You actually believe how young this "dude" looks?

39... but this young prospect could still be in high school

39... but this young prospect could still be in high school

He was a lot younger when that photo was taken.

I recall he was tipped to be the next big prospect when he emerged.

Vicious first performance.
He's also juiced/sauced, which is normal & no biggie.
Prolly a sport trt dosage (blast/cruise) & possible peptides too.
He's fit & aged well.

Got a couple of colleagues who are in their mid 60s and look in their mid 50s.
Both gym rats & one of them was an active marathoner.
Gonna age better the fitter you are.
Obesity & diabetes/metabolic disorders accelerate aging.
Yes I can believe it. This is actually becoming more and more normal. Even for people who don't really take care of themselves much. I knew a guy mid 50's that would literally have people asking for ID because they didn't believe he was in his 50's. He didn't workout or do much of anything really other than work. He wasn't fat or anything either.
3 things that age a man genreally (meaning make him LOOK older) are :
- hair loss
- grey hair
- overweight / too much bodyfat
- wrinkled / sagging skin

some of those you can affect / change, others not so much.

heatlhy clean diet and low bodyfat and working out hard will go a long way for men and women too.
- most people simply are not dedicated enough to do this through their 50s and 60s though.
About to hit 40 but I would look in my 20s if my graying beard didn't give me away. And just a couple months ago I spotted my first white hairs up top, so that facade is fading fast.

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