Tap water quality where you live

The last few years have been pretty odd for our water quality, there was one year where there was a fuel leakage at the power plant, which seeped into the water, was able to smell the fuel and in some cases if you lit your tab water it would get a little flame burst going.
We had to fly in bottled water for the whole community of roughly 9,000 people...on a daily basis.
I have an inline water filter because the tap would usually have a heavy chlorine smell prior to this.
Is your town close to the ocean? The only reason it should any noticeable amount of chlorine is if you get desalinated water.
I'm on the Southwest side of Michigan, in Holland. I have a well thats 150' deep. Our water is a bit hard, but it does taste pretty good. I used to live in town and that shit smelled like Clorox bleach
You live on Lake Michigan and you have to resort to using well water? You must be pretty remote still.
Sounds pretty good for a conclusion. Boiling the water means the tds would stay in the remaining water, increasing the ppm levels.

But for sure, there are many questions with water that are almost tricks - into leaving people with doubts and fear.

There are a lot of dirty secrets within the water industry (in England) but most of them are financial. Very, very few are water hygiene cover ups as the consequences of poor water is risk of imprisonment for directors due to the way some of the safety laws work.

We are ultra fortunate in England to have some of the best drinking water in the world.
Most of the employees are lifelong and carried over from the nationalisation.

That said, there is always risk of some absolute bellend making a stupid decision but even then that tends to be within the wastewater. Polluting a few thousand fish here and there. Destroying natural habitats and so on.
Cheers. Thanks for the insight. I studied environmental engineering but never did anything with it but a year out of school.
You live on Lake Michigan and you have to resort to using well water? You must be pretty remote still.
Not right on Lake Michigan, but about 5 minutes away. Live about 1/4 outta the city limit, so well water it is
I just measured TDS of straight tap water and then filtered from my fridge. Tap was 56 ppm and fridge was 41.
Is your town close to the ocean? The only reason it should any noticeable amount of chlorine is if you get desalinated water.

Yeah, pretty much. On a major river that leads out to the bay then to the ocean.

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