UFC India

This would be the dopest thing ever of done right. They have the money and infastructure for it. They have the pool of fighters . The world has no idea about the awesomeness of Indian MMA
The Indian fighters would just end up asking the ring girls for pictures of bobs and vagene.

For real though, China has the same population with a lot more money and apart from Weili, they haven't produced a lot of elite fighters.

MMA is where you need a solid culture of combat sports and history of grappling set to succeed as a country. Kinda like soccer, the biggest country with the most money don't necessarily come out on top
Only if a Bollywood celebrity or a former cricket star signs up a freak fight.

Otherwise I don’t think mma is big enough attraction for the 1.5 billion or so souls in India
Tbh I really wish mma would catch on in India because of the massive population but I just don't see it happen anytime soon. One FC had a better chance of getting big over there IMO.
We first need a fighter like Dhalsim from Street Fighter or Nam from Dragon Ball to carry the card.
I'm not too familiar with India and how important combat sports are there, but having a top ranked fighter whose Indian would be the first step, just like every other country.
I guess the good news about holding an event in India is if any of the fighters drink the water, they won't have to worry about making weight later

I'm not too familiar with India and how important combat sports are there, but having a top ranked fighter whose Indian would be the first step, just like every other country.
Definite need, but even then I think it's gotta be more. I frankly don't believe Ilia when he says there's a date for UFC Spain already. We had 3 African-born champs calling for an event to hit somewhere in that continent and it never happened.

Plus, UFC is in league with WWE now and they just abandoned any hope of returning to their own failed India initiative
Ghandi vs Geronimo for the title.
apparently ninjas are just catching on there... so give them another decade or so to get with the program...
I guess the good news about holding an event in India is if any of the fighters drink the water, they won't have to worry about making weight later

Definite need, but even then I think it's gotta be more. I frankly don't believe Ilia when he says there's a date for UFC Spain already. We had 3 African-born champs calling for an event to hit somewhere in that continent and it never happened.

Plus, UFC is in league with WWE now and they just abandoned any hope of returning to their own failed India initiative
It's probably easier to host events in some countries than others. Certain African countries might lack the necessary administrative setup and have issues with corruption.

I'm not very familiar with the culture and popularity of combat sports in South Asia. I know it’s a big deal in East Asia, which is why I think we'll see a surge of Chinese champions in the next 10-20 years.

SFL used to be a big pro MMA organization in India until it stopped in 2018. To build talent, it’s crucial for local promoters to put on a lot of amateur and professional events. This gives fighters the chance to compete and improve. And maybe one day, India will produce a star who could succeed internationally, sign with the UFC, and introduce UFC to India. But, it starts with local promoters.
This would be the dopest thing ever of done right. They have the money and infastructure for it. They have the pool of fighters . The world has no idea about the awesomeness of Indian MMA
Not sure if this is a troll thread.

There are four Indians competing in the Road to UFC tournaments starting this weekend in Shanghai.

It's almost as if the UFC is doing the exact thing you're suggesting by holding these kinds of tournaments to find contenders.

Bonuses are 3k and a warm naan.

Getting poked in the eye right after a fighter used his hand as toilet paper doesnt sound like fun

From the 2:00 mark to the 3:00 mark of each rd both fighters Break out in cheesy cringe song and dance.