Crime CBS News Fired Catherine Herridge and Seized All Her Files - She Got Too Close to the Bidens and Exposing the Chinese

Obama Judge Holds Journalist Catherine Herridge In Contempt For Not Revealing Source​

A federal judge tapped by former President Barack Obama ruled on Thursday to hold veteran investigative journalist Catherine Herridge in civil contempt for refusing to reveal who her source was for a series of reports about a Chinese scientist working at an American university who was under FBI criminal investigation.

U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper imposed a fine of $800 per day — nearly $300,000 per year — until Herridge reveals who her source was for the stories that she wrote while at Fox News.


Don't fuck with the Democrats and their Big Government / Globalist dreams.
Is there any update on her saga? I haven't seen anything about it in the news and frankly I'm surprised to not see other journos up in arms. I thought they were a tight-knit supportive group anongg their profession and remember them vociferously defending colleagues on professional grounds such as source security.
Anyone else notice the forum now removes the second space when you double space after a period? Paragraphs look all jacked up now and it makes things harder to read
Is there any update on her saga? I haven't seen anything about it in the news and frankly I'm surprised to not see other journos up in arms. I thought they were a tight-knit supportive group anongg their profession and remember them vociferously defending colleagues on professional grounds such as source security.

Good question.

I don't think the modern "journalists" are much anymore if they work for the MSM. They are just parrots repeating whatever talking point the establishment wants pushed. It's one of the reasons Herridge is out. She's an actual old school journalist.

Most of our "Free Press" are simply propagandists anymore and this story does not fit the narrative.
Good question.

I don't think the modern "journalists" are much anymore if they work for the MSM. They are just parrots repeating whatever talking point the establishment wants pushed. It's one of the reasons Herridge is out. She's an actual old school journalist.

Most of our "Free Press" are simply propagandists anymore and this story does not fit the narrative.
Don't forget the clout chasers and nut swingers. Feels more like they are intelligence lobbyists every year.
I am glad the mainstream media is in the process of going bankrupt. They spent the last 20 years shilling for the establishment and lying to the public.
Your entire politics is about shilling for the establishment and increasing their profits. What an insane funhouse mirror world you live in.
They will declare virtually anything they cannot deal with a conspiracy theory.

What the Left called "Conspiracy Theory" that turned out to be 100% true:
  • Hunter's Laptop
  • Operation Mockingbird
  • The FBI's Counterintelligence Program was aimed at disrupting and discrediting political organizations
  • Edward Snowden's revelations
  • The IRS was targeting Conservative Groups
  • Trump team was being spied on
  • Ivermectin isn't just horse medicine
  • Shadow Banning was happening at Twitter
  • CV-19 Lab Leak
  • CV-19 "vaccines" aren't safe and effective
  • Hillary Clinton / DNC did hire foreign intelligence to produce a fake dossier against Trump
Three of those were conspiracies against the left, one is incoherent (what about Hunter's laptop--no one said he has never owned a laptop), the rest are false.
Three of those were conspiracies against the left, one is incoherent (what about Hunter's laptop--no one said he has never owned a laptop), the rest are false.

get this can out of here. I demand you bring the old JVS av back! I'll start a petition if I need to!
Three of those were conspiracies against the left, one is incoherent (what about Hunter's laptop--no one said he has never owned a laptop), the rest are false.

You're playing semantic games here, people aren't claiming Hunter never owned a laptop, just about everyone has a laptop. The claim is the pics/vids and crazy things that were on that laptop were claimed as not real and Russian propaganda. In fact, anything about it was claimed not newsworthy.

So why would someone/company do this?
You're playing semantic games here, people aren't claiming Hunter never owned a laptop, just about everyone has a laptop. The claim is the pics/vids and crazy things that were on that laptop were claimed as not real and Russian propaganda. In fact, anything about it was claimed not newsworthy.
I'm not playing any games. I'm the one who said it's not clear what he means. In fact, claims that the laptop showed corruption or child porn were false and likely were related to Russian disinformation.

