UFC Fight night Royval vs Moreno PBP

Moreno 3-2 at worst
I can't see how you don't give Moreno 1,2, and 5. I'd give him 4 as well, but that was super close and def a case for Royval. Clear rd 3 to Royval.

3-2 Moreno or 4-1 Moreno.
Fucking stupid.
Fucking stupid judges at it again. Don't know what they're watching.
Moreno is a solid guy but the annoying thing about this performance was he was fighting like he knew "I'm a Mexican headlining in Mexico" and wanted to do just barely enough with minimal effort to hope friendly judges tip it his way.
Moreno is a solid guy but the annoying thing about this performance was he was fighting like he knew "I'm a Mexican headlining in Mexico" and wanted to do just barely enough with minimal effort to hope friendly judges tip it his way.
Unfortunately, that's often how he fights. He did that in a couple of his Figgy fights too. Very frustrating to watch and often costs him close decisions.
Every Rd was close but the 2nd

Only if you think punching the other guy's gloves while he has his guard up is effective striking. Moreno looks sloppier, but his strikes were clearly more effective in rds 1,2, and 5. I'd even say 4, but can't argue with Royval getting that one. And rd 3 wasn't close, Royval clearly won that one.

But to anyone who understands what they're seeing, 1,2, and 5 really weren't up for much debate.
Only if you think punching the other guy's gloves while he has his guard up is effective striking. Moreno looks sloppier, but his strikes were clearly more effective in rds 1,2, and 5. I'd even say 4, but can't argue with Royval getting that one. And rd 3 wasn't close, Royval clearly won that one.

But to anyone who understands what they're seeing, 1,2, and 5 really weren't up for much debate.

your 1 of the few guys on this board who i like so please dont take this as in if im arguing with you but you said it really isnt up for much debate but the betting odds also agree with me because moreno was a dog half way threw the 5th rd and unless the bookies are completly wrong also then betting must be easy and people must alwalys win right?
your 1 of the few guys on this board who i like so please dont take this as in if im arguing with you but you said it really isnt up for much debate but the betting odds also agree with me because moreno was a dog half way threw the 5th rd and unless the bookies are completly wrong also then betting must be easy and people must alwalys win right?

No definitely not, but the books are adjusting lines also based on other factors. They see the graphics showing strikes landed, realize the betting public sees them and some use that to bet accordingly, (and hear the announcers yapping about Royval "touching" Moreno with the jab--again, yes.."touching" Moreno's gloves with it most of the time) etc. Even the guys keeping the stats...I'd love to sit through that fight with them and watch in slow motion and see what they're counting as a "landed" strike. Royval threw massive volume, but the majority of it was probing straight punches that hit Moreno's gloves while they were in front of his face. I'd say counting that as a "landed" strike is dubious at best, but the judges damn sure should know that those are doing zero damage at all. While by comparison, Moreno had Royval's head snapping back with the overhands and had him hopping around because of the leg kicks.

If damage is the #1 criteria, rewarding a guy for jabbing the other guy's gloves seems awfully stupid when the other guy is the one actually landing meaningful shots.

Surprising to me. I think in this case, aesthetics played a big role. Royval doubling and tripling up that jab and looking smooth doing it is just far more technical and "pretty" than Moreno winging big overhands. I mean, I'm watching and clearly Royval looks like a polished striker and Moreno looked like a guy in a bar fight. But again, one sloppy overhand that snaps a head back should count more than 3 crisp jabs that hit the opponent's gloves imo.

But what's smooth and aesthetic isn't necessarily what's effective and what does damage. Writers scoring the fight know the sport, and know what "looks better". And I think that skewed things tonight.

It didn't even end up costing me the big cash I thought I might get on DK. Royval's score would've been enough to knock me down even if he'd lost. I just don't know how anyone could think Royval did more damage in that fight. Which I thought was supposed to be the main criteria.
48-48 for me. But Moreno looked like the falloff has begun.
Lmao Royval being all tough to Pantoja when two months ago shat his pants in epic way and tuned in a horrible, uninspiring performance. Nobody wants to see that shit again. Pantoja was all smiles because he know its easy once he takes him down. Because he knows how shit Royval is once he starts getting chain wrestled. Hopefully they just book a rematch of this Brandon vs Brandon fight to end of the year and stop these guy jamming up the division.
rough event for me. lost on mendonca/puelles/altimarino.

though embarrassed to say my biggest loss of the day was claressa shields -3.5pts. how is it even possible for an olympic athlete who has now been training MMA for several years to be that incompetent of a grappler?

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