Law THE POLICE SHOOTING/USE OF FORCE MEGATHREAD: discussions to determine if justified or not

Cops are just a legalized gang. And while I know there are decent cops, just remember that they work for and take orders from the state. The people aren't their employer or their interest.
She was following the direct orders from an officer. She was clearly terrified and would’ve laid down flat and covered up, but for the screaming insistence of a cop, encouraging her to hurry and come over to them.

Considering the mom and daughter are dead the only person left to feel terrible for is The Cop who was trying to do the right thing and get the girl over to them.

Yea that's how I understood it happened also. It's was just fucked up all the way around. The poor girl was doing or trying to do what she was told and the other cop was trying to help her when then they starting shooting her. Just fucked up.
The victim was following the one cops orders. Heart breaking

It is. On one hand, I wonder how the hell that could happen. On the other hand, I have been in something sort of similar. Long story short, we were patrolling on midnight near a shithead bar. We heard gun shots. We arrived within 20 seconds and saw a man writhing on the ground screaming that he had been shot. We get out and as soon as we do, some asshole starts shootings at us. My initial response was laughter as in “Holy shit, Greg-they’re shooting at us!!” I take cover, yank my smoke wagon, and peer out from the cover and I have my gun in front of me. A woman then runs into the barrel of my gun. The shooter got away and I ran to the victim. As I held my hands over his bullet wound, his friends were actually spitting on my bald ass head because they hate cops so much even though I was trying to save a life.

Then, a riot broke out and we had to get a guy in the back of our car to
Prevent him from being beat to death. One kid the few times I ever used my baton for anything besides flushing public toilets and opening garbage can kids(the gross 7-11 ones that always have mustard in the outside and require about 49 lbs of force to push open). So we are fighting off the crowd of 50ish people and we get the cruise don’t open and get him inside the back seat. Well, the crowd starts hitting us and some asshole grabs my lieutenant’s gun and he shouts to us to let us know. I turned and saw a man holding the gun. Did to the smelting snd someone taming an officers gun, mine was already out and I had the guy in my sights. Then I saw how he was holding it-not like he was ready to use it. He asked “hey, you guys want this back? I saw some dude grab it and toss it-he thought he was getting a souvenir.

Anyway, my point is that I had two close calls in the same incident with ten mins separating them with a riot in between and ending in a high speed kursjit through multiple stayes(involved in that except transport them to jail.
Is there more to that video?

I just watched it and it there is no way you can tell what he threw up on the roof. I would venture to guess it was probably a gun based on how he was moving before he ran, but there is no way you can say that video shows him throwing a gun or a phone. You simply can't tell.

Also, you made it sound like the cops pulled up, told him what was what and then he ran and hid.

The cops pulled up in an unmarked car.

At 22 seconds into the video they started to climb out of the car and ran at the guy.

At 26 seconds he was already shot.

In what world did the cops have time to give any verbal commands in a span of 4 seconds?

Clearly we disagree strongly. You see him toss something. They found a gun in the roof immediately afterwards. They were investigating a call of a guy with a gun threatening people. Cops pull up and he strolls over with a gun in his right hand. I did not see whether they tested the firearm for dna, and if not, they damn sure should have. His moms claims to have been in the phone with him at the time of the shooting. Phone records!

And there are witnesses that cops yelled verbal commands and that is when he ran.
Witnesses confirmed the officers have verbal orders so he knew they were cops evident by him running and tossing the gun. He was legally shot under case law TN v Garner and he was shot because he was a violent thug and acting like some shitbag enforcer-not because of overly aggressive officers. But by all means keep kneeling for violent criminals.

Also, this was edited because I wrote that response in the dark in the middle of the night while laying in bed unable to sleep despite being very tired. There were a ton of typos @Fedor>Cain
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he is a former cop. he is taking their side 99.9% of the time. He doesn't require actual proof. Their word is plenty
Well, jenus, there’s video to back this up plus the gun in evidence etc
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clearly you are that into me. Holy hell you write some long winded responses. I bet you wish you were able to get ahold of me back when you were an active, dirty cop. No telling which charges you could have drummed up on me!

and your quote was- Oh, hell yes I shit all over cleveland. It is a shithole

quality public servant right there
lol at you thinking this is some sort of gotcha moment. So what, Cleveland is a shithole. Sure, like any city, it has nice parts but the bad parts are many and it has spilled out into corners hundreds of miles away as they expand their
Drug entire. They are supplied by a Mexican cartel .I wanna say Nortena, but I am not sure.

