Weidman is delusional and has no one but himself to blame

you are talking about the guy who was celebrating and badmouthing The Spider when he broke his leg

he got served the biggest Karma plate ever when he broke his leg a few years later,
and then only he apologized to Anderson Silva, after realizing what a prick he was

you can not write a script like this
No one says anything when Jones eyepokes every fight when he’s struggling

lol what? We are constantly reminded of it plus whenever it happens. Jones "Eye poke" Jones is a thing.

He didnt seem too delusional last night. Say what you want about the ending and alright he beat an unranked guy but he definitely looked like he still belonged in there.

Against an unranked guy..
Don't see why he's getting this much hate. Not even like he had the chance to watch it back properly. Officials are the ones who fucked it up.

Like the Chris said: "F everybody who freaking doesn't believe in you" (unless you're the officials tonight, in which case you shouldn't believe in yourself either).
I'm not mad that he won. I'm mad that he won and didn't use the opportunity to retire. This was his Lytle moment and he shit the bed. I bet the UFC had some sendoff moment prepared too.
He didnt seem too delusional last night. Say what you want about the ending and alright he beat an unranked guy but he definitely looked like he still belonged in there.
"Belonged" against an unranked guy who will be cut after this. It was his time to hang it up.
you are talking about the guy who was celebrating and badmouthing The Spider when he broke his leg

he got served the biggest Karma plate ever when he broke his leg a few years later,
and then only he apologized to Anderson Silva, after realizing what a prick he was

you can not write a script like this
Yawn, this again.

There was absolutely no karma when he broke his leg, just because he broke Anderoid's.
Should Anderson go apologize to everyone he knocked out? Such karma he got laid out like a clown!

Weidman also did not celebrate and badmouth Anderson's leg break, thats a stupid take made up by coping anderson fans.
what? I am looking forward for his next fight.
Hopefully this piece of shit gets severely injured. There are slow motion cameras out there. You dont brag about an 'eye poke KO' when you should have been DQed.
I wonder his face coming home and telling his family he won tonight. Hes too old for that kind of behaviour.
Why hasn't this call for severe injury received a warning?
Word on the street is he's no longer his father's boy
Why hasn't this call for severe injury received a warning?
You can't post about a fighter publicly acknowledging they are a cuck but you can wish severe harm on them. Sherdog moderation is fucking retarded.
he was winning the fight until the moment he clearly should have been DQed, if thats what you mean im fine

honestly the speed and circumstances in which that happened it was completely unintentional, with bruno lunging at him suddenly. at worst it could have been a NC. judging scorecards at that point in time was a fair choice too, which is what they went for.
what? I am looking forward for his next fight.
Hopefully this piece of shit gets severely injured. There are slow motion cameras out there. You dont brag about an 'eye poke KO' when you should have been DQed.
I wonder his face coming home and telling his family he won tonight. Hes too old for that kind of behaviour.

I don't know why anyone is surprised, this is the same guy who jumped up and down when Silva broke his leg in their second fight like he had just won Mortal Kombat
You can't post about a fighter publicly acknowledging they are a cuck but you can wish severe harm on them. Sherdog moderation is fucking retarded.

Seems to be the policy in most online forums these days. Can't hurt people's feelings but you can hurt their bodies
honestly the speed and circumstances in which that happened it was completely unintentional, with bruno lunging at him suddenly. at worst it could have been a NC. judging scorecards at that point in time was a fair choice too, which is what they went for.
Completely unintentional except for the multiple eye pokes prior and the fact he had his fingers pointed about an inch from Bruno's eye for about a minute before the finishing sequence. Copeman gave him a warning so he pulled his hand back for a second and then pointed them out again. He was actually more blatant than Jones.
I've always been a supporter of Weidman.


Done with him. He cheated, he should have been DQ'd and the ref is to blame for that, but Weidman's attitude after the fight was awful.

So...F the midget ref, F the UFC's selective use of instant replay and F Chris Weidman for cheating in the first place.