Social War Room Lounge 317: Who's your da.. uh accountability partner?

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@SakurabasEar What do you think about that one? #PrideNeverDie

Lol, this was not a fake match.

Carlos and Sakuraba had a healthy amount of respect for eachother and in turn, basically just made it a grappling match. Newton's base was Japanese jiu-jitsu, and he wanted to naturally test his metal with Sakuraba's grappling. The grappling was more important to both than MMA here imo

Lol, this was not a fake match.

Carlos and Sakuraba had a healthy amount of respect for eachother and in turn, basically just made it a grappling match. Newton's base was Japanese jiu-jitsu, and he wanted to naturally test his metal with Sakuraba's grappling. The grappling was more important to both than MMA here imo

Newton's JJ coach was a SWAT Sgt in Toronto. Haven't seen him in A few years, but still dangerous as hell in his 70's.
Probably something to do with the server migration that's coming. Not that I know what that's all about, but I've seen it before, where sites get a bit stripped of certain things, before they make a big move, and then they come back. I doubt it's permanent.

On a side note, what happened to Gregolian? Obviously he died, but was he battling something? Some members here seemed to be pretty close with the dude, and I believe a memorial was even set up in his honor. Was it random, or was he in bad shape for a while? If y'all want to leave it a private matter, that's fine. I'm just curious. It's just pretty abrupt at how he was talking about paying off his truck and was heavily active in the forums, and then all of sudden he was gone.
Greg had a heart attack.
No joke, it's great for the skin, especially in winter.
It certainly does sound insulating in a similar way to blubber.

Aside, note to self, a first draft while I think of it to be used on some later occasion for comic relief:

It certainly does sound insulating in a similar way to blubber.
Blubber. That's a fun word to say, isn't it? Blubber. Blubber. Bluhhhhhber. Buhhhluubububber. Blbr. Cool.
Oh, is it back to me? Uhhh hyaaaaa, that is cool also. [Pffffffffffft]

Sorry, Irish, ignored your order and made a joke.
It certainly does sound insulating in a similar way to blubber.

Aside, note to self, a first draft while I think of it to be used on some later occasion for comic relief:

It certainly does sound insulating in a similar way to blubber.
Blubber. That's a fun word to say, isn't it? Blubber. Blubber. Bluhhhhhber. Buhhhluubububber. Blbr. Cool.
Oh, is it back to me? Uhhh hyaaaaa, that is cool also. [Pffffffffffft]

Sorry, Irish, ignored your order and made a joke.
Sometimes i wonder what it sounds like inside your head Andy
Sometimes i wonder what it sounds like inside your head Andy
It has its ups and downs--particularly during squats, times when it would bore the most patient soul, but on the whole I rate it "pretty entertaining most of the time".

Haiku of the day number TBD (Advanced Search is not working), "Website Update 2023"

Colder than witch tits
North wind strong harshly striking
Sherdog likewise blows

#haikuoftheday #HOTD
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What a wonderfully vague reaction. To what does it refer, if I may ask? My bit or his comment?

Because I might liken it to a plethora of different species of birds in one sanctuary all singing, sometimes in total harmony, sometimes in a complete cacophony, but most of the time with beautiful music rising up here and there above a rather chaotic din to make my day just a little easier.

But another might find it to be, like, 99% nonsense with only the odd wise bit here and there lol
[Edit:] In fairness there is a lot of whistling and humming to put up with.
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Way to go.

So here's a question: which will result in a(nother) ban first, one of the Trump trial threads or the Israel/Gaza thread?
Definitely Gaza. That thread made me dust off my hammer
Having trouble linking YouTube on mobile
LOL why are you quoting these old posts? I mean, I don't mind; they bring back happy memories lol but you've piqued my curiosity.

Going for a little absurdity-driven humor of your own?
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Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
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