Opinion Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan

So you advocate for his policies that crush Veterans, the ability for the president to commit child molestation without any consquence, or his mishandlement of a health care crisis?

I don't agree with him on veterans.

And you support a person that feels up little girls on stage and took showers with his young daughter.

You mean like Bidens mishandling of about everything.
Again you are full of shit if you don't think Biden has been up to criminal shit with the crack baby. When he gets out of office he is fair game.

As is anyone.

The constitution doesn't prevent charging criminals.

Weird how nobody can prove anything, and conservatives refused to interrogate Hunter Biden in an open forum because that would neuter their ability to release selective edits useful idiots like you would parrot.

If Joe Biden has in fact committed crimes you'll find liberals won't defend him. Your only problem is you have to prove it, which doesn't seem remotely likely. That won't stop you from insisting he's guilty because you don't care about the actual law, just the political utility. A Democrat is always guilty even if proven innocent in your eyes.
Weird how nobody can prove anything, and conservatives refused to interrogate Hunter Biden in an open forum because that would neuter their ability to release selective edits useful idiots like you would parrot.

If Joe Biden has in fact committed crimes you'll find liberals won't defend him. Your only problem is you have to prove it, which doesn't seem remotely likely. That won't stop you from insisting he's guilty because you don't care about the actual law, just the political utility. A Democrat is always guilty even if proven innocent in your eyes.

Again more shit I never said. Biden was involved in some shit with the crack baby. Of course he may be too addled to be held responsible like his doctor said but let's see where the chips fall.
I don't agree with him on veterans.

And you support a person that feels up little girls on stage and took showers with his young daughter.

You mean like Bidens mishandling of about everything.
"feels up little girls on stage"....what are you saying....trump has so many rape accusations and has been fined for it too. again, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? trump spoke about fantasizing about his daughter and even creeped out fucking Howard Stern on his sentiment about his daughter. Trust me, you don't wanna play whose the bigger creep in this debacle.
"feels up little girls on stage"....what are you saying....trump has so many rape accusations and has been fined for it too. again, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? trump spoke about fantasizing about his daughter and even creeped out fucking Howard Stern on his sentiment about his daughter. Trust me, you don't wanna play whose the bigger creep in this debacle.

So you think Trump is a bigger creep when Joe feels up little girls and took showers with his young daughter.

That shows something about you.
So you think Trump is a bigger creep when Joe feels up little girls and took showers with his young daughter.

That shows something about you.
I have said trump’s a bigger creep because the court has proved him to be. Trump has even confessed to perving on 15 yr old girls in their changing rooms. Also, the court hasn’t proven that Biden has done any of those things that you scratched from your ass and he has never admitted to them like trump did….

Even then, I am not even a Biden guy but you trumpers that defend him like no tommorow, see politics as you either lick trump’s ass dry or you’re a communist or a Biden supporter.

hilarious to hear a "wanna be" such as yourself pretending to know anything about me.

I know you used to go by @foxnewsfan until they paid a record settlement for lying to their audience about the 2020 election. So then you switched your name to @CantCucktheTuck , after the guy responsible for Fox paying such a high settlement.

What more is there to know?
I know you used to go by @foxnewsfan until they paid a record settlement for lying to their audience about the 2020 election. So then you switched your name to @CantCucktheTuck , after the guy responsible for Fox paying such a high settlement.

What more is there to know?
Another swing and a miss. Best to disappear again like you did after your last excruciatingly embarrassing attempt at sounding smart.
The leftvl is trying to cope right now. Nothing is working an actually having opposite effect. So they are going back to pounding the hyper exaggerated rhetoric now - that seems to be the go to when everything else fails.

We're coping?

Your boy is currently sitting in a courthouse on charges for violating campaign finance laws when he paid hush money to a porn star. Something everyone with a room temperature IQ knows he did. And you think democrats look bad for this?

Let me guess: You also think rally size is really important, don't you?
Another swing and a miss. Best to disappear again like you did after your last excruciatingly embarrassing attempt at sounding smart.

Sure you did. Everyone knows it.

Just because you're proud of the name change doesn't mean that you went from backing a network that paid a record setting amount for lying to their viewers, to the "journalist" who did the same.

And that's something we can all laugh at.
I have said trump’s a bigger creep because the court has proved him to be. Trump has even confessed to perving on 15 yr old girls in their changing rooms. Also, the court hasn’t proven that Biden has done any of those things that you scratched from your ass and he has never admitted to them like trump did….

