
Chief of Sherbro Island
Dec 1, 2021
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Time shocks, or do we shock time, do the words only float to dissect the rhyme?
Its a crime, or has the crime have been done...do the rays really come together to complete the sun?

Why is time, what does it do... are we only ones in the universe that don't have a clue?
What about you?, What do you do...what is it in this world that can turn around your blue.?

The world it spins, it has zero emotions or care, its neither biased, nor is it fair.
Its pretty clear that it does what it wants, and our little arrogance allows us to flaunt.
What it means it means and only time with tell, but at the end of our time we scream our rebel yell.

I take in the sunshine to light to my inner black, the world's in a perpetual rush..we need to fuckin relax.
Spend your time...doing exactly what you love, because the universe will exist without us so do what you've being thinking of.

So shove off to the sea to see what's your next adventure...let the waves become part of the accenture.
Don't censor yourself, let the truth become your shield...and if you hate the water, I'll meet you in the field.

Fly free my friend, so you can clip on your wings... we'll fly together through this life...and see exactly what it brings.
The bird sings, and it sings to you, it says I only thought you walked...never knew that you flew.

When the ride has stopped we'll have more to discuss, don't let yourself become stagnant because even the strongest machines are known collect rust.

Trust yourself and meditate on the better days, keep your wings a'flappin... don't let yourself get lost inside the haze.

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The idea of an infinite, uncaring universe can be a scary one, but I like the message (as I read it anwyay) that we can find our own enjoyment or meaning in the world without worrying about things too big to worry about like time or the universe.
The idea of an infinite, uncaring universe can be a scary one, but I like the message (as I read it anwyay) that we can find our own enjoyment or meaning in the world without worrying about things too big to worry about like time or the universe.

Yes sir.
I think most people worry about things they can't control... including me from time to time.
Its sort of a reminder to me and everyone that we have a choice to find what makes us truly happy.

For me its art, for someone else it would be something else.
That why I say if you hate water I'll meet you in the field.

Most people have no idea what makes them happy, and I was lucky enough to find mine.
In this piece I'm trying to help those people find their way.
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Time shocks, or do we shock time, do the words only float to dissect the rhyme?
Its a crime, or has the crime have been done...do the rays really come together to complete the sun?

Why is time, what does it do... are we only ones in the universe that don't have a clue?
What about you?, What do you do...what is it in this world that can turn around your blue.?

The world it spins, it has zero emotions or care, its neither biased, nor is it fair.
Its pretty clear that it does what it wants, and our little arrogance allows us to flaunt.
What it means it means and only time with tell, but at the end of our time we scream our rebel yell.

I take in the sunshine to light to my inner black, the world's in a perpetual rush..we need to fuckin relax.
Spend your time...doing exactly what you love, because the universe will exist without us so do what you've being thinking of.

So shove off to the sea to see what's your next adventure...let the waves become part of the accenture.
Don't censor yourself, let the truth become your shield...and if you hate the water, I'll meet you in the field.

Fly free my friend, so you can clip on your wings... we'll fly together through this life...and see exactly what it brings.
The bird sings, and it sings to you, it says I only thought you walked...never knew that you flew.

When the ride has stopped we'll have more to discuss, don't let yourself become stagnant because even the strongest machines are known collect rust.

Trust yourself and meditate on the better days, keep your wings a'flappin... don't let yourself get lost inside the haze.


Here's an instrumental for you:

You can try some others out if you like, then why not try recording some of your work to a beat?
Here's an instrumental for you:

You can try some others out if you like, then why not try recording some of your work to a beat?

A friend of makes beats and puts my stuff on it, we haven't done it in forever though.
I really like this instrumental though, thanks for that.
Thank you @StonedLemur that was both beautiful and motivating. I really needed that. It's almost like you knew...crazy..

By thinking about me, I also think about you.
We are one despite what the critics think sir.

Im here for you brother, and im not being condescending, I mean what I say brother.
Im glad you enjoyed that one and felt the love from it, it was definitely done on purpose...not porpoise...but purpose lol.

Much love.
thanks for tagging me big bro. Beautiful

I was anxious though at first reading the thread title. Thought this was about someone @Poirierfan and I know lmao.

I know that cunt too sir, he thinks he's a tough guy lol.

No problem btw, I always think of you when I write.
Great stuff sir

Its not bad, but I'm always striving for a masterpiece.
Salvador Dali said... don't bother reaching for perfection, because you'll never reach it...love that guy, but that's a fuckin defeatist attitude lol.

You end up reading the ones I sent you sir?
Its not bad, but I'm always striving for a masterpiece.
Salvador Dali said... don't bother reaching for perfection, because you'll never reach it...love that guy, but that's a fuckin defeatist attitude lol.

You end up reading the ones I sent you sir?
Yeah I have read heaps of them!
Keep them coming sir!