Any other old farts deal with "tennis elbow"?


Silver Belt
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Howdy all. Just hit 40 last year and it's been a real joy watching my body slowly fall apart. Lately been having some sharp elbow pain and stiffness in my left elbow that is not conducive to having a quick and rangy jab. Dr told me I'm starting to develop tennis elbow due to the constant straining over the years.

Doesn't effect me much grappling but holy hell it sucks for striking, particularly my jab. Anyone else deal with this shit?
Yep, had that and golfers elbow. Hurt to shift a car, shake a hand, turn a knob, etc.

People get this from repetitive movements like lifting weights. Whatever the activity, the person stops, pain stops, they go back to their routine, and it comes back. It's a faulty healing cycle. Your body will heal the bigger parts first, neglecting the smaller parts, so it always comes back. You gotta make those parts stronger/malleable to catch up.

Mine was so bad I had tennis on each arm, with 1 having golfers. I was told to stop lifting weights, get the flexbar, read up on what to do with it, stretch your shit, and do this for....6-8 weeks.

Invest in a FlexBar on amazon. It works beautifully not only for relief, but grip strength, and forearm appearance.
Rest and physical therapy are necessary. Repetitive snapping into an end-range motion will do it. My injury deteriorated to the point I could not function with that limb. Holding a coffee cup and sipping became a painful event. I don't recommend trying to power through/ignore tendonitis. PT will fix it. If you can't find info on proper exercises, I can scan PT sheets and get them to you. I have sympathy for anyone dealing with it.
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Use the dildo flexbar. Do reverse wrist curls with light weight. Focus on muscle endurance vs strength. It will get better with time.

If you want to be aggressive about it. You can force blood/inflammatory cascade into that area by doing chin up negatives. I don’t suggest it though since it’s going to be painful. It’s just what bros suggested before pt videos came on YouTube
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Sorry guys anyone who goes to a doctor is a nerd. However OP my right elbow is kind of fucked up and arm doesn't go as fully straight as my left.
Use the dildo flexbar. Do reverse wrist curls with light weight. Focus on muscle endurance vs strength. It will get better with time.

If you want to be aggressive about it. You can force blood/inflammatory cascade into that area by doing chin up negatives. I don’t suggest it though since it’s going to be painful. It’s just what bros suggested before pt videos came on before YouTube
This is why doctors a pointless. You can just find medical advice on Sherdog.
i had it but it was from severely over training my crush grip. i got rid of it by putting bands around my fingers and opening my hand up. also shoving my hand into rice and forcing my hand to open.
Last spring I did a pretty hard training session (a lot of pads, sparring, combinations...), nothing hurt, I didn't get injured or anything. I went home and normally went to sleep.. When I woke up the next day I couldn't move my right arm, because it hurt so much. I thought that I was maybe sleeping in a weird position and that's why it hurt so much. But the pain wouldn't go away for about 6 months or so...I couldn't extend the arm at all. I was able to throw a hook and an uppercut, but in no way I was able throw a straight.

I didn't go to my doctor, but "dr. google" said that it's probably a so called "tennis elbow" and that it will go away by itself in about 6 to 7 months. And so it was...I was training normally all that time, I just didn't throw any straights with my right arm.

The elbow went back to normal by now and it doesn't hurt anymore.
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PT, and strengthening the bicep should help with my experience as a pad holder
Im 53yo strength coach and lifelong scrapper. Ill just say, especially if you lift weights to think about re-calibrating things like flat bench press (anything over 225) and the like if you wanna keep your joints feeling good while striking. Alot of my buddies in similar position of tryng to walk that tightrope of "looking good" gym bod wise and not paying the price with their fight training whether they spar or not.

Assuming that your dynamic stretching (alot) keeping all 4 heads of the rotator cuff and 3 heads of the Delts happy and in unison, next thing you want to ensure is that your not snap locking out the elbow on the jab. i like to say to imagine your fist is a stone on the end of a beach towel you bout to whip. Tighten and rotate the fist right before impact but throw it from the shoulder not the elbow. While the joint is inflamed be it tendon or bursa sac -take it seriously, get the inflamation down before returning to using any speed at all. Also, watch overdoing arm building Bi's & Tri's (Forearms are good) exercises -like putting on brakes while revving in your sports car if overdone.
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I’ve switched to dumbbells for all lifts involving arms/shoulders. Made a big difference
Smart move. The thing is -and everyone is different -straight bar just makes be look much larger, like rugby player looking. Even 100lb+ Db's dont but really so what -better to be strong, leaner and keep your punch. STraight bar (heavy) will also kill your hooks in the long run

Only Boxer i see approaching 3 plates straight bar is Artur Biev -but dudes a freak and does a ton of accessory work
Smart move. The thing is -and everyone is different -straight bar just makes be look much larger, like rugby player looking. Even 100lb+ Db's dont but really so what -better to be strong, leaner and keep your punch. STraight bar (heavy) will also kill your hooks in the long run

Only Boxer i see approaching 3 plates straight bar is Artur Biev -but dudes a freak and does a ton of accessory work
I hold pads 20x more than I throw punches these days so that shoulder strength is a life saver