Law DEA finally accepts: cannabis is low-risk and has medical potential

Cannabis is known to advance / initiate mental health disease, including schizophrenia.

Portraying it as “harmless” is just as dumb as saying it’s deadly.
Cannabis is known to advance / initiate mental health disease, including schizophrenia.

Portraying it as “harmless” is just as dumb as saying it’s deadly
Almost no substance is actually harmless....You can overdose on Water.
legal weeds a tough issue.

on 1 hand i dont like how beer/.spirits shoved in kids faces and i dont wanted weed advertised to keedz either.

Good side of legal weed tho is better quality control n less toxic chems used to make the product.

think weed is the lesser of those 3 evils.

I’d add there needs to be thoughtful approach to dealing with smoking in public as well. I love to smoke a joint but walking around NYC it’s rare to get a few blocks without encountering someone on the street blazing some dank stuff that makes half the block reek. It’s a little much even for someone who partakes like me. If I’m with my kids I’m a little annoyed and I’m sure those that don’t like weed must be annoyed all the time.

Maybe just an issue in dense cities though.
You began, "It's hilarious..." That expresses an emotion, even if it is intended sarcastically. I mentioned I am concerned about an excess of consumption, but I did not attribute it to legalization. Marijuana use was on the rise for decades before we moved to legalize anything.
Alcohol consumption went up under prohibition, so that makes sense. I think the more we normalize it, the more consumption will go down until it reaches some kind of homeostasis. I am somewhat concerned about the rise of high potency concentrates and the sudden emergence of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. CHS was basically non-existent until the widespread use of concentrates. We definitely need to be doing extensive research into the effects of long-term daily usage of concentrates and make some decisions once we have quality data to inform those decisions.
Yes, but that’s irrelevant Einstein
Laughing...Not at all Poindexter. But I agree that Cannabis is not completely harmless but it does have a lot of positive attributes and the negative ones that you described are far for the norm for the average consumer who chooses to make the judgement to consume Cannabis.
Best Vape pen on the market...imo
I take 2/4 puffs throughout the evening when having a Busch light.


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