What’s the Deal with Unfrosted? -Jerry Seinfeld Movie Netflix

Jerry created and wrote one of the funniest shows of all time. His stand up was never great to me., and he was never really an actor. Larry had his run as well. But both did what they did in there comfort zones. Jerry stepped out of his and shit the bed, it happens. Happened to Eddie Murphy. Mike Myers etc
Jerry was never funny, he just had the face for television.

Nothing Jerry has done since Seinfeld has been any good.
It’s pretty terrible, yes….it’s one of those movies that are usually on tv on a saturday afternoon and you end up watching because you’ve got nothing better to do and they are so bad that you cannot stop watching. Like a car crash
Nothing Jerry has done since Seinfeld has been any good.
I liked some of the "Comedians in cars getting coffee" episodes.

But than again, it really depends on the guest so you're probably right...
I might make it a point to watch the movie tomorrow. I've heard the Seinfeld movie isn't good from other.

Did see though that the Wall Street Journal said mean comedy had no place in America anymore. I was a bit surprised by that. In general Seinfeld's comedy didn't seem all that mean to me in the past. I'm not much of a fan of mean comedy in general but I'm not in favor of over regulation and censorship of comedy at all.
I might make it a point to watch the movie tomorrow. I've heard the Seinfeld movie isn't good from other.

Did see though that the Wall Street Journal said mean comedy had no place in America anymore. I was a bit surprised by that. In general Seinfeld's comedy didn't seem all that mean to me in the past. I'm not much of a fan of mean comedy in general but I'm not in favor of over regulation and censorship of comedy at all.

It's because Jerry came out against the left and "PC crap" that so many outlets are condemning him and his film. The film itself is light, silly fun. There's not a mean bone in its body (though there are a couple of great dark jokes, one involving a ventriloquist dummy and one involving Steve Schwinn), and certainly no partisan bones. It was made to be, and successfully is, light entertainment. There are no large-scale "messages," even including the Jan. 6th joke, which is played for laughs rather than ideology. It shouldn't offend anyone unless they turned it on expecting a genius level comedy on the order of Dr. Strangelove. It's not that, and it wasn't meant to be that, so expecting it to be that is stupid. It's just an old-fashioned fun time at the movies...which, sadly, people seem to have forgotten how to have.

But it's true, Amy Schumer is terrible and she's the worst part of the movie. On the plus side, the rest of the cast kills it. If someone would've told me beforehand that Bobby Moynihan would be the funniest part, I would've been extremely skeptical, but I laughed literally every time he was onscreen. Hugh Grant was also great hamming it up. And Max Greenfield is always hilarious as that ball of obnoxious energy. It's goofy and it's campy, but it's fun for anyone who remembers how to have it.
My wife was directing a Russian voice-over for this movie. I watched her do it, and though it does not equal to properly watching the movie, I thought it was hilarious.
I think they could of done Seinfeld with just his empty apartment and everybody still dropping by to steal food or whatever else
Jerry away on tour for the whole show
Still would be magic
Newman was the glue
I think they could of done Seinfeld with just his empty apartment and everybody still dropping by to steal food or whatever else
Jerry away on tour for the whole show
Still would be magic
Newman was the glue

Patiently waiting for Bizarro Jerry show.

It's because Jerry came out against the left and "PC crap" that so many outlets are condemning him and his film. The film itself is light, silly fun. There's not a mean bone in its body (though there are a couple of great dark jokes, one involving a ventriloquist dummy and one involving Steve Schwinn), and certainly no partisan bones. It was made to be, and successfully is, light entertainment. There are no large-scale "messages," even including the Jan. 6th joke, which is played for laughs rather than ideology. It shouldn't offend anyone unless they turned it on expecting a genius level comedy on the order of Dr. Strangelove. It's not that, and it wasn't meant to be that, so expecting it to be that is stupid. It's just an old-fashioned fun time at the movies...which, sadly, people seem to have forgotten how to have.

But it's true, Amy Schumer is terrible and she's the worst part of the movie. On the plus side, the rest of the cast kills it. If someone would've told me beforehand that Bobby Moynihan would be the funniest part, I would've been extremely skeptical, but I laughed literally every time he was onscreen. Hugh Grant was also great hamming it up. And Max Greenfield is always hilarious as that ball of obnoxious energy. It's goofy and it's campy, but it's fun for anyone who remembers how to have it.

sack lunch.gif

I'll tell you one thing for sure: Unfrosted is a MUCH better film than The English Patient.

I’ve watched Seinfeld twenty times over. My all-time favorite sitcom. And I’m always surprised when people say Jerry himself was the weak link.

Saying Jerry was the weakest actor of the main four just seems obvious and he probably would have said it himself. But that’s not a knock to him. It just speaks to how great Alexander, Dreyfus, and Richards were. So I’m not questioning people saying he’s number 4 among the leads but I dispute the notion that he wasn’t a great part of the show.

Almost all the interactions between Jerry and George are priceless. And as funny as George is, Jerry egging him on, feeding his preoccupations and pettiness made it that much funnier.

“Well if he didn’t take the raisins, who did?
“That’s what I’m trying to find out..”

“imagine her taking credit for your Big Salad.

More than that, his delivery was often hilarious. Take one of my favorite of those George/Jerry moments. George is desperate to get out of his relationship with Susan while they are working on the NBC pilot..

“She has a huge crush on David Letterman. She talks about him all the time. He works for NBC. I work for NBC. Let’s say I bump into David Letterman. I tell him my situation. He agrees to meet Susan. They fall madly in love and Susan leaves me for David Letterman.”

“And this is your plan.”

“No, no im just thinking.”

“I don’t think you are.”- line deliveries like that were classic Jerry. And they always made me laugh.

Factor in that Kramer as zany and hilarious as he was often had great exchanges with Jerry, too. Honestly, I feel like 9/10 of Kramer’s scenes were with Jerry. Could you imagine that character working if Jerry wasn’t part of the series and it was just George, Elaine, Kramer and the supporting cast. The dynamic between Elaine and Jerry was great as well. The overall quality of the show benefited from that dynamic between characters and Jerry was integral in that regard.

I honestly never knew someone could be this passionate about Seinfeld sir.
Never liked the show myself lol.

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