SUMO - 2024 Haru Basho (March 10th - March 24th)

I understand the idea of really having to grind your way through the rankings and earning your way to the top but at the same time some of these guys grind to the top and their body falls apart before their time and they can't reach the level we know they should. Would it be the worst thing if guys like Takerufuji, Hakuoho and Onosato made it to Ozeki or even yokozuna while being relatively injury free?
I understand the idea of really having to grind your way through the rankings and earning your way to the top but at the same time some of these guys grind to the top and their body falls apart before their time and they can't reach the level we know they should. Would it be the worst thing if guys like Takerufuji, Hakuoho and Onosato made it to Ozeki or even yokozuna while being relatively injury free?

Asashoryu and Hakuho were yokozuna at 23 and 22. Takerufuji and Onosato are older than that and aren't going to be yokozuna that soon. Hakuoho looks not that great at the moment and he's fucked from injuries at like 20 years old.
if there's one sport where talent can propel you to the very top as a youngster, it's sumo. nobody is stopping anyone from climbing the ranks. we're just in a lower level era of sumo, post the tall tree around which nothing grew (Hakuho) and where the only yokozuna, though amazing, is more absent than not.
I completely forgot this tournament was happening until like 4 or 5 days ago. I'm still on day 9 but I accidentally read who the winner was so I figured I'd check in.

Is it just me or are the NHK recaps worse than usual this time around? Seems like there is a greater number of bouts only getting shown once as opposed to getting to see it a second time from a different angle.
The decision has been made Miyagino beya will be absorbed into Isegahama beya.

Good thing there's never been any abuse at Isegahama.

So we'll never get to see Takerufuji vs Hakuoho... great. Fuck everyone who had a part in this decision getting made.
The decision has been made Miyagino beya will be absorbed into Isegahama beya.

Good thing there's never been any abuse at Isegahama.
Isegahama is a super beya now.
the amount of talent in it is ridiculous.
I wonder what Hokuseiho's doing right now. 🤔 He probably saw Takerufuji on the TV holding the Emperor's Cup and thought that should have been him.
Can anyone kindly summarize the scandal for me please? I'm interested in the sumo world but unfortunately don't spend enough time following it. Thanks in advance.
Can anyone kindly summarize the scandal for me please? I'm interested in the sumo world but unfortunately don't spend enough time following it. Thanks in advance.
- Hakuho's stable gets young gigantic wrestler from Mongolia, Hokuseiho, makes his way to the top division, gets a bit of hype but once there isn't that big of a deal
- after a while it becomes known that he's an absolute brute at the stable, that, according to the rules of the sumo world, is ruled strictly based on hierarchy, and, in the absence of Hakuho (who often did not spend nights there), the rule of the stable was basically decided by this kid, who is an absolute bully and beats and abuses other wrestlers.
- scandal breaks out, because apparently Hakuho knew about it and did nothing for a long time, longer than a year, did not report it to the JSA
- consequently, the JSA, who does NOT like Hakuho AT ALL, pounces, and lays down the law - Hokuseiho is forced to retire, and the Hakuho stable, called Miyagino, is now forced to suspend operations for the indefinite future, and staff and wrestlers are redistributed among other stable.
- Hakuho is severely demoted, a number of Miyagino wrestlers actually decide to retire, and the shining stars of his stable, guys like Hakuoho, will be part of a new hierarchy in a new stable that is not their "home", potentially screwing up their progress.
- Hakuho will be part of the Isegahama stable, whose master will retire next year, potentially leaving the door open for a Hakuho redemption ark (personally i don't believe it will happen).
- the virulence of the measures taken by the JSA could be interpreted as a strike against Hakuho, who was seen as trying to be "bigger than sumo".
Can anyone kindly summarize the scandal for me please? I'm interested in the sumo world but unfortunately don't spend enough time following it. Thanks in advance.
Just to add to what @Fox by the Sea wrote, there is some obvious hypocrisy on the part of the JSA because there have been bullying scandals in recent years at several other stables, including at Isegahama, the stable that will absorb Miyagino, and their masters were not punished as harshly as Hakuho is being punished.

Hokuseiho deserved to be fired, but everything else about the JSA's response to the situation seems more dramatic than it would usually be because it's Hakuho.

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