News Jon Jones has been arrested (Jon Jones reports this as Fake News)

At the same time if this lady is really that terrified of big, aggressive men that might not be in the best of moods when you show up at their house at 4am wanting them to pee in a cup, especially when you show up with additional people that do not work the agency and have no business being there on his property, she should look for another job.
So in hindsight, bringing backup was a pretty good idea
Maybe Jones thought the actual girl tester was Jerome's girlfriend. Who fucking knows. Lol, all I know is Jones had to have been drunk. Who walks around with no shirt and his ass hanging out when you have people overView attachment 1038352?
Seriously that's fucking backwards, I just take my pants off and leave the shirt on.
"Sounds like"

Based on what? Your hate of Jones? You're simply hoping he will fail a drug test.
Based on the arrest, his past use of PEDs and his past action of hiding under a cage. Why are you jumping on a sounds like from that poster? A phrase which inherently shows it’s an opinion based on limited knowledge.
Jones kinda gets a pass from me
Undefeated for years as a fighter, famous, millionaire
Everyone wants a piece of his ass, he can’t even give interviews anymore, but I’m sure he’s had enough of that bullshit too
l imagine he’s had enough of people fronting him, dissing him or trying to get clout off of him, in good or bad ways
This charge is a nothing burger
Is there any particular reason we're zooming in on the fact Jones is black?

US police is racist

Can't a black man make a joke about murdering drug testers without the police being involved? He has one more fight left. Let him sniff his coke in peace.

A black man just trying to get along in his own home on his day off and he gets accused of a crime.

The tester is clearly being racist. How else is Jones supposed to beat a 50 year old Stipe if not chalk full of roids? Institutional racism confirmed

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