Also, lol that you think I would risk my job, family, and prison time just to beat your ass. You’re nothing but an annoyance like some dried spit on the corner of your mouth. Like the turd you are, I just have to flush it out with some water.
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Wow, even for a cop, this guy is low. So a woman is in a domestic abuse situation. Her guy gets arrested, and while in jail, this cop comes back and rapes her. It happens again a few weeks later and he tries to do it again. I am sure @nhbbear will call this good and proper investigative work and say it was her fault, but this is just horrible

Wow, even for a cop, this guy is low. So a woman is in a domestic abuse situation. Her guy gets arrested, and while in jail, this cop comes back and rapes her. It happens again a few weeks later and he tries to do it again. I am sure @nhbbear will call this good and proper investigative work and say it was her fault, but this is just horrible

Again, what a fucking lie. I have commented on this case before when it was posted in one of the what did cops do wrong today threads, which is where this video belongs. That cop, like any rapist, should have his twig and barriers removed and he should have to pee out of a rubber tube. Fuck him and fuck you, liar.
Cops are just a legalized gang. And while I know there are decent cops, just remember that they work for and take orders from the state. The people aren't their employer or their interest.

You are wrong. That is straight up acab bullshit. Cops aren’t a gang. And as for “there are some decent ones”- no, the overwhelming majority do their job as honorably as possible and that should read “there are some shitbags posing as police that should be rooted out and destroyed like a fetus in a liberal feminist that dared to take root after unprotected sex.

Only state police work for the state, city cops/city, county deputies-the county, however, all cops work for the constitution, the criminal codes of their respective state, and the people. Rarely do cops take orders from the state. Police work is based on calls for service made by the public. Do I wish even more cops recognized that they work for the people? Yes, absolutely.

Very short, but wild video. Kid calls 911 because the parents are being "annoying" and keeping him up with their arguing. Says there are no weapons in the home. Cops show up and mom comes out yelling that dad is going to hit her. Cop goes inside, dad grabs shotgun, dad gets killed.

Two main takeaways are that the cop is a master at handling a gun. Quick draw and cleared a malfunction like a champion. One guy in the comments was just as deadly

"Hello, 911, yeah it's me again, my dad's calmed down but now my mom is screaming a lot"
March 7, 2024 Miami Donald Armstrong

benjamin crump has announced he is representing Donald Armstrong, a man shot by police in Miami in march. He is now paralyzed.

His mom called police because he was high af on drugs and was acting erratically. Police show up and he begins screaming at them to shoot him in the heart. He is holding a screwdriver. They try to taser him but due to a poor connection, it has no effect. He begins windmilling his arms in a stabbing motion with the screwdriver a few feet from an officer when he is shot. He was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer.

In his press conference, ben demands that the “bogus charges” be dropped and claims that when Armstrong lifts his shirt, it is to show he does not have a weapon-oh, except the large screwdriver in his hand. Of course, they also say “he was suffering from a mental health crisis” which is always code for fucked up on drugs.
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Amir Locke

Here’s an interesting one because the deceased was not a criminal and had done nothing wrong, however, his actions directly threatened law enforcement.

Otis elder was murdered during a drug deal by two young men. During the investigation, search warrants were obtained to search for the suspects. During a no knock warrant search, officers entered the apartment where one of the teens was known to reside. While searching the apartment, officers encounter Amir Locke and woke him up. Locke, likely confused from being woken, pointed a legal firearm at police and was shot and killed. Protests were had and police were lambasted over the no knock search for two violent murderers. Locke was unknown to police and he pointed a gun at them. Police were loudly shouting police search warrant as soon as they opened the door.

Of course, ben crump got involved and blamed police for Locke pointing a gun at them. He blasted police saying that Locke wasn’t even on the search warrant or the lease-which doesn’t make the point he thinks it does. It proves police didn’t know he would be there and there was no reason to not know he wasn’t the murderer they sought.

