Civil War movie

Well, I too am sorry ........ that you actually took that as serious statement.
I didn't. The whole idea of civil war in modern United States is dumb as shit. It'd be like 8 woke dumbfucks vs. 12 Trump butthole lickers. The Civil War to end them all.

Civil Wars don't happen when life is really good. Life in the United States is really good.
Shoulda made it more realistic. Texas and California teaming up doesn't make sense. THey shoulda made it liberal vs conservative states

Do you really think wars are fought on typically ideological grounds?

Wars are usually about money and power; Texas and California are the two most wealthy states, so it seems pretty realistic that they would be on the same side.
I didn't. The whole idea of civil war in modern United States is dumb as shit. It'd be like 8 woke dumbfucks vs. 12 Trump butthole lickers. The Civil War to end them all.

Civil Wars don't happen when life is really good. Life in the United States is really good.

There will eventually be a rebellion uprising of the genderqueers and trans/nonbinary against the evil Cis. Eventually the Cis discover the secret weapon of misgendering to defeat them.
This thread is more political than the film was.

There were no politics in the damn film, it was a movie about journalism.

The response in general to this movie has been very political. The audience reviews on RT are all 1 star or 5 stars. I doubt most of the people reviewing it have even seen it. It made 80M on a 50M budget.
The response in general to this movie has been very political. The audience reviews on RT are all 1 star or 5 stars. I doubt most of the people reviewing it have even seen it. It made 80M on a 50M budget.

People react to a film based on which youtubers have come up with a narrative about it, rather than watching it.

Remember when the Mario movie was woke for girlboss peach and then was suddenly anti-woke because it 'threatened' disney?
Anyone seen this, thoughts? I went to see it today, not really knowing what to expect. Thought it to be pretty boring and pointless. Should've know better given that it was an "independent" film. A bunch of poignant yet meaningless scenes with crappy music. Turned out to be more of a commentary on war journalism. Very little explanation of what was really going on and why there was a civil war. Depicted a lot of atrocities for no apparent reason. War is hell I guess? Wasn't too political, which was surprising. Anyway, not impressed.

I didn't like it - was expecting something along the lines of that movie about the deplorables.

Btw, the reason for the civil war was that the President gave himself extra powers - thus his 3rd term.
I didn't. The whole idea of civil war in modern United States is dumb as shit. It'd be like 8 woke dumbfucks vs. 12 Trump butthole lickers. The Civil War to end them all.

Civil Wars don't happen when life is really good. Life in the United States is really good.
that's how the Islamic revolution started. Life was actually quite good even under a puppet regime.

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