The Bat Cave

Week 11/Day 35

Smith Machine Incline Bench Press:

3 X 3 X 42kg

SS Bar Box Squats:

3 X 3 X 57kg

Rope Pushdowns:

5 X 5 X 20kg

Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows:

5 X 5 X 20kg
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End of Week 11.

This Block and probably the next as well will focus on two main things:

- Full ROM on all exercises. So Board Press and Trap Bar Deadlift from Blocks are out. I want to hit full range of motion, even if means lowering the weight a bit in the beginning.

- I've had persistant Tendonitis in my right bicep and shoulder for several months. So I'll be switching to Neutral Grip for all Pressing, and not doing any direct bicep work. My biceps will still get trained from Pulling exercises like Rows.

Wish me luck, my Brothers in Iron! :)
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I also want to start slowly adding in Body Weight Exercises. While I'm weak on the Big Three, I'm even worse at basic Calisthenics. I need to change that. It might have to wait until my shoulder recovers, though.
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I also want to start slowly adding in Body Weight Exercises. While I'm weak on the Big Three, I'm even worse at basic Calisthenics. I need to change that. It might have to wait until my shoulder recovers, though.
Cheers to this. It's a free hack to improving every single lift anywhere. Too many small muscles being forgotten about. Good luck hitting those ranges
Cheers to this. It's a free hack to improving every single lift anywhere. Too many small muscles being forgotten about. Good luck hitting those ranges

Thanks, man. Like I said, Press Ups might have to wait until my bicep is fully healed, as the bicep tendon acts as a stabiliser during the exercise. But I can do stuff like Leg Raises, Inverted Rows on the Gymnastic Rings etc.

Edited to add: Fuck it. I'm going to start doing Knee Push Ups on Handles, so I can use a neutral grip. That should take enough stress off my shoulders while I rehab and build up my strength.
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