Movies How was Prey aka Predator prequel

Also to the poster who said she was a Mary Sue, she definitely wasn’t.

She gets her ass kicked the whole movie and barely makes it out alive.

A Mary Sue is a woman who literally has no trials or tribulations, is better at everyone at everything immediately and easily defeats the bad guys while making any good guys look worthless.

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I wouldn't include Galadriel in that, I think thats more the product of the show becoming the target for culture war types, whilst she's one of the main protagonists she's often shown to be arrogant, fails several times and does clearly have an arc a character. Thats quite difference from say Captain Marvel who's snarky arrogance is not shown as a negative trait, more like Tony Stark.
Honestly the worst part of this movie to me was that it’s weird to see Comanches from the 18th century speaking English. Especially when they just say one word in the Comanche language and the rest in English.
But the story was great. The special effects were great. It was a good call to make a prequel set in the 1700s (or whenever it was) with Comanches as the ones facing off against the Predator. It made it feel new again.
All around good movie.
Na man, Predators and Prey were good C+, B- level movies. If you call Predators and Prey dogshit then you're not going to be able to accurately describe how bad AVP2 and The Predator was.
Varying degrees of dogshit.
Yeah Predators wasn't bad. Oleg Taktarov did a really good job as an actor for an MMA guy. One of the few that can get through a role without reading false as a human being. I thought Brody was fine but the worst part was the Fishburne sideplot. It was a good idea in general but then they just went and made it something that would have been better left out.

Fishburne side plot really derailed that movie for me.
I wouldn't include Galadriel in that, I think thats more the product of the show becoming the target for culture war types, whilst she's one of the main protagonists she's often shown to be arrogant, fails several times and does clearly have an arc a character. Thats quite difference from say Captain Marvel who's snarky arrogance is not shown as a negative trait, more like Tony Stark.
Nowadays Galadriel SUCKS.
Worst thing ever.
I always thought Predator vs Predator would be fun. two teen predators find LA at the same time
They played with that in Predator: Bad Blood comic. Not teens but..

That aspect was done well.

Basically a rogue Predator kills off his clan and goes to earth and kills everything he comes across,with no regards to the rules and a "police" Predator comes down to stop him.

The comic was just a bit too over the top to be taken seriously in regards to the humans involved,but it was a good idea. It took place in a forest though. To do it in a city setting,youd have to put some thought into it.

Obviously you'd have to find a way to use an unhinged Predator without making it too similar to Predator 2 but not going over the top like this comic. It can and should be done though!

Predator vs Batman (do not understimate how good this comic is) also showed how Predator in a city can be done,in a serious manner.
Some things the movies after 2 kind of mess up is wondering what the lone Predator was up to.

Most of the time you dont know where he is. There is some cunning to him,in that he stalks his prey,and has somewhat of an understanding as to what the conversations he is listening in on.but its done in a way that is still mysterious. Your mind filling in the blanks makes it exciting. This aspect is completley lost in the later films.

The Predator seems to take trophies of the guys who stood up against him and fought back,or who he deemed worthy kills.

In the first flim he steals Blain's body,presumably to take his skull,but you couldnt know that when you first watch it. He also takes Billy's skull after he stood up to him on the log bridge. He may have taken Dillon's but we dont know for sure. When he's in the tree right before the final battle with Dutch,he has a bunch of skulls,presumably some of them are from the military men from the chopper (the ones he didnt just skin and string up)

Also after the Predator kills Billy,he goes right after the rest of them. Its only later,after the Predator loses track of Arnold because of the mud camo,that he goes back to retrieve it at night. That's some dark shit.

In Predator 2,he takes Jerry and King Willie's heads. They stood their ground against him bravely,as a warrior would do. He also "stole" the body of one of the colombians he'd strung up in the first appearance in that movie.

These kind of things arent really talked about,but it makes you wonder,and makes the Predator more than just a normal monster movie villain.

They just seem to abandon these aspects in the other movies. The guys who made Prey at LEAST seem more aware of what made the original so good.
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I wouldn't include Galadriel in that, I think thats more the product of the show becoming the target for culture war types, whilst she's one of the main protagonists she's often shown to be arrogant, fails several times and does clearly have an arc a character. Thats quite difference from say Captain Marvel who's snarky arrogance is not shown as a negative trait, more like Tony Stark.
I don't know if i can agree with that, they have Galadriel do a lot of horrible things and just be a bad person but the writers seem to want the viewers to like her and agree with her despite how badly she treats everyone.
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I don't know if i can agree with that, they have Galadriel do a lot of horrible things and just be a bad person but the writers seem to want the viewers to like her and agree with her despite how badly she treats everyone.
Thats not really out of the ordinary for a lot of male protagonists, Thorin in Jacksons Hobbit films for example is an arrogant ass a lot of the time yet were still sposed to get behind him as the protagonist.