Leave it to crump and blm to completely ignore the death of one black man to focus on the death of another. Probably very few, if any, of the people protesting and angry about this incident could tell you Elder’s name-or the names of the black suspects police sought because as I have said many times, to crump and blm, black lives only matter when police or white people take them. They ignore almost 10k deaths/year-95% of them by other black males-this includes women and children slain by gang violence.

Oh, and the teen they were looking for only got 4 years for robbery and not for murder. The one that pulled the trigger hasn’t been sentenced yet. This is the same city and county that gave chauvin 24 years and the other officers-some of whom never touched Floyd, to more than ten-then on top of that, they were all convicted of federal charges. I don’t care about those officers, but sentences shouldn’t make one victim out to be more important because police killed him-and accidentally I would also add.
Might as well add the newest one.

Dexter reed, Chicago march 2024

TLDR Dexter pulled over for traffic stop, refuses to roll down windows or unlock doors. Has a ski mask on. Dexter at some point, shoots and officer in the wrist and cops shoot 96 bullets at him, even hitting him after he crumples out of the car. The family, of course calls it an execution. I said good shot

Oh boy, here we go again with the “execution” bullshit. He tried to shoot police officers. I would feel better about the case if it had been uninformed officers, only because the family is making the claim that he was scared for his life because Chicago is so dangerous, so he fired his illegal firearm(while awaiting trial for another illegal firearm case) at police. It’s because of people like him that Chicago is so dangerous. Fucking shitbag criminals that get gun after gun and get released time and time again.

This guy knew he was dealing with the police. Criminals aren’t wearing vests and badges on a regular basis. He even said he was opening the door before opening fire. And he kept firing despite being surrounded by officers.

And when “it’s just a seatbelt violation” crowd comes around, like his lawyers claiming he was executed for not wearing a seatbelt, they likely knew who he was, knew his car, and were keeping tabs on him. It’s odd, that they would just happen to pull him over for a seatbelt while he is armed and awaiting trial. Or, they knew/suspected he was armed. We won’t know the reasons for a while.

Fuck these people and their “demands” for justice-firing and charging the officers. Fuck the people that say they have no patience for police investigations while they ignore hundreds of deaths in their city. It’s people like reed that keep killing their own and they never get mad at them, only the police. Basically, fuck them.

Below is a link to stories about people like this that are released and go on to commit crimes with guns. The director of the program said “we haven’t had any really horrible crimes committed by people in our program” yet this article and the links it has shows that time and time again, yes they do.

The shooting

This tool talks about the conscent decree and how it violated the very first rule of this by not taking the sanctity of human life into consideration (Asshole, he shot a cop), and how this stop shouldn’t have happened, and their guns shouldn’t have been out. Obviously, they knew something was going on with this dude.

Cue the mom fainting on stage for theatrics for the lawsuit saying “he was just driving and they shot him.” Not entirely accurate.

Headshot from behind. Justified because the community was put at risk.
Headshot from behind. Justified because the community was put at risk.
Weird how you leave out the stuff about how this started because he was with a parolee who was a suspected drug trafficker that they knew had a gun in his vehicle. It wasn't just a random encounter.

Even more strange that you didn't mention that the guy pulled a Glock out of his waistband while ignoring cops telling him to stop. It must be physically impossible for him to get shots off at a cop while running away.

The parolee he was hanging with appears to be perfectly healthy though because when the cops came up he didn't try to do any dumb shit. I'm sure @nhbbear will chime in with Tennessee vs. Garner, but really it only takes a few seconds of reading and some common sense to understand that this was indeed a justified shooting.
Weird how you leave out the stuff about how this started because he was with a parolee who was a suspected drug trafficker that they knew had a gun in his vehicle. It wasn't just a random encounter.

Even more strange that you didn't mention that the guy pulled a Glock out of his waistband while ignoring cops telling him to stop. It must be physically impossible for him to get shots off at a cop while running away.

The parolee he was hanging with appears to be perfectly healthy though because when the cops came up he didn't try to do any dumb shit. I'm sure @nhbbear will chime in with Tennessee vs. Garner, but really it only takes a few seconds of reading and some common sense to understand that this was indeed a justified shooting.

You’re correct TN v Garner.

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