Politics in the Streets megathread

Lads.......... what the fuck has happened to your country?
Looking from outside it seems like 90% of people in it have devolved to the maturity level of toddlers.

You should always believe the internet.
I was about to make a comment about Webster but Gary Coleman works.

David Spade had some good initial head movement
All I see in this vid are losers. Protesters... what? Lol. Down with free and fair elections!!! Yay to orange dictator for life!!! Anybody putting hands on a fellow American on behalf of that clown is themselves a clown.

What's really funny is that most of these middle aged Trump guys are blue collar union members. If only they knew what Trump and his cronies would do to them given a second term— a mandate. Fools
America is such a shit show, Democrats and republicans are basically both right of center.
Democrats are as progressive as telling your women to stay in the kitchen more so the food starts to taste better.
But I mean I am not suprised USA is the country that brought us WWE why wouldn't they turn their election into Summerslam?

America is such a shit show, Democrats and republicans are basically both right of center.
Democrats are as progressive as telling your women to stay in the kitchen more so the food starts to taste better.
But I mean I am not suprised USA is the country that brought us WWE why wouldn't they turn their election into Summerslam?


Sorry about all that. I did everything I could.
the funniest part is when you see ANY picture of crowds celebrating Biden winning....

that guy that got beat up would be the MANLIEST guy in any of those crowds.

It's astonishing really, where do they find these people?
I don't agree with violence but I guess this is just the consequences of rallying and fighting on behalf of a fascist anarchist group.
Im still trying to figure out if the pan sounds are real or not.
Took two down with the pan and ended on top of the third guy lmao
"I said over easy!!!!"

I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell.

lmao I remember always seeing people get wacked with a frying pan in cartoons but idk if I've ever seen it happen irl


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