and if it's actually real.

Ok Roger Goodell.

Do you have any points of criticism pertaining to the research I posted with my previous post? It would make for a better counter-response, in ny humble opinion.
Let's cast Sean as the joker in the next Batman entry.

Both Strickland and Joker fans will love it, if Sean is a real man he'll accept the opportunity
Unfortunately unless they've suffered through it themselves a surprising amount of people have zero empathy. If it's not something THEY struggle with, then it isn't real.
People are clueless. I heard somebody say "I have depression because I work so much I can only go out on the weekends".

No, that is the fucking Opposite of depression.
People are clueless. I heard somebody say "I have depression because I work so much I can only go out on the weekends".

No, that is the fucking Opposite of depression.
Yeah I have to force myself to leave the house on days off. And sometimes I just can't. That's depression lol.
Bud, think about this for 2 seconds. You think his abusive dad never contributed to chronic reoccurring brain trauma? Then there's his motorcycle accident, the massive amount of sparring he does... shit adds up.
Sure I think he was just saying the abuse alone can cause that sort of trauma without CTE. I was abused growing up but not in a way that would leave brain damage. Just abuse and neglect can cause a whole host of mental issues.
Sure I think he was just saying the abuse alone can cause that sort of trauma without CTE. I was abused growing up but not in a way that would leave brain damage. Just abuse and neglect can cause a whole host of mental issues.

Fair enough, but to me Sean screams brain trauma. Not just emotional trauma.

He is a disciple of the Just Bleed God after all.

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