The official "The Why Files" thread

The Why Files released an audio only podcast on those weird Cuba ear frequency deals that were making all those diplomats sick a few years back, its one of the subjects thats not allowed by the powers that be on Youtube so thats why its audio only, available on Spotify or wherever you get your favorite podcasts

Yeah. I've enjoyed that as well! Unfortunately.... I ride around a lot for work, so I'm all caught up on everything they have released....
This weeks episode dont sound that interesting but I'll give it a shot anyways cause I have been wrong in the past

Lucid Dreams & Nightmares: Ever Dream This Man?

For thousands of years, we’ve pondered the meaning of dreams. Dreams offer insight into our subconscious. Dreams help us process emotions and organize our memories.

Most of us live our waking lives giving a sort of performance. Whether through dishonesty, embarrassment, or simply being polite, there are thoughts we do not share.**Dreams have intrigued us for thousands of years. They provide a peek into our subconscious. They aid in managing emotions and arranging our memories.

We often perform in our awake state. We might be dishonest, embarrassed, or just polite. Thus, we keep some thoughts to ourselves.** Dreams, on the other hand, offer a platform where these suppressed thoughts can freely roam. They are the uncensored version of our minds, a place where our deepest desires, fears, and secrets can come to light without the fear of judgment or consequences.

Dreams also serve as a mirror, reflecting our inner state of mind. They can hint at unresolved issues, unfulfilled desires, or even potential future scenarios. They can act as a guide, helping us navigate through the labyrinth of our thoughts and emotions.

Moreover, dreams can be a source of inspiration. Many artists, writers, and scientists have reported getting brilliant ideas from their dreams. They can stimulate our creativity, encourage problem-solving, and even help us prepare for future events.

In conclusion, dreams are not just random images that appear during sleep. They are a powerful tool that our mind uses to process information, manage emotions, and explore the infinite possibilities of our imagination. They are an essential part of our cognitive and emotional well-being.

While you sleep, your inhibitions disappear. And you’re left with the raw, unforgiving truth. The real you.

But dreams can be more than that.

Some claim dreams are the realm between ours and the spirit world. Some dreams can predict the future.

Studies have shown that dreams can be shared between people.

Lucid dreaming is when *you* – not your dreaming self, your conscious self - controls the dream. You are, literally, a God. The universe is your playground.

It’s exhilarating and powerful. But there is a dark side.

What if: while lucid dreaming, *you* weren’t in control of the dream? But, someone else was?

That’s no longer a dream; it’s a nightmare. And it’s no longer a playground – it’s a prison.

Every night, the lights go out, you close your eyes, and he’s waiting for you.
This weeks episode dont sound that interesting but I'll give it a shot anyways cause I have been wrong in the past

Lucid Dreams & Nightmares: Ever Dream This Man?

For thousands of years, we’ve pondered the meaning of dreams. Dreams offer insight into our subconscious. Dreams help us process emotions and organize our memories.

Most of us live our waking lives giving a sort of performance. Whether through dishonesty, embarrassment, or simply being polite, there are thoughts we do not share.**Dreams have intrigued us for thousands of years. They provide a peek into our subconscious. They aid in managing emotions and arranging our memories.

We often perform in our awake state. We might be dishonest, embarrassed, or just polite. Thus, we keep some thoughts to ourselves.** Dreams, on the other hand, offer a platform where these suppressed thoughts can freely roam. They are the uncensored version of our minds, a place where our deepest desires, fears, and secrets can come to light without the fear of judgment or consequences.

Dreams also serve as a mirror, reflecting our inner state of mind. They can hint at unresolved issues, unfulfilled desires, or even potential future scenarios. They can act as a guide, helping us navigate through the labyrinth of our thoughts and emotions.

Moreover, dreams can be a source of inspiration. Many artists, writers, and scientists have reported getting brilliant ideas from their dreams. They can stimulate our creativity, encourage problem-solving, and even help us prepare for future events.

