Social Tea Drinkers

Never understood the hype around lapsang souchong. Oh you like tea? How about a cup of tea in the middle of a forest fire?!

I love coffee too. If left to my own devices I'll drink cups of black coffee until I start feeling uncomfortable. Could be 5 to 8 cups.

I take the odd day off of caffeine just to feel alive. Did so yesterday. Slight headache all day. It feels like some wizard has come along and dehydrated your spinal cord and brain stem.

I read somewhere that the coffee withdrawal headache is a result of the fact that caffeine narrows blood vessels in the brain, so, when you stop, your poor brain is experiencing these little micro swellings all over as the blood vessels are suddenly larger than normal. Creepy.

Yeah the smokiness is a massive acquired taste, I know.
Drink a lot of tea but the types you don't put milk in. Green, lapsong souchong, herbal, fruit/herb blends etc. I drink four strong coffees before 1pm then switch to caffeine free after that.

Same here. I don't put milk or sugar in my tea. I like Matcha and English Breakfast.
I don't drink tea everyday, but if I do, it's usually around early-mid afternoon, and almost always high altitude oolong tea because my mother's side's family makes it in Alishan, Taiwan, which is a famous region for Oolong tea.


This is how it'd be served if I have it at my grandma's, but I just use a spoonful of the tea leaves and brew it in a tea infuser in the cup.
I don't drink tea everyday, but if I do, it's usually around early-mid afternoon, and almost always high altitude oolong tea because my mother's side's family makes it in Alishan, Taiwan, which is a famous region for Oolong tea.


This is how it'd be served if I have it at my grandma's, but I just use a spoonful of the tea leaves and brew it in a tea infuser in the cup.

I love tea, and I've always wanted to visit Taiwan.
Just straight up black or green tea for me. I really can't stand all these other rainbow flavored teas. They don't taste good to me at all and I have a few friends who try and serve that s*** to me
If I can, I like to have a cup of pu’er(real) for digestion after eating. Yogi blueberry stress relief tea(herbal) sometimes in the morning if I’m feeling blue. Tea is awesome
I don't drink enough tea. I should though.
I did at one point. Gotta start again. Green tea and chamomile ftw.
Hopefully it doesn't make you blind. Good luck man.

Don't know how that rumor started.

Anyway, I've had a small glass of it and its not bad. Currently its being flavored with pineapple.
Don't know how that rumor started.

Anyway, I've had a small glass of it and its not bad. Currently its being flavored with pineapple.

I was making a reference to moonshine and Russian homemade vodka.

I never heard of it with Kampuchea. How much did it cost you to make?
I was making a reference to moonshine and Russian homemade vodka.

Ah ok. I literally have no idea of the fermentation process for alcohol.

I never heard of it with Kampuchea. How much did it cost you to make?

The start-up costs aren't much. A pair of gallon jars arw $30 on Ebay.

The 'scoby' are around $10 each, and double in size with each batch.

Many videos on YouTube that explain the entire process.

Edit - Would like to add, after the marginal start-up costs, its less than a dollar per gallon.
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Love it, don't drink it nearly enough atm as I used to drink it daily. Anything with a combination of lavender, chamomile, green tea, and honey is usually solid. Quite relaxing too. If you're feeling frisky then pebermint and/or fennel is a good addition.
I am working from home and would make a fresh cup every hour just to get away from the computer for a little break. I wouldn't finish every cup but just liked something nice and warm to hold and drink whilst being bored in MS Team calls.
I added up the potential calories from the milk and it was nearly 400 per day so I have stopped drinking tea for the time being whilst I am shifting a little weight.
I brew Decaf Green Tea with Honey and put in a pitcher and refrigerate it. I drink a cold Green Iced Tea every morning. At night I have a Lemon Ginger with Stevia. I think Bigelow is the brand as most are too heavy on the ginger. This one is smooth.
I'm cutting back on caffeine soon, been in Brazil far too long with far too much strong coffee....... I'm going back to 6 pints of English tea a day, so I can spend my day urinating....
I drink white tea everyday. I prefer the Baihao Yinzhen type and I buy it from England from a shop I've been using for more than a decade.
I've been to a lot of those tea ceremonies but honestly, best one I ever had was in a market in Xian, jasmine white, in a tiny shop whose owner and ceremony master, was easily over 90, and it felt like talking to a thirty year old.