So, yeah, he had a laptop, but a lot of the shit CTers were saying about what was on it turned out to be false and implausible to begin with.
I'm not playing any games. I'm the one who said it's not clear what he means. In fact, claims that the laptop showed corruption or child porn were false and likely were related to Russian disinformation.

So, yeah, he had a laptop, but a lot of the shit CTers were saying about what was on it turned out to be false and implausible to begin with.
I guess i misread your position sorry for that, I see what you mean yea the CT took it deep like CP you mentioned and ect. It doesn't help the media and other denied there was any kind of story to it. That fuels all that, but that is with a lot of stories in politics "Trump Russia bounty's, Trump took over the steering wheel of a car" ect..

But I have still not seen ties to Russian disinformation any more than any other stories in the media out there. I remember those 53-intelligence people writing a later claiming the whole thing was disinformation which is a word thrown around too much anyways.
I guess i misread your position sorry for that, I see what you mean yea the CT took it deep like CP you mentioned and ect. It doesn't help the media and other denied there was any kind of story to it. That fuels all that, but that is with a lot of stories in politics "Trump Russia bounty's, Trump took over the steering wheel of a car" ect..
A top aide to Trump's chief of staff testified that she heard that Trump reached for the steering wheel. Are you aware of any major news report that made an error related to that? There were intelligence reports that Russia was encouraging attacks on American troops in Afghanistan. Again, I'm not aware of any mistaken reporting related to that, much less any deliberate misstatements.
But I have still not seen ties to Russian disinformation any more than any other stories in the media out there. I remember those 53-intelligence people writing a later claiming the whole thing was disinformation which is a word thrown around too much anyways.
It relates to the whole bogus Ukraine-Biden story, which appears to be something drummed up by Russian government disinformation as part of Russia's attempt to help Trump again.
A top aide to Trump's chief of staff testified that she heard that Trump reached for the steering wheel. Are you aware of any major news report that made an error related to that? There were intelligence reports that Russia was encouraging attacks on American troops in Afghanistan. Again, I'm not aware of any mistaken reporting related to that, much less any deliberate misstatements.

It relates to the whole bogus Ukraine-Biden story, which appears to be something drummed up by Russian government disinformation as part of Russia's attempt to help Trump again.

So the GOP committee that went through the Jan 6th committee files came out with this, how come we only heard one account about this situation from the Jan 6th committee and not all the other testimony that contradicted Cassidy? Why was the information withheld when this came out like a year ago ?

"March 12, 2024, 5:11 AM​

Trump's driver contradicts Cassidy Hutchinson about Jan. 6 SUV altercation, GOP report says​

But the new 81-page report from the House Administration Committee's subcommittee on oversight, which is examining both the previous committee's investigation and what happened on Jan. 6, calls Hutchinson's account into question.

The new report cites testimony that was given by four other Trump White House employees to the previous Jan. 6 committee and the account of Trump's Secret Service driver when the purported altercation took place.
"None of the White House employees corroborated Hutchinson's sensational story about President Trump lunging for the steering wheel "

As for the bounties, Biden's white claims very little evidence to support Bidens attacks on trump in 2020 about this.

"Remember those Russian bounties for dead U.S. troops? Biden admin says the CIA intel is not conclusive​

The Biden administration made clear Thursday that the CIA has only "low to moderate confidence" in its intel on alleged Russian bounties for U.S. troops."

"Afghanistan war: US spies doubt reports of Russian 'bounties' for troops​

The White House has acknowledged there was little evidence that Russia had offered Taliban militants bounties to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan.

A spokeswoman for President Joe Biden said the claim had "low to moderate confidence" from US spy chiefs.

Russia has denied paying the bounties. In last year's US election, Mr Biden heavily criticised Donald Trump for not confronting Russia over the claim.

