Tenshin/Takeru reach advantage

If you say so, captain


Believe what you want buddy, you and Biscuit are the only 2 who disagree with me. Everyone else agreed reach wasn't a factor and it just came down to Tenshin being better on the night.

At the end of the day you're free to think what you want, but if you really think i'm wrong just go watch Takeru vs Pettas. You'll see Takeru fought the same way as he did vs Tenshin for the most part, except he was facing a slower and less elusive opponent. Takeru got dropped once and possibly a 2nd time that didn't get called. Takeru then tried to fight Tenshin the same way and it didn't work because Tenshin is a lot faster and harder to hit.

Literally everyone here understood this as soon as it happened apart from you 2, which is no surprise as you watch a big fight every now and again and then pretend to be experts.
WTF does his power have to do with anything when he wasn't able to even land a good solid shot? Takeru was already having to pick his ass up off the canvas after throwing nothing but front kicks in the first round.

I was rooting for Takeru too, so this isn't a biased opinion.

@JustOnce always pops in here randomly with the most shitty uninformed Kickboxing takes. JUST ONCE have a good take, please.
Just watched this

Great bout but was a bit surprised Tenshin got the decision

Was also surprised that Takeru just decided to eat a load of shots to the face with a big shit-eating grin in the 3rd round. Probably not a smart move when it went to decision

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