Why did they keep pushing the WMMA?


Gold Belt
Aug 17, 2006
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Serious question, why? Is this really bringing in enough revenue for the UFC to warrant having these fights?

Nothing takes the air out of a UFC event like a WMMA decision. Carolina Kowalkiewicz is still fighting? Was this fight ever going to be anything other than a boring uneventful decision?

You can make money all day, just betting that the next WMMA fight will end in a boring unmemorable decision.

Why do they continue to do it, I really don’t understand it, who’s wanting to pay for this? I think it must just be Dana’s pride not wanting to admit a loss. It’s like he thought it was always going to be like the Ronda Rousey days and now he’s willing to burn through money and keep taking losses rather than admit it’s not working.
I don't mind WMMA, but It's still not there yet. Gotta give it anohter 4-7 years.
Betting on WMMA is great
9/10 always goes to a decision, hope it never goes away, easy way to make money

As as product though, 95% of it is terrible
The UFC will get cancelled by the woke if they try to get rid of it now
The UFC have a lot of events they need to run to meet broadcasting obligations, the women’s divisions help them do this basically.
Im not sure if they put cards every week back then around the time they brought the female division(s), its not like they could not make up with just male talent, but im guessing combined with some gender quota from ESPN they do need everyone willing to fight at this point, the ones at mid-high level are more selective with the fights they take, they need them.
Have you not ever see women sports ? Check out the evolution of lady basketball. And you’re talking about fighting?
Its interesting, there are a select few that can actually fight, im not saying they would be competitive with males the same size, but they are ok to watch, while the very best soccer, basketball, or whatever sport, probably other than Tenis are 100% boring.
For the wimmen'z theme music that flows with violence.

There is a small, loud handful here that seem to treat it like real fighting and pretend it's entertaining watching women get concussions. in the real world, I can't think of anyone who wants these fights in the UFC.
It's cheap filler material for the prelims. Not like it costs them much.
The same people bashing WMMA are the same ones paying for boring jab defensive Strickland fights.
The same people bashing WMMA are the same ones paying for boring jab defensive Strickland fights.
Strickland turns is opponents faces into pizza. He's actually skilled unlike the standard soccer mum fare of WMMA.
Worth it for some of the great women's fights we've had over the years
So WMMA is kinda like Erick Silva?
Yeah, you might have a point.

Joanna is one of my favourite fighters ever and I've always loved watching her fight. It gives me hope that there could be a WMMA fighter as fun and as watchable. there never has been since, I feel like since she's been out of the mix I've just not cared about anything I've seen. only the usual suspects are really making a splash... Zhang, Rose, Manon, Shevchenko/alexa......

Women's BW is awful now, hopefully kayla can bring it back to interest