Television THE RINGS OF POWER (Only 37% of Viewers Finished the Series, post #1917)

If you have watched the entire season one of RINGS OF POWER, how do you feel about it?

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The way they wrote Galadriel is an insult to women. They took what is arguably the most badass female in all of fantasy and replaced her with their generic ideas of a "strong female character": hot-headed and rash warrior chick who doesn't get along with people.
Amazon had 2 massive epic series. Each was an easy slam dunk mega franchise but done in every way bad they could . Not all was just the the wokeness it was really TERRIBLE casting and terrible writing. Wheel of Time an Rings of Power should be booming success series putting Amazon #1. How could Amazon mess these 2 up so badly
I have them the benefit of the doubt with season 1, despite my inherent doubts. Fool me once, Amazon.
The way they wrote Galadriel is an insult to women. They took what is arguably the most badass female in all of fantasy and replaced her with their generic ideas of a "strong female character": hot-headed and rash warrior chick who doesn't get along with people.

Frieren is a better Galadriel than Amazon's Gal.

Frieren is better than anything LOTR/Tolkien after the original trilogy.

Amazon had 2 massive epic series. Each was an easy slam dunk mega franchise but done in every way bad they could . Not all was just the the wokeness it was really TERRIBLE casting and terrible writing. Wheel of Time an Rings of Power should be booming success series putting Amazon #1. How could Amazon mess these 2 up so badly

At least WoT improved a bit with season 2. Still kind of cringey at times. The casting was poor though for several roles.
At least WoT improved a bit with season 2. Still kind of cringey at times. The casting was poor though for several roles.
I dropped it after 3 episodes. It was my first mega series that I finished reading ever since I dropped the Sword of truth.
I really, really tried to like this show but in the end it's terrible. There is absolutely nothing I like about this show. Not the world, not the clothes, cast or storyline. It's just another generic fantasy who happens to have a huge bank roll.

I wonder how many seasons they are going to produce before they throw in the towel
I gave up with a few episodes to go and will not continue. I forced myself to get to that point. Life is too short to watch a property because you liked the source material. The characters were poorly written, the show suffered from poor forced DEI casting, but in the end, it was boring. Painfully so. There are other shows in the same/similar genre that are just better. I liked The Gryffon, Shadow and Bone, and Warriror way better.
I can't believe they're making more of this garbage. I guess they spent so much money they gotta try and make some of it back. I watched 2 or 3 episodes when it first premiered and could tell in the first 10 min that the people who made it had most likely never read Tolkien and If they did they hated his work.

Shoehorning race and feminism into a story based on Christian cosmology from the Middle Ages is the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen. Fuck Amazon.
Season 1 had a rocket-hot MILF. That's about all I want to remember from it.