Social Who Here Has The Guts To Post Their Pic?

This is me. Don't bother telling me I look like Richard Stilgoe, because:

a) I don't.
b) I've heard it before.
c) I don't imagine any of you have heard of Richard Stilgoe.

Fair point, but it happened in the era of my life when I was still taking internet seriously. I was so retarded that I even wanted to fight keyboard warriors and to that end left my phone number and address so those who insulted me can find me more easily.
How many people did you fight?
The personal info culture here is pathetic. People here are so scared of being judged and ridiculed that they vehemently refuse to show themselves.

Here is me.


I'm sexy, I know.

Who else will forsake the shit culture on this forum and reveal themselves?

Please keep tit/dick pics in my inbox to a minimum (one per person).

On a side note, those of you who are chicken shit, how come? We are buds here. If someone shoops a phallus shaped object to your lips, so what? It's just pwns.

I think seeing our buds gives us an insight into who they really are, deepening our friendships and breaking down the walls that are built up bc the "internet is scary."

Admit it. I inspired this as I gave almost this exact same speech and posted pictures of myself in another thread. I've talked about "Sherdog Anonymity" many times.

In any case, here I am, again.



Admit it. I inspired this wasost this exact same speech and posted pictures of myself in another thread. I've talked about "Sherdog Anonymity" many times.

In any case, here I am, again.



Was not inspired by you, although we have talked about this before. Looking fwappalicous.

Why are you not wearing pants in the first pic?
i know a guy who got fired by posting a pictures of himself on a forum the day he called in sick. Someone from his company saw him online and ratted him out. I've always been careful since that day.
Was not inspired by you, although we have talked about this before. Looking fwappalicous.

Why are you not wearing pants in the first pic?

It was skirt day.

A girl I used to work with photoshopped me once, if I wasn't her boss I would have fallen in love with her instantly.


Am, who am I kidding, I was madly in love with her. I just never told her because of the work thing.

She's the reason I like Polish girls so much.

i know a guy who got fired by posting a pictures of himself on a forum the day he called in sick. Someone from his company saw him online and ratted him out. I've always been careful since that day.
filthy man didn't that coworker know snitches get stitches?
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This little experiment has shown me that I'm actually a bit self concious about my selfies but hell with it here it goes.
i know a guy who got fired by posting a pictures of himself on a forum the day he called in sick. Someone from his company saw him online and ratted him out. I've always been careful since that day.
You playing hooky or sumpfin, my *****?
It was skirt day.

A girl I used to work with photoshopped me once, if I wasn't her boss I would have fallen in love with her instantly.


Am, who am I kidding, I was madly in love with her. I just never told her because of the work thing.

She's the reason I like Polish girls so much.

Admit it. I inspired this as I gave almost this exact same speech and posted pictures of myself in another thread. I've talked about "Sherdog Anonymity" many times.

In any case, here I am, again.




Are you Luke Thomas???

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