Toes going numb while kicking the bag

Monte Moku

Amateur Kickboxer
Nov 21, 2017
Reaction score
Hello! I've been having an issue lately where my toes will go numb while kicking the heavy bag with my right leg. I am landing with my shin and my foot isn't really hitting the bag much, however when I am trying to rip it a bit, it'll start feeling cold, then a sort of pins and needles feeling, then numbness. Today, after the numb stage, my foot felt wet. I knew it wasn't, but I swear it was the same sort of wet feet feeling you get when stepping out of a pool or a long bath. Has anyone else had this sort of issue? I feel like it's pretty safe to assume I've got some nerve damage, but I was hoping some other folks have dealt with the same thing and gotten over it. I fear it's my sciatic nerve, since sciatic issues seem to run in my family (at least, my mom and aunt have had tons of sciatic issues)
Are you wearing ankle wraps? feel they're the culprit sometimes my feet feel numb.
I wonder if you’re giving yourself drop foot by slamming your perennial nerve into the bag
Man I have been rolling my toes on the mat a ton lately, and generally I have a bit less mobility/control of my right foot than I do with my left. You really have me thinking now... I guess I'll take a few weeks off from kicking with the leg outside of shadow boxing and see if it helps. I did some Googling on drop foot and that seems to be one of the more common treatments (removing stimuli)

Are you wearing ankle wraps? feel they're the culprit sometimes my feet feel numb.
I do not, but I have been wanting to buy some for a while now. I haven't felt like I really need them, I just think they look cool
Stop kicking the bag lol. And do some strength workouts for your feet, toes and lowers legs.

I’d assume things like calf raises 10 sets 10 times a day, and flexing your shin by pointing toes towards shin and back to the ground 10 sets 10x a day.

Also pinch toes and feet and flex it all directions. Flex so hard it’ll feel like you giving the bottom of feet and toes a cramp

It’s called flossing the nerve
Stop kicking the bag lol. And do some strength workouts for your feet, toes and lowers legs.

I’d assume things like calf raises 10 sets 10 times a day, and flexing your shin by pointing toes towards shin and back to the ground 10 sets 10x a day.

Also pinch toes and feet and flex it all directions. Flex so hard it’ll feel like you giving the bottom of feet and toes a cramp

It’s called flossing the nerve

Not kicking the bag is indeed the plan! I am definitely going to start doing some supplemental exercises -- I watched some kneesovertoesguy videos last night and I think I am going to incorporate some of his stuff on top of the calf and foot exercises. Also, thank you for telling me about flossing the nerve! I had heard about it before, but honestly didn't know anything about it haha. Gonna do some research on that as well 😁
Not kicking the bag is indeed the plan! I am definitely going to start doing some supplemental exercises -- I watched some kneesovertoesguy videos last night and I think I am going to incorporate some of his stuff on top of the calf and foot exercises. Also, thank you for telling me about flossing the nerve! I had heard about it before, but honestly didn't know anything about it haha. Gonna do some research on that as well 😁
You’re welcome brodie. Yeah flossing the nerve usually refers to rehab when people get stingers on their spine/neck/down their arm.

I’m just applying that logic to the legs or sciatica since it seems like a nerve thing