Elections That time Jon McCain founded MAGA

In all seriousness MAGA, the ideology, was arguably most organized by Pat Buchanan:

- wanted to build a fence on the US Mexico border
- anti-free trade, isolationist
- allegedly anti-War
- massive unapologetic corporatist who wanted essentially no taxes or regulations kn corporations
- anti-worker empowerment
- consistent appeal to grievance politics
- defended Hitler
- claimed affirmative action was discrimination against white males and attributed minority SCOTUS appointments to AA
- Pro Putin...said Putin has God on his side
- wants Civil Rights laws overturned

I mean, I could keep going. But the MAGA platform is almost identical to everything Buchanan did. The reality is Buchanan was employed by moneyed-interests to protect their wealth, and just used grievance politics to do it.
I believe it does... it was already mentioned how obama destroyed libya and syria... clinton with his scandles (I acutally thought he did the best with the economy though), And you are only labeling presidents. Across the board there are things done by politicians at every level for whatever reason and if you are on their side then you assume its for good reasons... if you arent they are terrible.
How did Obama destroy either Libya or Syria exactly ? Both were engaged in full scale civil wars and there were hardly any US troops (if any) involved in either. Lybia had numerous other countries also intervening. This is a totally dishonest thing to say
In all seriousness MAGA, the ideology, was arguably most organized by Pat Buchanan:

- wanted to build a fence on the US Mexico border
- anti-free trade, isolationist
- allegedly anti-War
- massive unapologetic corporatist who wanted essentially no taxes or regulations kn corporations
- anti-worker empowerment
- consistent appeal to grievance politics
- defended Hitler
- claimed affirmative action was discrimination against white males and attributed minority SCOTUS appointments to AA
- Pro Putin...said Putin has God on his side
- wants Civil Rights laws overturned

I mean, I could keep going. But the MAGA platform is almost identical to everything Buchanan did. The reality is Buchanan was employed by moneyed-interests to protect their wealth, and just used grievance politics to do it.


human being is a loose term these days
so you don’t think people who transition are even worthy of being considered human ?
Not even close amigo. I continued the species, pay my share in society and show everybody equal respect.

You’re a militant, tribalist, retard. Your country is littered with them bro. Keep up the duopoly, it’s working well!

In all seriousness MAGA, the ideology, was arguably most organized by Pat Buchanan:

- wanted to build a fence on the US Mexico border
- anti-free trade, isolationist
- allegedly anti-War
- massive unapologetic corporatist who wanted essentially no taxes or regulations kn corporations
- anti-worker empowerment
- consistent appeal to grievance politics
- defended Hitler
- claimed affirmative action was discrimination against white males and attributed minority SCOTUS appointments to AA
- Pro Putin...said Putin has God on his side
- wants Civil Rights laws overturned

I mean, I could keep going. But the MAGA platform is almost identical to everything Buchanan did. The reality is Buchanan was employed by moneyed-interests to protect their wealth, and just used grievance politics to do it.

They actually got dumber than Pat, if you can believe it.
Continue doubling down on being a fan of getting into fist fights with randoms is not the argument for your intelligence you think it is, potatoe
We can’t all be alphas. Enjoy the vaseline, kid.
Oh please, you have Mitch fucking McConnel as your AV and only care about civilian casualties in middle east when it's used to bash Obama. You can spare me your fake morality.

Oh and by the way, all that performative pearl clutching you are doing is completely irrelevant since the clip in question is from 2008
My avatar isn't Mitch McConnel buddy, it's Klaus Schwab and I only sport it in irony. And note that I said every president in the past few decades, that includes many Republican presidents.

And John McCain was probably even more of a vicious warmonger than Obama. Maybe he was calling him decent because he knew he would blow up innocents?
How did Obama destroy either Libya or Syria exactly ? Both were engaged in full scale civil wars and there were hardly any US troops (if any) involved in either. Lybia had numerous other countries also intervening. This is a totally dishonest thing to say
I should have said helped destroy. The result of the whole affair was one of the largest mass displacements period. My point is that the US government involves themselves in many things and it isnt always right. And I'm not an obama hater in terms of his overall presidency. I dont subscribe to the idea that any president does everything right or everything wrong. But since the point came up I spoke on it. Ultimately there was no good resolution for either countrie.
Hillary Clinton flat out said "you cannot be civil with the opposition" and called half the country "deplorable, irredeemable", they spy on, raid the houses of and prosecute opposition.
It's telling that you can't make your point without blatantly lying.
Wait, what?
Bombed both countries and no real plan for what happens after. Even Obama said Libya aftermath was his biggest mistake as president (not the bombing itself). A hell hole was created over all that mess and we were still in Afghanistan and Iraq. My point is that no matter which president we look at, likely they have their hands in the cookie jar of other countries and ultimately make the situations worse.
Bombed both countries and no real plan for what happens after.
Libya was about preventing a massacre. The country was already a mess. I think it's nuts to blame Obama for that. We attacked ISIS targets in Syria. Again, I don't think it's reasonable at all to say that Obama destroyed the country.
Even Obama said Libya aftermath was his biggest mistake as president (not the bombing itself). A hell hole was created over all that mess and we were still in Afghanistan and Iraq. My point is that no matter which president we look at, likely they have their hands in the cookie jar of other countries and ultimately make the situations worse.
I don't think you can make a case that Obama made the situations worse.
Uh oh, you hearing voices in your head again? Nobody's "telling" you anything, nutjob.
OK, but childish personal attacks aside, it's telling (as in revealing--did you not get that?) that you feel the need to lie to make your case.

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