Politics in the Streets megathread

I guess that’s what you tell yourself when a guy beats you up, but is kind enough not to knock your ass out and lets you go
No it’s because I have an iron chin.
Stop pretending you know this guys intent. You don’t . When two strangers get into a fist fight 99% they are trying to knock each other out. Why let the other guy have a chance to hurt you?
Concession in a roundabout way accepted.

Conceding to what? Did people vote for Biden because they wanted trump to lose? Well yeah, duh. Does you pointing it out do anything but act as a coping mechanism so that you feel better? No, that’s all it does hence the original post is a cope post .
Guy really fucked up when he threw the initial punch. What did he think was gonna happen? Did he think he was gonna knock that guy out with his noodle armed girl fists? He was lucky the other guy didn't really know how to throw a punch, and just rag dolled him.
Where did this "cope" thing come from? Is this the end all be all term for I'm not intellectually equip to argue? Would you have picked Biden in 2016? Democratic Primaries in 2020?
A site called 4chAn.

It has memes of Pepe inhaling copium loke oxygen.
They're all 97% retarded...

With that being said, you spit on someone, and you should be thankful that little scuffle is all that happened
Lads.......... what the fuck has happened to your country?
Looking from outside it seems like 90% of people in it have devolved to the maturity level of toddlers.

It's an absolute embarrassment tbh. The US seems to have devolved into a country of retards on both sides.
That soy boy got a dose of act right. Looks like the type to sit while pissing, and probably crosses his legs while doing so.

I was thinking the same, that bloke is such a good example of your modern Leftist Warrior. They are placing themselves in very dangerous situations, because they've been brainwashed into believing that "fighting the good fight" will protect them from harm, and that there are no consequences for anything.

They can't fight. They aren't tough people. They are scrawny, emasculated little men who until now have completely avoided fighting and the like, because it's not something they're good at.

That Trump supporter was sloppy as fuck with his punches, a Lefty with boxing training would've ruined him. But this soy boy right here, has no business involving himself in anything remotely physical.
I was looking to score a small packet of meth, where is this 97% peaceful gathering?
blm comes from behind and sucker punch ppl

this guy didn’t look to turn this dorks lights out. He got provoked and just hit him few times to teach him a lesson... something dorks father obviously never did
Or he's just a fat non athlete who can't throw a punch to save his life
Wow, notice how it stayed one on one despite the douchebag who got out of his car initiating a fight with a crowd? If that was a Trump supporter confronting BLM or Antifa, he'd be dead. They all would have shit stomped him.
NOTHING warms my heart more than seeing some hipster pos get beaten down like the sack of shit he/she/ze/xe is (or whatever the fuck made up shit they refer themselves to).


1) Man spits on 97% peaceful protesters as they drive by.
2) Man and woman get out of car to confront 97% peaceful protester.
3) Man punches 97% peaceful protester.
4) Man gets ass kicked.
5) Man calls police whom he most likely wants to de-fund.
6) Police watch video.
7) Police are not amused by man.
8) EMS put ice on man's butt-hurt.

That is a lot of foolishness on display from everyone involved. It is extra pathetic when you consider this nonsense is over some buffoon president.

That is a lot of foolishness on display from everyone involved. It is extra pathetic when you consider this nonsense is over some buffoon president.

They are at that shite and at that moment Trump was probably just rolling over in bed, scratching his arse and contemplating what he would order to eat when he got up.