The metal thread \m/


Non Serviam
Sep 10, 2016
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There are some threads for certain genres but there are so many genres and sub genres that not all of them are covered. This is the place where all metal comes together Death, Black, Thrash, Symphonic, Folk, Atnospheric, Pagan/Viking, Melodic, and everything in between.

Cheers \m/
Anyone up for some blasphemy Worship? Black Fucking Witchery
Morbosidad Beastial Black with a nice Beherit cover
Yes folk/pagan/Viking metal Is a real genre.

No it isn't the same as everything else. For more information feel free to ask I'm always happy to educate

This Is a genre that doesn't get a lot of attention
Not every thing fits under the death/black criteria. An example is hordak they arent really death or black

My av told me to come here.

trying to find a youtube vid of Death Dying Dies but can't locate it.
the track I'm thinking of is to die for.
Spoilers guys. Save us mobile users some time;)

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