Suggest an 'old classic' that gamers younger than you might not have heard of.

The woke crowd do seem to live in your head rent free. Well spotted.

LMAO what's wrong with you?

This is the video game forum, I wasn't even thinking politics.

Leisure Suit Larry was a great sleazeball game for children.

Kings Quest is the OG adventure game. I dug the Indiana Jones vibe it gave you wherein you had to find things and figure shit out.

Good times playing both.
Sorry if someone already responded to this but I just wanted to give my take. I played Eternal Darkness way back in '02. I immediately fell in love with it. I didn't find it as terrifying as the REmake but I don't think it was really supposed to be. It was supposed to be creepy, fun and most of all interesting, and it was a massive success in all of those feats.

To your musing about a sequel-- there was in fact a sequel planned. There were actually two different occasions in which a reboot was initiated, but both fell apart for different reasons.

The story of Silicon Knights is long and ultimately tragic. It revolves around the founder, Denis Dyack, a guy whose personality and style ultimately led to the company's demise, but was ironically also one of the reasons why the game was so good.

He was ambitious and had visions of how he would want something to turn out, but had difficulty in constructing the path to get to that outcome. What I eventually learned is that one of the most unique and compelling ideas in this game, the sanity meter, wasn't even his own-- it was Miyamoto's. It was startling but the more one thinks about it the more it makes sense; their two best games, Eternal Darkness and Twin Snakes, were developed during a time when SK was a second-party developer for Nintendo and Denis was working directly with Miyamoto himself.

The biggest problem with SK was their obsession with the best hardware. Eternal Darkness was actually supposed to come out on the N64. I don't think that particular work's delay was SK's fault, but what I do know is that Dyack's greatest ambition, Too Human, was started and restarted many, many times. It went through many different iterations and not just in terms of engines, but in theme-- Too Human was originally about a Bladerunner kind of universe, and you were an android, leveling up different aspects of your various body parts. It was in development for the Playstation, N64 and the GameCube as well before it was finally released on the 360.

When Denis heard about the plans for the Wii, that was when he decided to pack up and take SK to Microsoft which would prove to be the beginning of his downfall. He became insulted and defensive when Too Human was received in lukewarm fashion at E3 (I can't remember which one it was), and got it in his head that it was because of the engine-- Unreal 3 by Epic. He sued epic and lost. Epic then countersued and won, because he had been taking code from the engine and using it in unauthorized manner.

That was basically it. The company did not have the funds to even begin to pay what was awarded to Epic.

If you look around you'll see that Denis started so many projects, but just wasn't able to focus. If memory serves he was actually taking people off of the Xmen game they made to start on the Too Human sequel when the Xmen game was in dire need of supplemental labor and attention. The tragedy is that he is actually quite creative. But he needs a directing force to channel that creative energy properly-- Like Miyamoto.

If he had stuck with them, he could have made his original vision for Too Human on the Wii, with both the creative and financial support to realize his vision. It's really too bad because the original idea seems so much more interesting than the Norse direction he decided to take it after he went to MS.

Playstation Alpha
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Edit: The proposed sequel to Eternal Darkness was called Shadow of The Eternals

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I've heard all about the SK story before, and you are right- DD needed to have a mentor to temper his ego and get him to focus on actually making something.

Don't really feel that sorry for the downfall though.. it really did seem like DD lacked self awareness and could not keep his ego in check.

THAT BEING SAID The Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver series was interesting.
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Starflight -

Archon -

Thexder -

Xenon 2 (amiga for the better music) -


Operation Wolf:
Played at bowling alley when younger. Was cool how it had a gun to hold on to & shoot instead of just buttons & a joystick.
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Do you think a new LSL game could be released in 2024?

Without controversy? IDK, probably not. I'm not as in tune to the video game world as I used to be.

It's certainly a game that would upset some feminists if they found out about it, I think that's fair to say.

What do you think?


Sega Master System. This was a great game. They used to have it set up to play in K-Mart as a kid & I rode my bike there a played the shit out of it. Good times:)
You're such an impotent clown... We're having a discussion about throwback video games and here you are trying to act like a tough guy..

If you think making an off-handed joke about redneck rampage is 'acting like a tough guy' you must live a very sheltered life.

Its certainly a game that would upset some feminists if they found out about it, I think that's fair to say.

So you're basically agreeing with what I said in the initial comment.
Can you go flirt somewhere else please? This is a video game discussion

Last I check Lesiure Suit Larry was a video game.

It's a pretty raunchy game, so maybe you interpret anything said about it as flirting.


Do you think it would be able to be released without problem, in today's social climate?

Depends what you mean by 'problem' will there be some people writing opinion pieces about it?

Yes. That could be said for pretty much any notable game in the last 10 years. Even the most milquetoast games have people making a dialogue about it.