Economy The US added 1.2 million electric cars to the US last year an what happened to the grid?

B-b-but they don't mean to raise prices! They only do it because Joe Biden is being so mean to them and it causes them to drink! They promised they'd stop beating us if we just give them all the oil leases they want and stop all this talk about leaving them!

The only thing conservatives like more than bitching about the price of gas is bitching about alternatives to gas. They want to be forever beholden to their oil exec daddies.

I am not a conservative. I am in the middle btw. I don’t bitch about alternatives to gasoline. But electric vehicles are more expensive and I see no reason gas prices should be so expensive. There needs to be regulation on how much these fucking companies make by raising gas prices.
People being so against electric cars has always been weird to me. No one is forcing you to drive or buy one.
That's the key....That no one is forcing you to drive one or buy one.....What kind off pathetic leader would advocate for that or force it?
I don't think anyone is against them. I think most people are against being required to use them. Electric cars have been a thing for a while and they were never a political issue until people started talking about mandating them, or forced phasing out of gasoline powered vehicles. That last part of what you said is key.

Right now nobody is forcing you, but they would sure like to
100 percent on and at this moment electric cars aren't practical for everyone. How much are replacement batteries and how often will you need new tires etc?
It has nothing to do with creating energy. It is about pushing a button and turning your vehicle off.

And of course they could probably do that with any new car, but it is easy and immediate to do that with a car that is in constant communication with a server.

If you are talking about shutting down gas stations, then yeah, that would work for anyone who needs gas to travel, but it wouldn't shut down cars that are already full of gasoline.

If a Tesla detects any minor issue, the car is disabled and has to be taken to a dealership for repair. Meanwhile you can drive around with bad O2 sensors forever. there is a big difference between the technology of those 2 types of vehicles.
You could have an electric car not connected to some stupid ass network as well. They're not even that crazy of a thing to build. Way more simple than an ICE vehicle. These things should be every sovereign citizens wet dream.

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