Didn’t think Barboza could be in a boring fight but Murphy proved me wrong

Wish Barboza was a bit more active, Murphy didn't like it when Barboza landed on him. He hated those leg kicks too and started changing stances like crazy. Very smart performance tho, he started getting in Barboza's face and crowding him so he couldn't get off as many leg kicks and mixed in wrestling any time Barboza landed something good. The last 90 seconds where Murphy just tried to hold on for the decision was particularly annoying but hey, I was still hoping Barboza would land a kill shot right up to the very end.

Barboza looked a bit more stationary in there tonight than usual and slower too.
It's one of the worst things about Sherdog. It's a legitimate challenge to not get carded in these kind of threads.
It was boring/it was a robbery/people seeing a fight that was completely different from what actually happened usually just means "the guy I wanted to win lost" so just take it for what it is.

Salty whiners gonna be salty whiners.
It was boring/it was a robbery/people seeing a fight that was completely different from what actually happened usually just means "the guy I wanted to win lost" so just take it for what it is.

Salty whiners gonna be salty whiners.
I also honest think a lot of these guys do not actually watch the fight.

Like, some people literally don't watch the fight and just say this shit to troll MMA fans.

And LOTS of people, maybe even most, aren't really paying close attention, if at all. They are on their phones or something and don't notice damaging strikes unless there is blood or knockdowns.

That doesn't stop them from immediately making a thread shitting on the fighters immediately afterwards.
Wish Barboza was a bit more active, Murphy didn't like it when Barboza landed on him. He hated those leg kicks too and started changing stances like crazy. Very smart performance tho, he started getting in Barboza's face and crowding him so he couldn't get off as many leg kicks and mixed in wrestling any time Barboza landed something good. The last 90 seconds where Murphy just tried to hold on for the decision was particularly annoying but hey, I was still hoping Barboza would land a kill shot right up to the very end.

Barboza looked a bit more stationary in there tonight than usual and slower too.
He got pretty badly hurt in the first round and never fully recovered. He has definitely lost a step, but I think his performance tonight was more the result of getting the shit beaten out of him.
I also honest think a lot of these guys do not actually watch the fight.

Like, some people literally don't watch the fight and just say this shit to troll MMA fans.

And LOTS of people, maybe even most, aren't really paying close attention, if at all. They are on their phones or something and don't notice damaging strikes unless there is blood or knockdowns.

That doesn't stop them from immediately making a thread shitting on the fighters immediately afterwards.
Honestly wouldn't shock me given how many wikipedia scholars there are on Sherdog.

And lol, Sherdog deciding whoever is bleeding more lost will never fail to crack me up.
This fight wasn't half as boring as the Harambee fight.
Honestly wouldn't shock me given how many wikipedia scholars there are on Sherdog.

And lol, Sherdog deciding whoever is bleeding more lost will never fail to crack me up.

There's for sure a tendency to assume every decision was a boring stall-fest...

Lerone Murphy really didn't wrestle much at all tonight, but I've seen that claim made already.
Good performance by Murphy but it’s annoying becuase you could clearly see edson making mistakes throughout the fight. He was just letting himself get hit after a point, he was only throwing jabs and low kicks, not countering, no urgency to push for a finish, the right hand was non existent. He had Murphy hurt at the end if the first and he didn’t push in the second. Just annoying to see from a seasoned veteran, kind of like when a fighter with a reach and height disadvantage tries to headhunt, you just know they could do more
Boring is a stretch. One way traffic is accurate.

Edson was getting the shit beat out of him. He demonstrated his toughness again despite having shit tier defense. He was able to overcome it against Sadiq, but he couldn't tonight. At 38 and 36 fights deep, we should respect his toughness against a guy who's six years and 24 fights his junior. The fact that he even made it to the cards deserves it.
Edson has taken some punshment. Kevin Lee gave him a pretty fierce GnP beating as well....that was probably the Bad Head Tattoo Man's best fight and career peak.
Negative. Barbozo proved you wrong. Clown should be cut.
Oh come on...he wants to fight Max for the BMF Belt! Maybe it now means Beat Mercilessly Forever?
First of all impressive work by Murphy, he passed the Barboza IQ test.

Now that that’s out of the way, I was surprised at how bad of a fight that was. Murphy was somehow not dangerous while being dominant the entire time.

Barboza is usually in banger fights. I’ve never seen a bad fight out of him. Tonight proved that wrong. Maybe he’s just too washed and old now.

We still love you Barboza. Thanks for trying to make it entertaining.
He passed his time

Dana knew the fury fight was on tonight
These guys watch two guys beat each other half to death and call it boring. Bunch of entitled whiny wankers. That was an extremely impressive and dominant performance by Murphy. He hurt Barboza badly, all fight.

No offense, but calling what he did "point fighting" is idiotic. Like drooling idiot level idiotic. He beat the ever-loving shit out of Barboza.

You idiots.
Its like some of these MMA aficionados forget guys with toughness and an ability to avoid getting finished can end your night if you blow your load trying to force a finish. Darren Elkins is proof you can lose if you don't manage you energy correctly.
I know that Barbosa is always dangerous and all but if I was Murphy's corner I'd ask him to go for the kill.

In the second or third round Barbosa was trying to get a thai clinch and he was super slow, his distance management way off, he was pretty much done. Murphy chose to hold him.

In career terms, thinking about what the UFC looks for, it's a huge difference in "decisioning Barboza" (even if it's a clear win) versus "KOing the ever dangerous Barboza". That would straight up put his name in the top 10 and as an exciting striker.

Yeah it's a risk, but at that moment I think it was worth taking it.