It comes amid new sanctions on Russia and US plans to leave Afghanistan.."

What is the Ukraine Biden story you are speaking of? that Hunter working in Ukraine made joe give favors to Ukraine and still is giving them favors? And the whole Ukraine prosector getting fired
So the GOP committee that went through the Jan 6th committee files came out with this, how come we only heard one account about this situation from the Jan 6th committee and not all the other testimony that contradicted Cassidy? Why was the information withheld when this came out like a year ago ?
It wasn't. I read about people contradicting the account at the time too. But that was what she said (that she heard--she didn't claim to have witnessed it). Reporting that I saw also mentioned that it was the testimony rather than asserting it happened.
As for the bounties, Biden's white claims very little evidence to support Bidens attacks on trump in 2020 about this.
Yeah. Did you see any major news stories that made a mistake?
What is the Ukraine Biden story you are speaking of? that Hunter working in Ukraine made joe give favors to Ukraine and still is giving them favors? And the whole Ukraine prosector getting fired.
Yeah, bogus stuff like that. The weird thing about Shokin is that they were retconning very recent history.
Is there any update on her saga? I haven't seen anything about it in the news and frankly I'm surprised to not see other journos up in arms. I thought they were a tight-knit supportive group anongg their profession and remember them vociferously defending colleagues on professional grounds such as source security.
I see you too are ignorant of the story's details and not interested in actual freedom of the press, only partisanship.

Here's the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. CBS also voiced opposition to the contempt charges, as did other journalists and journalism groups.
I don't think the modern "journalists" are much anymore if they work for the MSM. They are just parrots repeating whatever talking point the establishment wants pushed. It's one of the reasons Herridge is out. She's an actual old school journalist.
See above. You're the one simply parroting talking points rather than expressing a principled position. Like I asked you repeated, if you are concerned about Herridge's case, why aren't you advocating for a nationwide reporter shield?
I see you too are ignorant of the story's details and not interested in actual freedom of the press, only partisanship.

Here's the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. CBS also voiced opposition to the contempt charges, as did other journalists and journalism groups.

See above. You're the one simply parroting talking points rather than expressing a principled position. Like I asked you repeated, if you are concerned about Herridge's case, why aren't you advocating for a nationwide reporter shield?
I remember that just meant no ongoing chatter or articles with updates, but thanks for the weird insult I guess
I remember that just meant no ongoing chatter or articles with updates, but thanks for the weird insult I guess
There has been chatter on it and articles with updates, I just don't think they appear in the presumably more partisan publications you read. Just because you do not see journos up in arms (presumably because you don't know any or frequent those circles), doesn't mean there isn't something going on.
There has been chatter on it and articles with updates, I just don't think they appear in the presumably more partisan publications you read. Just because you do not see journos up in arms (presumably because you don't know any or frequent those circles), doesn't mean there isn't something going on.
Presumably... yep.

From your post history I'd suspect you are referring to conservative partisan outlets?

Could you share a link to any of these articles with updates that you've read in the last few weeks or would you prefer to continue showcasing your adversarial disposition?
See testifying in congress right now

Ah, thanks for that, sounds like SAG-AFTRA and other professional groups have now gotten CBS News to return her docs. Seems unclear from her wording whether or not she's still paying the $800 a day fine. Will be interesting to see what her next professional move is after seeing the Juan Williams-esque move from Fox to major network (obviously diff sitch than NPR to Fox like Juan but still was unexpected)
Ah, thanks for that, sounds like SAG-AFTRA and other professional groups have now gotten CBS News to return her docs. Seems unclear from her wording whether or not she's still paying the $800 a day fine. Will be interesting to see what her next professional move is after seeing the Juan Williams-esque move from Fox to major network (obviously diff sitch than NPR to Fox like Juan but still was unexpected)

pretty sure she is still paying the $800/day as she is still being held in contempt. I saw rumors she is in talk with Musk to join the X platform in a way Don lemon was supposed to.