In conclusion, dreams are not just random images that appear during sleep. They are a powerful tool that our mind uses to process information, manage emotions, and explore the infinite possibilities of our imagination. They are an essential part of our cognitive and emotional well-being.

While you sleep, your inhibitions disappear. And you’re left with the raw, unforgiving truth. The real you.

But dreams can be more than that.

Some claim dreams are the realm between ours and the spirit world. Some dreams can predict the future.

Studies have shown that dreams can be shared between people.

Lucid dreaming is when *you* – not your dreaming self, your conscious self - controls the dream. You are, literally, a God. The universe is your playground.

It’s exhilarating and powerful. But there is a dark side.

What if: while lucid dreaming, *you* weren’t in control of the dream? But, someone else was?

That’s no longer a dream; it’s a nightmare. And it’s no longer a playground – it’s a prison.

Every night, the lights go out, you close your eyes, and he’s waiting for you.

Good thing we are sherdoggers. Because I can see how that would be creepy to a normal person.

Also, I will have a hard time relating, because I've only woke up and remembered a dream maybe 3 times in the last decade....
Another interesting one on the audio only side, AJ better hope all his financial dealings is in order cause he finna be getting a knock on the door soon if he don't knock it off

Oh, fuck yes!
I loves me some tales about the mysterious goings on down in Antarctica, there's a lotta fishy things happening at the bottom of the world, boys, no doubt about it, ole Pete is fully piqued about this one!

Mysteries Beneath the Ice: The Secrets of Antarctica

Rumors of UFOs and other strangeness in Antarctica go back a long time.

Operation Highjump arrived in 1946 with a heavily armed US Navy fleet. Their mission was to extend American sovereignty over Antarctica. The mission was supposed to take six months. Instead, it lasted six weeks.

The Operation ended because of poor weather. At least, that's the official report. Eyewitnesses said aggressive flying craft chasing the Navy out of the area.

In 1985, a medevac flight was forced over a "no-fly" zone near the South Pole. The crew saw a giant hole in the ice, as wide as a football field. When the crew returned to base, they were debriefed. Not by the Navy. By men in suits. One of the crewmen said they had the typical "DC look."

In the 1990s, Navy flight crews reported silver discs zipping over mountain peaks at impossible speeds. The crews were told to never speak of it.

In 2003, a Navy SEAL on a covert mission found an ancient structure protruding through the ice. It was made of something that wasn't quite metal but wasn't quite stone. It was warm to the touch. And on that structure was a door.

Since the launch of Google Earth, hundreds of images of tunnels and entrances have been found leading into the Antarctic ice - miles deep, including a perfectly circular hole a half-mile wide.

In 2018, scientists in Antarctica launched weather balloons to study cosmic rays coming from space and hitting the Earth. They found cosmic rays. as expected. But what they didn't expect: the cosmic rays were coming from "something" two miles underneath the ice.

There are witnesses who have seen things, heard things, and felt things that should not exist in Antarctica. Yet they do.

Whatever's down there, we're not supposed to know about it. But one thing's for sure, something very strange - and very important - is happening at the bottom of the world.
Great episode tonight as usual. Antarctica is so interesting!
My friends step-dad was a scientist that would go there for months at a time. He didn't talk alot about it, but I do know he claims to have seen ufos there. Also, about 2-3 months after what was to be his final trip there, he committed suicide...
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AJ said the show is on a break for a few weeks but theyre doing a livestream tonight that starts in 30 minutes, ole Pete could use some wacky fun tonight

When I was in the hospital, I was watching some conspiracies show on History Channel hosted by William Shatner and the homie AJ popped up on one episode talking about the Vatican and its Chronovisor deal that can see through time, I got a pop outta that
AJ said the show is on a break for a few weeks but theyre doing a livestream tonight that starts in 30 minutes, ole Pete could use some wacky fun tonight

