News Jon Jones has been arrested (Jon Jones reports this as Fake News)

I heard there's a mandatory 1 finger up the ass rule too while you pee. I hear a lot of shit in my head though, might just be me having kinky thoughts.

It appears they rocked up in the arvo and Jones was having a party with friends and is pissed off. If anything like what she said in the story happened like him taking her phone or any of that, he should face a suspension.
Part of his job is to be tested for drugs out of competition. I don't think they should be testing fighters at 4am when they have fights in 2 days, but the dude isn't even in camp. There are no issues grabbing him at any time of the day and requesting a sample. He is a known drug user and has multiple PED failures. He was one test away from a lifetime ban until they made up the pulsing thing for him.
NBC made a mistake, it was 4pm.
i’ll wait and see on this one. he’s got a bad track record, but something seems off on this. women with authority really feel a need to flex when disrespected, and this could be an example of that.
I'm really interested to know if the other tester really had his girlfriend come with him to collect a urine sample? Did she come in the house? This whole damn situation is the stuff jokes are made of.
I'm really interested to know if the other tester really had his girlfriend come with him to collect a urine sample? Did she come in the house? This whole damn situation is the stuff jokes are made of.
It was just the girl (the main tester) and the guy (he wasn't the main dude).
A summons "doubles" as his arrest? LOL really, even though he was never taken into custody? This case sounds flimsy as hell. How were these people actually assaulted? Look, I agree that Jones may be a scumbag, but This whole account and this article sound like horseshit. This case gets tossed and quickly unless we get some new facts actually qualifying as "Assault" in this incident.
I have no idea what happened here but I do know that Jon Jones lost the public benefit of the doubt years ago. It's always something with this guy.

Agreed. I think this seems crazy and they gotta be lying.. but it is Jones, so who the fuck really knows.
It was just the girl (the main tester) and the guy (he wasn't the main dude).
The main page article says it was Martinez, and her coworker. And that the coworker had his girlfriend with him.

"However, Jones did say he would sue Martinez’s co-worker for bringing his girlfriend to his home, which the UFC champ considered to be a HIPAA violation."
Can't wait for the American legal/ judicial system to do nothing again. The rich and famous can do whatever they want in the US. Utterly pathetic.
The main page article says it was Martinez, and her coworker. And that the coworker had his girlfriend with him.

"However, Jones did say he would sue Martinez’s co-worker for bringing his girlfriend to his home, which the UFC champ considered to be a HIPAA violation."
Maybe Jones thought the actual girl tester was Jerome's girlfriend. Who fucking knows. Lol, all I know is Jones had to have been drunk. Who walks around with no shirt and his ass hanging out when you have people overIMG_20240408_074158.jpg?
Jon Jones is just standing in the way of them all coming after us!!! Once they've gotten rid of him they'll come for us next!!

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