Crime Vince McMahon Accused Of Sex Trafficking

Basically she was OK with it as long as he paid her. He should have honored his agreement, we'd be none of wiser at how much of a degenerate he is. Now everything will get exposed and a jury gets to decide.
Yeah I don't think it's a coincidence this was filed the same week WWE announced their $5 billion deal with Netflix. Vince has basically been a mascot for the past 12-18 months anyhow, he no longer had any real power. Nick Khan is the business guy and HHH does creative for Raw and SD while HBK and Road Dogg book NXT.
Yeah I don't think it's a coincidence this was filed the same week WWE announced their $5 billion deal with Netflix. Vince has basically been a mascot for the past 12-18 months anyhow, he no longer had any real power. Nick Khan is the business guy and HHH does creative for Raw and SD while HBK and Road Dogg book NXT.

Vince has not been out of power for anywhere near 12-18 years. He still had last say creative control as recently as last year. Even after the first sexual scandal came out he made yet another return and power grab, and was still insisting final creative decisions go through him. Hes way to much of a megalomaniac to just hang around for nearly 2 decades essentially not doing anything, plus this contradicts most reporting coming from WWE insiders themselves, most of whom dread McMahon even having creative input at this point
Vince has not been out of power for anywhere near 12-18 years. He still had last say creative control as recently as last year. Even after the first sexual scandal came out he made yet another return and power grab, and was still insisting final creative decisions go through him. Hes way to much of a megalomaniac to just hang around for nearly 2 decades essentially not doing anything, plus this contradicts most reporting coming from WWE insiders themselves, most of whom dread McMahon even having creative input at this point
Where'd you get 12-18 years from?

A woman who received a payout from WWE boss Vince McMahon has accused McMahon, the company and a former executive of sex trafficking in a new lawsuitthat raises questions about the breadth of an internal company probe conducted by a law firm last year.

In July 2021, the suit said, McMahon instructed Grant to create personalized sexual content for a WWE superstar that he was trying to re-sign. The suit didn’t name the professional wrestler, but described him as both a UFC fighter and WWE talent. People familiar with the matter identified the wrestler as Brock Lesnar, one of WWE’s biggest names.


My favorite aspect of this is how a billionaire business genius texts like an average teenaged incel Andrew Tate worshipper, complete with spelling errors, poor grammar, stupid abbreviations, and lack of punctuation.
My favorite aspect of this is how a billionaire business genius texts like an average teenaged incel Andrew Tate worshipper, complete with spelling errors, poor grammar, stupid abbreviations, and lack of punctuation.

I think you’ll like this one as well then….

Why would a woman subject herself to something like that? Was she that obsessed with the attention and money?

Why would a woman subject herself to something like that? Was she that obsessed with the attention and money?

There was a big #metoo movement in wrestling during the summer and fall of 2020. Most of the alleged activities in this lawsuit took place after that. I'd be interested to know if she ever tried to get law enforcement involved.
There was a big #metoo movement in wrestling during the summer and fall of 2020. Most of the alleged activities in this lawsuit took place after that. I'd be interested to know if she ever tried to get law enforcement involved.
The biggest issue here is that she settled for 3 million, but only got paid 1. She wouldn't have involved the cops when she thought she was getting paid. But when they flaked on her payments, now it's abuse.
The biggest issue here is that she settled for 3 million, but only got paid 1. She wouldn't have involved the cops when she thought she was getting paid. But when they flaked on her payments, now it's abuse.
But did she try and get law enforcement involved after "only" getting $1 million? The timing doesn't look good considering it's just 3 days after WWE announced a $5 billion deal with Netflix.
I always thought he was a creep, but he takes it to another level. Yish.
This is more maniacal than creepy. I'll never understand how people in such a position would leave themselves exposed like that. Even with an NDA, there ain't no guarantees. If you're gonna say shit like that, you do it far away from a microphone, let alone the fucking internet. Even some drunken lech at the bar, isn't that brazen.
Why would a woman subject herself to something like that? Was she that obsessed with the attention and money?


FWIW abusive relationships aren't always just that easy for people to walk away from, and even more so for women. The psychological aspects are very nuanced. Getting a break in an industry like that, for someone that powerful, and then fully turning on them can have repercussions that could completely upend someone's life. Like having your reputation ruined among that field, which people like him are known to do.
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Why would a woman subject herself to something like that? Was she that obsessed with the attention and money?


Serious answer, low self-esteem and lack of boundaries. It's a little like beaten women who refuse to leave their abusive boyfriend. It's also more common among victims of abuse or sexual assault in childhood; their boundaries got violated so many times that as adults they have severe issues understanding what healthy boundaries are and placing limits on what other people can and can't do to their bodies. At some point this personality flaw gets noticed by a predator, who readily exploits the girl's low self-regard and inability to say no.
The biggest issue here is that she settled for 3 million, but only got paid 1. She wouldn't have involved the cops when she thought she was getting paid. But when they flaked on her payments, now it's abuse.

That's a weird way to frame it, because it sounds like the agreement was a certain amount to not divulge what was already deemed as abuse. If someone did something horrible to me and then I told them what would make it so that I was willing to not make a giant public scandal out of it...then they didn't deliver, its scandal time.

It's not her fault they failed to deliver.

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