The difference to me would be that Galadriel being arrogant and overly hate filled is considered a negative, Captain Marvel being arrogant is not considered something to grow from unlike say Tony Stark.

The show was rather patchy but not for the reasons culture war types tend to obcess over IMHO, I think moreso that it struggled to come up with a story as compelling as LOTR or the Hobbit.
Cool time period, setting and characters. If they had not made this a ridiculous Girl Power movie and let the brother be the lead it would have been great. Instead another movie with a frail girl that would have a broken forearm the moment it got touched is the one to fight the Predator. Still well done, and she was a great character. They just went to heavy with her. The first Predator is probably a top 5 Sci Fi Horror of all time....maybe top 3.
Thats not really out of the ordinary for a lot of male protagonists, Thorin in Jacksons Hobbit films for example is an arrogant ass a lot of the time yet were still sposed to get behind him as the protagonist.

The difference to me would be that Galadriel being arrogant and overly hate filled is considered a negative, Captain Marvel being arrogant is not considered something to grow from unlike say Tony Stark.

The show was rather patchy but not for the reasons culture war types tend to obcess over IMHO, I think moreso that it struggled to come up with a story as compelling as LOTR or the Hobbit.
With Thorin they didn't treat it like he was in the right though, that's a major difference. When she does f***** up s*** they act like she's doing the right thing. It's less about their actions and more about how the writers seem to want us to perceive their actions that's messed up.
It's the 3rd of 4th best in the franchise. Whether that's good or bad is up to the viewer. It was simple which I liked but forgettable
can't be worse than The Predator

How our standards have fallen.

Once we were asking if new Star Wars movies were going to be as good as Empire Strikes Back or Revenge of the Sith.... now we're asking if they'll be better than The Last Jedi.
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i thought it was a great movie, watched it a coupe of times. People complaining about the girl being unbelievable as a worthwhile foe I think are just bitching. Personally I found that the french hunters were willing to try to battle this space creature as the most unbelievable part. In real life, they would have been running for the hills like any other rational human would, not going on a suicide mission.
The only good Predator is the first one, easy 9/10 movie, imo.
Predator 2 made the Predator too much like a superhuman slasher villain, crashing through building walls, tanking liquid nitrogen, and taking lighting bolts and shit. Not a bad movie compared with the rest of the series but a weak follow-up compared to the original (especially when it's contemporary series it's always compared with in Alien, Terminator, and Robocop had better follow-ups).
Predators at least had an interesting premise and tried to bring it closer to the original movie with a group of killers instead of soldiers so while it wasn't great it was at least interesting and didn't have any big screw-ups.
The Predator felt nothing like a Predator movie, easily the worst of the lot.
Prey had an interesting premise but cut out way too much believability on several fronts and made this waifish little girl the warrior heroine and she did way too many unbelievable things (barely looked like like a native too, heck she looked more white than most mestizos and a hell of a lot more white than the girl from the original Predator). They could have made it a good movie but as it is it was a concept that failed (much like say Halloween Ends, though Prey wasn't that ridiculous).
Best since the original, admittedly not the highest bar. No classic, but if you like Predator stuff, you'll probably enjoy yourself.
The only good Predator is the first one, easy 9/10 movie, imo.
Predator 2 made the Predator too much like a superhuman slasher villain, crashing through building walls, tanking liquid nitrogen, and taking lighting bolts and shit. Not a bad movie compared with the rest of the series but a weak follow-up compared to the original (especially when it's contemporary series it's always compared with in Alien, Terminator, and Robocop had better follow-ups).
Predators at least had an interesting premise and tried to bring it closer to the original movie with a group of killers instead of soldiers so while it wasn't great it was at least interesting and didn't have any big screw-ups.
The Predator felt nothing like a Predator movie, easily the worst of the lot.
Prey had an interesting premise but cut out way too much believability on several fronts and made this waifish little girl the warrior heroine and she did way too many unbelievable things (barely looked like like a native too, heck she looked more white than most mestizos and a hell of a lot more white than the girl from the original Predator). They could have made it a good movie but as it is it was a concept that failed (much like say Halloween Ends, though Prey wasn't that ridiculous).
She’s legit native IRL

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