The 2021 Heavies Awards - FrankieNYC Award (Poster of the Year) - WINNER: giovanni_ss

The Heavies' 2021 Poster of The Year (YOU HAVE 2 VOTES)

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Well what can I say? Thank you guys for this award :) Being the host this year is a great honor already, and this one is just unexpected.

I dedicate this to everyone. To my fellow nominees, the people who voted and participated in these threads, and to every poster in the Heavies' forum. You guys inspire me. Thank you all. 2022 is a whole new ballgame. Good luck and have a great year all! :)

Much Luv an Hespect!

I'm here with the 2021 Poster of the Year the one and only @giovanni_ss. It's an honor to interview you gio. Before you celebrate with family and friends, our readers would like to ask a few questions.

1. How did you come up with the username giovanni_ss?

2. Legend has it you posted at sherdog for a few years. Then went away for a while. Then came back. Can you please explain your exodus, and what brought you back?

3. You have mentioned it was kinda strange hosting the event (you did a great job by the way!) then later finding out you won. You've always seemed the type to want others to shine first and foremost. Is that from your upbringing or personal philosophy or something of that nature?

4. Your avatars and gifs of Taeyeon are popular with the posters at Sherdog. What is your reasoning and creativity behind that? Who is Taeyeon and why does she mean so much to you? Can she do a Q & A with you here at Sherdog?

5. What do you most enjoy about posting at this whacky ka ra te board?

6. What are your dreams and goals for sherdog in 2022? And in your personal life as well?

7. Anything else you would like to add? You have the mic.

Thank you!
Oh, nice one Purp! I would love to answer these :)

I'm here with the 2021 Poster of the Year the one and only @giovanni_ss. It's an honor to interview you gio. Before you celebrate with family and friends, our readers would like to ask a few questions.

1. How did you come up with the username giovanni_ss?

- It's inspired by the IG handle of the girl on my AV Taeyeon,

2. Legend has it you posted at sherdog for a few years. Then went away for a while. Then came back. Can you please explain your exodus, and what brought you back?

- 2011-2014 to me were my best and most active years here. Around 2014, the site had a redesign which I admit took me some time to get to familiarize in navigating the new software. And it also happens that some of my close friends in here started to become inactive and leave the site during that time. That kinda made me burnout and after much thought, I decided to move on and focus on my career and making a living. I still visit the site, very rarely, but I stopped posting in the forums. It was only in 2020 when Covid hit and during lockdown I started to rediscover this site and started posting again. The rest is history.

3. You have mentioned it was kinda strange hosting the event (you did a great job by the way!) then later finding out you won. You've always seemed the type to want others to shine first and foremost. Is that from your upbringing or personal philosophy or something of that nature?

- Yeah, I never expected it at all. But it was pretty cool. I'm more happy hosting the event than winning tbh. I think it's a mix of everything, and also a way to give back. I used to be on the other side, especially in my early years, and there's people in here who have showed kindness and gave me good feedback, let me in, and helped me to improve as an overall poster. I'm just passing on what they've showed me.

4. Your avatars and gifs of Taeyeon are popular with the posters at Sherdog. What is your reasoning and creativity behind that? Who is Taeyeon and why does she mean so much to you? Can she do a Q & A with you here at Sherdog?

- When I joined Sherdog in 2011, the Kpop wave was on it's boom and I started using Kpop singers as AV's. Just for variety, instead of using common avatar pics of MMA fighters. It stuck and people got used to it and identify me with those, so I just decided to keep it for the following years. Taeyeon is the leader and main vocalist of the legendary Kpop girl group, Girls' Generation. She's just my all time fave Kpop girl, that is it. Her group's prime/best years were during 2009-2014, and their songs during those years remind me of my first stint here. It has some nostalgic value, so that's why I stick with her AV's in here. Not really a Kpop fan though and I'm not updated with the recent Kpop music today. I just like her and her group in particular. Anyway, she just released a new song a couple of days ago so I doubt she'll have the time to do Q and A in here :D

5. What do you most enjoy about posting at this whacky ka ra te board?

- I really enjoy modding and organizing/updating threads in the heavies. Also, I really enjoy making avatars on the special occasions/holiday avatar threads with the Avatar Elite Crew.

6. What are your dreams and goals for sherdog in 2022? And in your personal life as well?

- More fun and successful events in 2022, and for everyone to just be safe, healthy, and keep enjoying the forums. For my personal life, is just to keep a good work-life balance and maybe try some new stuff.

7. Anything else you would like to add? You have the mic.

- Thank you @PurpleStorm, I enjoyed answering these questions. You're really good at these. To me, winning this award is pretty cool, but what I consider "glory" is being able to help out and build up my fellow posters in the forums in any sort of way. Just like what the quote said: the world has plenty of critics already. Be an encourager.

Again, thank you everyone!

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