Even then, I am not even a Biden guy but you trumpers that defend him like no tommorow, see politics as you either lick trump’s ass dry or you’re a communist or a Biden supporter.

Who is defending him. He is an asshole but a better choice then Biden because of polices he and handlers push.

What the hell are you talking about there video and pictures of him "handling" a little girls chest and his own daughter put the showering in her diary.

He in fact was pinching a little girls chest.
Again you are full of shit if you don't think Biden has been up to criminal shit with the crack baby. When he gets out of office he is fair game.

The constitution doesn't prevent charging criminals.

The Constitution most certainly prohibits baseless criminal investigations with the explicit goal being revenge. That's what you're advocating for, even if you lack the courage to admit it.

Because the obvious, and very glaring difference to Trump and Biden, is that we actually have evidence of Trump committing crimes. Take just one criminal case going on right now (out of the 91 charges your daddy is facing): Trump is sitting in a court room for violating campaign finance laws when he paid hush money to a porn star. And the evidence presented so far has included: 1) testimony from the owner of the tabloid who bought the story, killed it on orders by trump, and was paid by trump's lawyer (Cohen) to do so; 2) testimony from Cohen backing that story; 3) testimony from the porn star that she fucked trump and then the tabloid paid her to bury the story then bury it; 4) numerous financial statements showing payments from Cohen to the National Inquirer then him getting reimbursed by Trump; 5) numerous communications between Cohen and the tabloids about how they needed to kill these stories on behalf of trump.

And Trump's defense for all this, isn't go deny that he fucked Stormy (what a christian!) nor to deny that the National Inquirer was paid to kill stories about him fucking her and committing adultry (family values!). Trump's defense, and wait for it, is that Cohen just decided to kill this story out of the goodness of his own heart. So that money he paid to the tabloids was just his personal money. And Trump paying him back was for other stuff that they can't really remember. Therefore everything was above board and....

You see the difference? One guy, Trump, actually has evidence against him that he broke the law. The other, Biden, does not. You twats have done nothing in the House for the past three years, and have failed so spectacularly, that you've been reduced to promiting the testimony of russian spies while lying about the source until caught.

So no, you are not justified in launching criminal charges against politicians you don't like just because you back a criminal. And the Constitution, that you swore to uphold, does not have your back.
You can't charge but you can investigate and then charge.

So far rhe investigate into the crack baby and what part his father played is nothing. So once he is no long president and can't refuse to answer and his handlers can't protect him let's see what they can dig up. I'm sure if they look hard they can find charges. He may well get out of them as Teump may. However that doesn't prevent charges and the big show to follow.
He can be a dictator the constitution prevents that.

And that's how bad he and the democrats are, that he is better.
The democrats aren't that bad. Biden isn't trying to take over the government. Vote for TR7MP for your own embarrassing reasons but he's the only President that has tried to make the government work for his own personal benefit. He isn't only abusing power he's trying to own it.
And what comes around goes around.

Democrats really didn't think their game plan would be used against them.
Yeah except that’s not it at all. You’re busy gargling on MAGA nuts and not worried about how him and his supporters like you are hell bent on eroding the checks and balances of the democracy. I swear you would actually prefer that he were emperor for life and do away with presidencies altogether
The democrats aren't that bad. Biden isn't trying to take over the government. Vote for TR7MP for your own embarrassing reasons but he's the only President that has tried to make the government work for his own personal benefit. He isn't only abusing power he's trying to own it.

Bull no more the Biden and his handlers.

Look at our borders. Look at what he has done to women. And that's just touching on the shit he has slung out.
Yeah except that’s not it at all. You’re busy gargling on MAGA nuts and not worried about how him and his supporters like you are hell bent on eroding the checks and balances of the democracy. I swear you would actually prefer that he were emperor for life and do away with presidencies altogether

So you have zero reading ability. Where did I post anything like that. That's just you crying because it's all you have with creepy Joe and how fucked up his policies have been.
So you have zero reading ability. Where did I post anything like that. That's just you crying because it's all you have with creepy Joe and how fucked up his policies have been.
You've advocated many times on here for weaponizing government agencies against democrats. You're a supporter of anti democratic principles and you can't handle it when the rule of law and democracy doesn't produce the result you want.