Crime 3 Missing Surfers Found Dead In Mexico

maybe it wasn't the cartels? that's bad for business, since surfer dudes like this are usually the end users of the drug pipeline.
They made a couple arrests. A woman was found with one of the dudes phones and she had a big assed bag of coke too. Coulda just been some shitters robbing the dudes and not related to organized crime.
They made a couple arrests. A woman was found with one of the dudes phones and she had a big assed bag of coke too. Coulda just been some shitters robbing the dudes and not related to organized crime.
the cartels are probably chopping her family up and trying to find whoever else was involved, as we speak.
I thought it was an unspoken agreement that they don't fuck with tourists, especially Americans.

That sounds more like 2005. Cartels are operating in and around the resorts now, which never used to be a thing. A person can still vacation there, buts at a higher risk now.
"Is Mexico no longer safe for tourists?"..... It hasn't been safe for tourists for decades my dude. It's certainly talked about a lot in the US but the size of this overall tragedy is underappreciated. Mexico is a large, resource rich, diverse nation with a huge potential labor force and frankly, it's beautiful... that it's not a budding EM and on the trajectory it was 40 years is incredibly sad. It could have been a force in the EM world and would have well been on its way to DM status. Instead Cartels have taken it over... not in any of our lifetimes will that not be the case.
All of Mexico is not dangerous. Pretty much the whole of the Yucatán and the gulf area are pretty safe. Merida, Cancun, Chetumal. Just go there. I’m not going to the pacific and northern areas though. Seems dumb, since that’s the main path the cartels use most. Guess those waves just call certain people no matter the risk.
@Whippy McGee you alive and well over there bro?

I've been down there in the past many times to surf. There are some great breaks from Rosarito Beach and south. We quit going at least 7-8 years ago as it became too sketchy. I would go with a neighbor and some friends in his shitty RV. We figured it ran well, but it was not so good someone would want to steal it or mess with us... until they did. We had to swerve around some bandits that were blocking a road acting like they needed help for their broken down truck. That was the last time.

Tragic shit... those guys just wanted to have a good time and likely didn't carry much worth robbing them for.
We’ll see if the cartels were involved. Since they run these areas and resorts they want tourists to feel safe there because it’s money in their pocket.

When those black Americans on vacation got killed by the cartels last year or the year before, the cartel released a statement like a corporation condemning the killers and saying the appropriate action has been taken like a bad employee dropped the N bomb.

The statement was so corporate that I’m surprised they didn’t add in something about fostering a safe environment to everybody regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion…announce new programs to affirm their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and promise to “do better”

So while it’s possible its somebody associated with cartels, likely a rogue that they’ll have to explain if it comes out that they are

RIP dudes

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