Lower leg injuries and kicks


Amateur Fighter
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
So I fought about 2 months ago and I had a kick heavy gameplan. Kicked a shit load. Haven’t kicked that much in a long ass time, if ever.

Anyways my feet, toes, and ankles are still hurting. Doing partner drills and even kicking the bag still hurts. I constantly reinjure it in sparring and partner drills, and I don’t think road work is helping either. Even grappling hurts it a little sometimes. I can’t even do the quad stretch laying down on the floor because my ankles are so stiff it hurts both my feet and ankles.

I don’t mind the pain, but I literally can’t kick anything that isn’t a Thai pad more than 60% lol.

How do people deal with this shit? Is ice really the answer. I’m 31 though, so I guess it makes sense how Thais retire so young because the fights fuck up their body
It was like that for me back when I was fighting. Ice and rest, man. At least that was what worked for me. Not much you can do about it
Doesn't seem like kicking is worth it if it leaves you injured for months and is even impacting your other sports
It was like that for me back when I was fighting. Ice and rest, man. At least that was what worked for me. Not much you can do about it
Damn yeah. Just gotta deal with it. I forgot how bad kicking is on your feet and ankles.
Get a bicycle and start swimming. Do some low impact stuff for awhile. Don't go running and maybe buy some epsom salts and do warm foot baths in it.
Yeah I’m gonna listen to my body and limit the roadwork. I’m so heavy already though it’s bad 😭
So why have you been left so debilitated
Because it’s the first time I’ve fought in 2 years. It’s something I’ve developed in my time away. I’m not sure I understand your question