What's your weather like today?

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Cold (-13 to -17 in my area)

Snowing lightly, overcast.
7 degrees and heavy rain in England
I was stripping a roof in that shit.
Couldn't put it off because customer had paid £360 a day for ecologist to watch the bats in their roof.
Right now, for the past few days, it's blue skies, then suddenly pouring, rinse and repeat. I drove somewhere, and it was drizzling heavy, but clear skies, so waited a couple of minutes and it stopped, so didn't have to get wet outside.
Partly shitty with a 90% chance of an old guy picking up some beer between 7 and 10 pm.
Almost spring vibes today over here when I was out for a walk earlier @Sir Galahad @HI SCOTT NEWMAN :)

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It’s going to be in the low 50s today, which is crazy warm for us this time of year. It’s been months since I’ve seen a temp in the 50s. Will have to wash my car today, it’s covered in salt and grime from the winter.
Sorry, I'm bored & curious to see what the conditions are like where ever the rest of you are at.
I suppose I'm also going through a bit of climate shock because being from Buffalo I've never experienced shirtsleeves weather in the middle of December before. But that's just what it is today here in Sedona, Arizona where it's 60 degrees & sunny. I just got through taking a walk outside to check our mail & I wound up staying out there for about 15 minutes because it was so nice.
So, tell me what it's like where you're at.
I am over the border, but pretty close to Buffalo. It's a couple degrees below freezing, but sunny and beautiful. But the weather can be very different between here and there, so who knows what's going on over there right now.
MV5BZmE2ODFlZjctOWZlZi00MGVkLTk5NDctYWZmMWQyOTczNjYzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzkwMjQ5NzM@._V1_.jpg 4c, rainy, grey and horrible..

Fortunately summer is coming, i honestly feel like shit.. probably 15 hours of sun in november, same in dec..

Cold, cloudy and polluted here in Shanghai
Raining and about 5 C (42 F). It's been like this for the last 4 months or so in Vancouver with a couple random sunny days here and there. Cannot fucking wait for spring.
Right now, for the past few days, it's blue skies, then suddenly pouring, rinse and repeat. I drove somewhere, and it was drizzling heavy, but clear skies, so waited a couple of minutes and it stopped, so didn't have to get wet outside.

I just booked a trip to Kauai for November. I've been to Maui a couple of times but no other islands. Cannot wait.
Overcast and rainy. The weather that makes me think most strongly of home.
Just a tad under 50 degrees and sort of misty

For michigan and march thats awesome weather and i have no complaints
Sorry, I'm bored & curious to see what the conditions are like where ever the rest of you are at.
I suppose I'm also going through a bit of climate shock because being from Buffalo I've never experienced shirtsleeves weather in the middle of December before. But that's just what it is today here in Sedona, Arizona where it's 60 degrees & sunny. I just got through taking a walk outside to check our mail & I wound up staying out there for about 15 minutes because it was so nice.
So, tell me what it's like where you're at.
Training in Albuquerque today so it's not warm. I had to layer for the five Mile run this morning. Was just staying in Mesa and it was so mild it was short and flip flops at night.
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