The opening sequence of the spoof of Seven was great!!! Just that 2 minutes alone was better than most things on YT lol
Looks like AJ is going to take some time off after falling behind because of burnout. Hoping he gets himself right and takes care of himself.
@Pliny Pete @Stargazer Rex

Wow, this is pretty emotional and a bit concerning, after seeing this and the live stream last night I really hope AJ takes all the time he needs and is able to work out a more workable long term schedule for the show
Dont want him to sacrifice his health just so i can get my little alien jollies every week
I really wish you could talk about 9/11 jazz on Youtube, a Why Files produced episode on WTC7 would be dope as fuck
AJ said hes gonna do a podcast episode on it one day but it wont be the same without visuals and Hecklefish
Why Files is another compilation of reruns this week but AJ said theyre coming back next week with a brand new banger all about the Annunaki and Planet Nibiru
Oh boy, oh boy, one of my all time favorite subjects, I cannot wait!

Its finally back and I am ecstatic!

Annunaki | Gods from Planet Nibiru and the Makers of Man

Seven million years ago, a chimpanzee stood up on its hind legs, and a new species of hominin emerged.

Over the next few million years, hominins evolved. They were still ape-like in appearance, but these were not apes. Their brains grew larger.

They created stone tools and hunted large game. They discovered fire and learned to follow the migration patterns of the animals they used for food, clothing, and shelter.

It took a few million years for hominins to discover how to make a stone spearhead. Two million years later, that stone spearhead changed into - a different shaped spearhead. Technology evolved slowly.

But, three hundred thousand years ago, homo sapiens appeared. And before long, they - we were the dominant species on the planet. Once they destroyed Neanderthals once and for all, something happened. Technology accelerated.

It only took 30,000 years to go from Gobekli Tepe to landing probes on other planets. How could mankind evolve so fast?

The answer is: they couldn't. Mankind didn't evolve at all.

Mankind was engineered: purpose-built to be the perfect slaves for a race of far superior beings who, according to ancient texts, descended from the heavens.

Eventually, the slaves rebelled. And our masters - tried to destroy us in a great flood.

Sumerian texts, Egyptian religions, Ancient Indian myths, Native American legends - even the Bible. They all tell the same story.

It's the story of Gods and Men. It's the story of the Annunaki.
Last nights episode was really good but geez Louise was it long (thats what she said), I usually enjoy when AJ packs in as much great info as he can but I think 40-45 minutes is the perfect runtime, an hour plus was too much for ole Pete to handle cause it just started to feel like filler there towards the end, this aint Netflix, AJ, lets tighten that shit back up

Really great story, enjoyed it as much as I hoped I would and the Mel Gibson inspired commercial this time may have been my favorite one ever
Last nights episode was really good but geez Louise was it long (thats what she said), I usually enjoy when AJ packs in as much great info as he can but I think 40-45 minutes is the perfect runtime, an hour plus was too much for ole Pete to handle cause it just started to feel like filler there towards the end, this aint Netflix, AJ, lets tighten that shit back up

Really great story, enjoyed it as much as I hoped I would and the Mel Gibson inspired commercial this time may have been my favorite one ever
I enjoyed it as well but also agree that it was a little too long. We probably could have done without the farmer story as a first person perspective of the flood.

There really is a strange coincidence with our explosion of evolution like he mentioned. Genetic manipulation does seem likely, but for what ultimately?
Sounds like we might have us another good one

Martian Mysteries | The Phobos Incident, Monoliths, and Ancient Ruins

At the height of the space race in the late 1970s, the Viking probes successfully landed on Mars – collecting pictures, data, and samples from the red planet.

It was so successful that Soviet scientists wanted their shot at glory. But their focus wasn’t on Mars. It was on its moon, Phobos; named after the Greek God of fear.

After all, if NASA could land on Mars, landing on one of its moons should be easy, right?

Well, it turns out Mars’ largest moon was right to be named after the Greek God of fear.

Because as barren as the landscape looks, as impossible as it is to live there... something does.

And that something, doesn’t want to be seen.

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