ONE looking to raise more money from Qataris, future tho shakey

I know this will be extremely unpopular on here but I think from the perspective of a North American fan that One is not that appealing, I've checked out a few of their cards and keep up on results it just seems that they focus way too much on MT and lighter weight classes which I'm not a fan of but I can understand how the fan base in South Asia would love that and that is who is supporting One for the most part.

I'm not gonna trash One or say its crap but I wouldn't be sad if it went under and Rizin became number 1 in Asia and expanded their roster with the One fighters.
It's only been in more recent years that they started putting on these heavy MT/KB cards to make up for the shallowness of their MMA divisions. ONE's MMA roster is kiddy pool deep, even Bellator was deeper in comparison.
I know this will be extremely unpopular on here but I think from the perspective of a North American fan that One is not that appealing, I've checked out a few of their cards and keep up on results it just seems that they focus way too much on MT and lighter weight classes which I'm not a fan of but I can understand how the fan base in South Asia would love that and that is who is supporting One for the most part.

I'm not gonna trash One or say its crap but I wouldn't be sad if it went under and Rizin became number 1 in Asia and expanded their roster with the One fighters.
Agreed. I'm not a big fan of muay thai, kickboxing or grappling only, so the ONE cards are rough for me to sit through.

I can watch them in MMA or grappling in wrestling, but by theirselves it's not of my interest.
Man if both Bellator and One go out of business is going kill all the negotiation power of the fighters looking to get a payday.

On the surface yes. But not many fighters ever get the opportunity to really exploit a true free market. Francis being one biggest to ever be able to do it. But even with him the Bellator's and One's of the world didn't have the resources or the creativity to get a deal done. The truth still is if the UFC wants you and your only worried about money they will win every time and it isn't even close and its been like this for 15 years.

People should really root for the PFL to really work out well from a business standpoint,$$$$$. Then maybe we can finally have a player in the industry that can afford to go toe to toe for most free agents and not only for the select few.
Save ONE, get rid of PFail & Bellashit

Save ONE?????????????

They have raised more money then just about everyone over the last 10 years and they can't turn a nickel of profit. Most orgs would kill to even raise quarter of what they have done. They can't even not blow through 10's of millions every year and on what, I have no idea beyond paying back earlier investors. Because it sure isn't being spent on the product us fans get to see. That org is sham and needs to be shut down it will never go anywhere. I'd rather have Rizin rule that part the world over ONE any day of the week.
It's only been in more recent years that they started putting on these heavy MT/KB cards to make up for the shallowness of their MMA divisions. ONE's MMA roster is kiddy pool deep, even Bellator was deeper in comparison.

Yes and it was heavily focused on fly weights and lighter fighters which make for long fights that do to decisions.
sucks they can't make money. the product is great
Having a profitable product is not correlated with having a great product…

Typically entertainment und internet based products turn to shit when the start monetizing them. On the other hand a loss-making product cannot exist forever.

My personal intuition is that ONE, as cool as it is, has gained brand recognition by being free i.e. subsidised. Once you get used to free shit, you really need a necessary product to convince people to start paying for it, like YT which is almost a public service at this stage lol.
PFL should buy onefc and create a onefc super duper yuper championship series.
Hope Chatri finds money.

Ones product variety defeats UFC, they have found a great balance tomake cards truly Mixed, and the MMA gloves kickboxing stuff is cool and especially glad about inclusion of proper grappling.

And the production values are much better than UFC’s, especially image quality. So it will be a bummer when One eventually folds.

The article:

• ⁠ONE Championship has already begun streamlining operations this year with at least two rounds of layoffs to cut cash burn.
• ⁠Source says ONE’s true cash revenue in FY2022 is likely to be just $5-8 million
• ⁠Qataris have been increasingly embarrassed about their involvement with ONE, which has been under the spotlight for its weak financials among other things.

I think just the facts ONE Championship is more associated with south east asian promotion that does kickboxing and muay thai fights in a cage says it all.

They can not compete with UFC
Hope Chatri finds money.

Ones product variety defeats UFC, they have found a great balance tomake cards truly Mixed, and the MMA gloves kickboxing stuff is cool and especially glad about inclusion of proper grappling.

And the production values are much better than UFC’s, especially image quality. So it will be a bummer when One eventually folds.

I can not see ONE grows.

Says this proves One will be in profitability by the second half of next year and show this graph.

View attachment 1014677

Charti has been saying next year for like 5 years and the only thing that happens is revenue increases slightly but losses continue to pile on more and more, year after year.

I'm still dumb founded how anyone would be interested in giving them more money.
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Hope Chatri finds money.

Ones product variety defeats UFC, they have found a great balance tomake cards truly Mixed, and the MMA gloves kickboxing stuff is cool and especially glad about inclusion of proper grappling.

And the production values are much better than UFC’s, especially image quality. So it will be a bummer when One eventually folds.

He has been given tons of money and all he does is burn it. Being around now for over 10 years I think he is going to have hard time moving forward getting cash. The track record is awful and that is being nice.

If ONE wants to stick around then maybe Chatri needs to just be the figure head and let someone else run the business. But that will never happen. I just always wonder where all this money has gone, because I don't think any fan can sit here and say it all went into the product. They should have a hell of a roster but they barely got 5 to 10 fighters anyone even cares about. Rumors are they got into the grappling and MT world because they can sign many guys cheaper than MMA fighters. I'm sure that is part of it but they also expanded out to see if any of this attracts more fans. To me they are at the stage of just trying anything to stick.
How did they even make money. I never got that part. So believed some random instagram reply to my comment that it´s money laundering. Like what do they do. They don´t sell PPVs. Merch isn´t a big thing in combat sports. Ok tickets, but that´s not enough. Is Youtube or paying them to stream. They don´t got like huge advertising sponsors.

Plus you see they are doing like 10x less shows then the UFC.

Can´t say I feel sorry cause the ceo was smearin bs bout how all his fighters are world champions compared to the ufc. Like c mon dude. Your HW champ was Arijan Bujurli and he took it form a 40 year old guy who literary got fired from the UFC due to losses.

But yeah their shows, albeit barely saw them, were good. Especially HW kickboxing was nice.

This is good for Europe, now Glory can be the global domination for Kickboxing. but they should upgrade their production like the UFC, especailly with footage aka broadcast and some content. Do it mini UFC style.

Too bad we don´t got a cool east asian promotion now.

I value K1 and Pride over the UFC. American behaviour is bad. Japan Tokyo Doom was the bes venue ever.
Save ONE?????????????

They have raised more money then just about everyone over the last 10 years and they can't turn a nickel of profit. Most orgs would kill to even raise quarter of what they have done. They can't even not blow through 10's of millions every year and on what, I have no idea beyond paying back earlier investors. Because it sure isn't being spent on the product us fans get to see. That org is sham and needs to be shut down it will never go anywhere. I'd rather have Rizin rule that part the world over ONE any day of the week.

ONE is easily the most entertaining promotion that I've seen in today's MMA. I have no idea why you hate it so much. Yeah..Chatri has bad business practices, but as a consumer ONE pretty much gives combat sports fans what they want and then some. I guess if you absolutely hate anything non-MMA then...sure, though I still don't get why you would hate it and simply just not watch it.

Compared to Bellator and PFL it is pretty much a god send as those other promotions have terrible booking and a ton of boring fighters. I'm sure someone will say something like did you know Bellator has been profitable (it really hasn't, but I digress) or something equally irrelevant.

I don't really get what Rizin has to do with anything other than Japanese people being Asian or how they are a bastion of quality. Rizin in the 2020's has been really boring save a few cards.