Law Trumps home raided

Not going to lie, the meltdown on Fox News right now is hilarious.

it's almost been an hour now. im surprised they havent already put out some kind of an exclusive new scandal involving hunter bidens laptop to distract their viewers with.
Look guys I’m pretty sure if Trump did anything illegal he would be the first one to demand that he be thoroughly investigated and punished accordingly if found guilty. After all,

i'm pretty sure that the FBI was just going to arrest hunter and hillary but they arrived at the wrong address.
Dude is so twisted and insane that it wouldn't surprise me if you're one of his alts.
Technically he would be my alt, but there is no way I could bring myself to type out embarrassing shit like this even as a joke.

Trump flag going back up. Fuck em all. They better have a good reason for this.
TRUMP 2024

Might get real interesting for democrats when he wins.