Economy Workers at Tn VW plant vote to unionize. GOP politicians say they made a mistake

I stand by what I said. I wish my father had a union when he came to this country and I would have preferred if I never joined one. 2 things can be true at once.
It's good for you that you've made it above the fray.
You can choose to buy American made. It might be a foreign company buy at least buy built in the USA.

Normally I end up buying America made.

However most people look for the best deal they can get in price and quality and you can't blame them for that.

I do as well.
Thankfully Tennessee is a Right to Work state so employees that don't want to join don't have to.
"thankfully I can be fired at any time for any reason with absolutely zero notice. I love having absolutely zero protections in my employment "

Said absolutely nobody ever. Stop humiliating yourself with this bootlicking shit.
"thankfully I can be fired at any time for any reason with absolutely zero notice. I love having absolutely zero protections in my employment "

Said absolutely nobody ever. Stop humiliating yourself with this bootlicking shit.
If that's the way an employee wants to go, they should be allowed to. If the Union can't convince them to join than the union isn't doing their job very well.
Unions are bad Umkay!!!! They have done nothing for Americans.
If that's the way an employee wants to go, they should be allowed to. If the Union can't convince them to join than the union isn't doing their job very well.
Never been a fan of unions tbh. I see the necessity back in the day but not so much today.
Never been a fan of unions tbh. I see the necessity back in the day but not so much today.
Florida and Texas just passed bills that removes protections for workers working in high heat conditions.

DeSantis signs bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workers

Unions are needed and will always be needed because Capitalism will always seek to pay as little as possible and extract as much work as possible from workers, while providing as little as possible in the way of occupational safety protections and rights.
Florida and Texas just passed bills that removes protections for workers working in high heat conditions.

DeSantis signs bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workers

Unions are needed and will always be needed because Capitalism will always seek to pay as little as possible and extract as much work as possible from workers, while providing as little as possible in the way of occupational safety protections and rights.
To me it's all a balance and some aspects of unions are good. Lawsuits for something that happens are much more prevalent today and everyone sues. I lived in Boston for 7.5 years where unions are much more relevant. You can't even help do a job that is not YOUR job even if it expedites the work. They picket all non-union labor jobs (remember them picketing a dunkin donuts right down the street) to block the work so that only union labor can be used. It IS difficult to fire anyone and they are so protected that the work never gets done. My bud worked part time and still made 100k. Look, I get the worker protection portion but they have lots of downside as well. Again, I have buds in the unions in Mass and don't blame them for joining but there is a lot of issues I see. In the south they are much less relevant.
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Florida and Texas just passed bills that removes protections for workers working in high heat conditions.

DeSantis signs bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workers

Unions are needed and will always be needed because Capitalism will always seek to pay as little as possible and extract as much work as possible from workers, while providing as little as possible in the way of occupational safety protections and rights.
that law actually passed statewide protections for outdoor workers and stopped individual municipalities from doing whatever they wanted.
stop lying.
Not sure what hot weather has to do with working in a car factory, but it isn't "muh big business against the working and middle class". The working and middle class are ones who get buttfucked when they just hike the cost of the cars to cover the added expense. Do you think car companies just decide "oh man, sucks for us", or do they increase the prices and just open the next plant somewhere else? Millionaires and billionaires don't drive Volkswagons, so this money comes from the people who do. Yeah, no shit the governor thinks it's a bad decision when the main attraction of opening an auto factory in his state is gone.

The UAW IS big business, and they don't even make anything. They have a billion dollars in assets and Shawn Fain is rich entirely from skimming off people's paychecks. He isn't negotiating for other people to help them out, he's doing it to get rich himself.
It's a competitive market, if manufacturers raises prices they could lose market share to other competitors. In order words, the demand for VW automobiles would likely be highly elastic, because there are so many substitutes. That could mean other cost cutting efforts like increased automation or smaller stock buybacks. Tradeoffs all around.
Anytime I hear the word union I think about how goated the police and mlb umpire unions are. Cangel Hernandez still being employed is truly remarkable.
$23/hour starting pay? slave labor for sure.

This is irrelevant. It could be $50/hr.

What matters is how much the company is profiting per hour per worker and if that profit is being fairly distributed.
that law actually passed statewide protections for outdoor workers and stopped individual municipalities from doing whatever they wanted.
stop lying.
From their local Fox News

DeSantis sings bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workers

The bill, passed by the Florida Senate in March 2024, makes it so local governments can not require companies to “meet or provide heat exposure requirements beyond those required by law.”

“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City).

So Republicans want the companies to decide on what is suitable heat protections.
From their local Fox News

DeSantis sings bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workers

The bill, passed by the Florida Senate in March 2024, makes it so local governments can not require companies to “meet or provide heat exposure requirements beyond those required by law.”

“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City).

So Republicans want the companies to decide on what is suitable heat protections.
nope...they want the rules defined statewide, so there won't' be any confusion or question as what the policy is.
that law actually passed statewide protections for outdoor workers and stopped individual municipalities from doing whatever they wanted.
stop lying.
Where does the party of small government start and stop? Are we against the feds, but not the state? Why can't we be against the state, but not the municipality?

When it comes to the Federal Government, don't tread on me! But when it comes to the State, you want that boot put on your neck while you scream "govern me harder daddy".
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nope...they want the rules defined statewide, so there won't' be any confusion or question as what the policy is.

Bullshit. You can parrot the nonsense excuses the Florida Republicans are using to try to disguise this, but there's one reason they did this. Because big businesses told them to.

“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,”

Allowing businesses to police themselves. What could possibly go wrong?

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